All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
801 Chapters
Chapter 61
Susan said boldly, "While you're at it, ask Ian if he can put in a good word for your uncle with Pacific Group. Owen wants to partner up with them!"It was just as she expected.Sage said straight away, "Aunt Susan, Ian won't listen to me. I won't talk to him about these kinds of things, either."Susan was upset. "Sage, you have shares in Maven Corporation too. Why are you so nonchalant about company matters? If the business deal is sealed, you'll reap benefits too!""How can you ask Sage to ask these things of Ian?" Donald spoke up. "In the eyes of outsiders, our family is already dependent on the Holcomb family, but now, you're troubling them even more."Sage is stuck in between, so think of how she'll feel!"Susan said, a little dejectedly, "Dad, you know how hard it is to run a business these days. Pacific refuses to meet with us, but they have business dealings with Holcomb Corporation."If Ian gets involved, we can seal the deal for sure!"Donald retorted, "They must have
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Chapter 62
After that, Sage fell into Ian's arms.A faint cedar fragrance entered her nostrils along with his masculine scent. Sage shuddered a little.Recently, she had gotten into a few accidents with Ian, which resulted in some physical contact, but this was her first time getting hugged by him like this.His chest was firm and hot, and the warmth of his skin reached her as it traveled through their thin clothes.Their bodies were close together, and Sage could even feel Ian's thumping heart.She had desired and imagined the hug countless times in her past life. Now, she had finally obtained it.Ian felt Sage's delicate body. He was also very aware of her scent now that she was in his arms.Perhaps because his fever had heightened his senses, he felt as if Sage was like a puddle of water melting onto his body. His breaths turned rough and hasty.As Ian imagined Sage's softness and moistness, something came over him. Turning around, he tried to pin her under him.But then, Sage seemed
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Chapter 63
Sage was furious as she thought, "What's wrong with Ian? He's being so unreasonable!"Sage knew that even if she tried to drag him out, she wouldn't be able to succeed. So, she dashed over and grabbed the pillow Ian was leaning against."Fine! Stay here all you like! I'm going to sleep in the guest room!"When Ian heard that, he closed his eyes. He was indifferent to her words.With the pillow in her arms, Sage went to check on the guest rooms. The beds were all empty, and there wasn't any bedding to be found. It was only then that Sage realized why Ian didn't respond to her words.Sage could sleep on the couch or a bare bed, but she didn't see why she should suffer.Holding the pillow in her arms, she stomped back to the master bedroom. She wanted to drive Ian out, but then, she saw him on a video call with Donald."Grandpa, Sage is here." Ian aimed the phone at her.Sage hastily put on a smile. "Grandpa, why are you still awake so late at night?""You didn't call me when you
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Chapter 64
People on the Internet were saying that Benjamin was shameless and despicable. They were saying that he had forgotten his roots. People were saying that the orphanage was using the girls, and others were blaming it on how society currently was.Of course, there were also people who expressed support and satisfaction at what Priscilla had done.Sage was astonished. After what Priscilla had said yesterday, Sage had guessed that she would be taking action. However, she hadn't expected Priscilla to use Benjamin's phone to post such an Instagram story!Now she and Benjamin had completely fallen out. Mimosa could forget about financing. Even their reputation and sales would be greatly affected.Those who envied Mimosa would grab the chance to kick them while they were down. Sage immediately sent a "hug" emoji to Priscilla.The Xenith family must be a veritable battlefield right now. It wouldn't be appropriate for her to call, so she could only use this way to give Priscilla a li
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Chapter 65
Ivy had analyzed the situation correctly.Whether it was those who had a hold over Benjamin or those who were using the opportunity to lay their own plans, none of them would have leaked this to Priscilla.After all, this wouldn't benefit anyone.However, not only had Priscilla found out about the news, but she had also managed to find evidence of Benjamin's deeds very quickly. She had then taken destructive action that would affect them both. She had made Benjamin become a joke overnight. Mimosa had also lost the chance for financing and listing because of the scandal. The more important thing was that Bolton would also be criticized by those who knew the truth because they had helped Benjamin."It's not true that it won't benefit anyone." Ian's voice was impassive. "If someone knew that they wouldn't be able to get the project, then the only thing they could do would be to stir things up and make a mess."Ivy immediately realized what he meant. "Farsight Investment?"Ian pr
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Chapter 66
Sage arrived at the sports complex.She was fed up thinking about Mimosa and Priscilla, and she needed to vent.Everyone at the sports complex had great figures, and Sage forgot about her troubles quickly. She was too busy trying to take all the sights in.Of course, she maintained a calm exterior, looking both ladylike and aloof. Many of the people who were working out also glanced over at her. Sage wasn't used to it.In the past, she had been very confident about herself, and she had been a showy kind of person no matter what she did. It was a pity that the indifference Ian had shown toward her had gradually made her doubt herself. She had begun to think of herself as inferior.She had those thoughts every day, and her temper grew worse. Her personality became very peculiar, too. "You're here, miss!"Sage was about to go and get changed when Michael walked toward her. He was wearing a camouflage print T-shirt, and he greeted her politely. "Yes, I had time to come and tr
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Chapter 67
Michael said hurriedly, "You don't need to pay for classes. I can teach you for free.""Listen to what you're saying! How can you push a client away like that? I chose your classes because I approve of you, and if you don't teach me… Well, I'll change my mind. I don't need you to teach me for free."Sage spoke matter-of-factly, and Michael was persuaded. "Miss, I will definitely teach you well!""That's better."Sage handed the money over. She saw that it was getting late, so after a shower, she grabbed her bag and headed toward her car.Then she saw a burly man rush out all of a sudden. He began swinging punches at someone in front. "You asshole! How dare you take my clients again!" Sage looked up and saw that the attacker was the burly trainer she had followed previously, and the person he was attacking was Michael.The attack had not succeeded because Michael had dodged quickly. The burly man had gotten a pair of nunchucks out of nowhere. He wasn't just trying to look
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Chapter 68
Ian watched Sage indifferently. Her head was lifted high, revealing her long, slender neck. Her pretty features were especially striking under the lights.The man she was defending was looking gratefully at her with shining eyes. This made Ian feel irritated. "You don't need to sound so righteous. You're just like other women. Your husband is old and ugly, so you signed up for this handsome young man's class to seduce— Ow