All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
797 Chapters
Chapter 601
Giselle's cool remark came as a relief for Sage, and even more so for Shane. Shane, who was in the middle of a drinking bet with Calvin, set his glass down and went over to Giselle when he overheard her talking about calling off the engagement. "Have you finally come around?"Giselle concealed her disappointment from him and scoffed. "I never liked you that much in the first place. I was just misled by our parents. Now, I'm free from heartache, and it's your turn to experience it. I hope you get it worse than me!"As if that wasn't enough, she turned to Sage. "Sage, I'll leave him to you now!"Feeling both entertained and speechless, Sage did not reply to Giselle. Shane nonchalantly remarked, "It's good. I don't mind suffering a little heartache for Sage. A good life is made up of various new experiences, after all!"Sage and Giselle stared at him wordlessly.Calvin, unhappy to see Shane close to Sage, challenged him. "Hey, Shane, are you chickening out? Let's keep on drinking!
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Chapter 602
Ian remained close to her. He trapped her with an arm and said, "You have agreed to accept me as one of your suitors. Yet, you are still hostile to me, unlike how you treated Shane."He recalled the way Shane had unabashedly left the company in Sage's car. When Sage left the Tate family, she made Shane drive her and Tiana home. On top of that, their chemistry in the lounge pissed him off.Looking up, she glared at him. "I'm being nice by not kicking you out!"Holding his temper in, he couldn't help but hug her. "My Sage, I promise that nothing from your dream would actually happen. Don't hate me, please."She was surprised by his words. Even if the past events did not reoccur in this life, the trauma wouldn't go away. Just as she opened her mouth, she heard Giselle shouting at her. "Sage Joyner!" She turned around and met Giselle's eyes. Giselle gasped. "Oh, is this why you've been away forever? You're hanging out with Mr. Holcomb?"Sage shoved Ian away in frustration and shame.
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Chapter 603
Sage felt slightly stung when Ian brought up the abortion. Indeed, she had been resentful of him because he had forced her into an abortion. She hated the fact that he had stopped her from strangling Ivy, and for refusing to believe that she was carrying his child.However, when she calmed down and gave it more thought, she realized that it was her fault for misleading Ian in the first place by claiming that Shane was the father.Besides, given Ian's skeptical personality, his distrust did not come as a surprise.She shrugged his hand off and mumbled, "I don't resent you. It's all in the past anyway."After that, she paid no more attention to him and headed back to the lounge.…That night, Tiana successfully got herself drunk. Sage had to help her into a cab at the end of the night.In the cab, Tiana rested her head on Sage's shoulder and muttered, "Sage, I feel so relieved and exhilarated. The last two years were so frustrating.""Right? You should have let go earlier." Sage
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Chapter 604
Michael remained popular and in demand after his recent win. Sage dared not make him pick her up to avoid media attention and any subsequent scandals.She changed into a slightly formal evening dress. She didn't pay much attention to her attire, thinking that her attendance at the charity dinner was merely to fill seats. After she put on some simple makeup and styled her hair into a bun, she drove to the event venue from Donald's place.Upon arrival, she realized that Michael had understated the scale of the event. The grand charity dinner was graced by the presence of some celebrities and notable figures in Haldon City, alongside multiple media outlets.Feeling like a fish out of water, she nonetheless thought she should at least meet up with Michael and offer him some words of encouragement since she was already there.She presented her invitation card and wandered into the venue. Right when she planned to call Michael, she noticed a handsome figure approaching her. "Ms. Joyn
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Chapter 605
Abby showed up in a soft pink haute couture evening dress with a matching hime cut. Her pink-toned makeup further enhanced her lovely, demure appearance. She linked arms with a man in his 50s.The towering man was dressed in a tuxedo. Though he seemed gentle and reserved, he carried himself with an authoritative air."This is my dad." Abby introduced Dale to Sage. "I forced him to come to the charity dinner because my favorite piece of jewelry is on auction tonight!"She then introduced Sage to Dale. "Dad, this is Sage Joyner. She took care of me when we were at Southbend County!""Thank you, Ms. Joyner, for taking care of Abby," Dale said warmly.Sage replied graciously, "Mr. Sutton, don't mention it. It was no trouble at all.""Ms. Joyner, let me know if you have any piece of jewelry in mind. I'll bid it for you as a thank-you gift!" Abby offered.Sage shook her head with a smile. "It's fine. Think about it, I didn't help you much. Besides, I'm just here to visit a friend, not
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Chapter 606
Sage nodded. "Sure."Some guests approached Dale for a chat. Seeing that, Sage excused herself and made her way to the balcony.The sky had darkened, and the city's skyline was lit up brightly. Holding the railing, she enjoyed the brilliant night view.Soon, Michael found her on the balcony and joined her. He first apologized for leaving her alone, but she stopped him. Then, he brought up his bandmates, who had been talking nonstop about meeting Sage.Sage readily agreed. "Of course. Let's meet up. By the way, I was thinking of recommending you as a brand ambassador for my friend's distillery.""Mimosa Cellar?" Michael blurted out before blushing shyly. "I remember that brand because you once went viral on Twitter because of how you downed their vodka."Surprised by his memory of such a distant incident, she nodded. "Yeah. I have some stocks in Mimosa. The company is applying for an IPO, which is why it's looking for a suitable brand ambassador to promote the brand."Michael imm
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Chapter 607
Michael stared at Ian, perplexed. "What's the matter, Mr. Holcomb?""Your suit isn't from the latest season," Ian commented flatly. Now, even Sage was confused by Ian's intentions. Did he stop Michael just to comment on Michael's attire? But Ian wasn't the type who'd pay attention to fashion details.Michael glanced at his suit but did not find anything amiss. He admitted, "Yeah. I've owned this for a few months. Anything wrong with that?""Mike said that he wore this suit to the event because it was meaningful for him," Dave chimed in. "If there are any concerns regarding the suit, we're open to making adjustments."Dave, being a seasoned expert, was acutely conscious of Ian Holcomb's social standing. They couldn't risk offending Ian, someone even the event host sought to please.Ian chuckled and casually inquired, "How meaningful is the suit to you?"Michael replied calmly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Holcomb. I don't feel comfortable sharing details of my personal life with you.""Watc
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Chapter 608
"You don't remember?" Sage found the notion incredulous. "Ian Holcomb, are you denying what you've done?"She rattled off, "You spent our 5th anniversary celebrating Ivy Shekdotter's birthday. Did you not buy her flowers? You rushed to the hospital at night to visit her when she was injured by a falling lamp. Didn't you buy two pairs of identical earrings, one for her and one for me?"Ian found her accusations ridiculous. "Uncle Ron called me to their place on that day. I had no idea it was Ivy's birthday, so I couldn't have bought her flowers."As for the diamond earrings, I have not bought anything of that sort. The diamond earrings I gave you were from Ivy. "I admit I was wrong to give you a gift from her, but I thought it'd make your day because you seemed moody that day. That's why I accepted the earrings Ivy prepared."Sage was stunned by Ian's revelation. Did Ivy stage the photo with the flowers and add the caption to annoy her?What about the earrings? Sage thought, "Did
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Chapter 609
Nevertheless, Sage was not going to join him at his table. It wouldn't make sense for her to join her ex-husband.With that in mind, she shifted her attention away from Ian's seating arrangement and headed to the washroom.After spending some time in the cubicle, she heard some excited gossip among some women when she was about to leave."Did you see Mr. Holcomb? Just look at his face, his body, and the way he carries himself. Oh my god!""Right? He beats all the celebrities at this event in the looks department."Sage couldn't help but sigh. Ian would always be the ladies' favorite with those good looks."I heard that Ms. Sutton chatted with him when he first arrived. They seemed well-acquainted, and they're now having dinner at the same table. Do you think they're headed for an arranged marriage?"Before Sage opened the door, another woman said, "I think that's possible, but isn't Mr. Holcomb a married man? There were rumors of him keeping a mistress before this."Another chi
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Chapter 610
The hall was abuzz with speculation and shock at Ian's bid. Previously, the bidders had merely increased their bids by small increments, but Ian had immediately doubled Abby's.Someone surmised, "Why would Mr. Holcomb attempt to outbid Ms. Sutton, especially knowing her interest in the brooch? Is he planning to win the bid and gift her the brooch to woo her?""I heard the Suttons are interested in a project in Haldon City, and they intend to discuss a partnership with Holcomb Corporation. It makes sense for Mr. Holcomb to display his earnestness toward his potential business partners."Were the Suttons debating on a business partnership with the Holcombs? Sage could not recall this event happening in her past life.Observing her silence, Michael leaned in and whispered, "Ms. Joyner, please disregard the speculations. I think he bid on the brooch for you."Sage smiled gratefully at him. "That's kind of you, but you don't have to comfort me. He has the freedom to give the brooch to
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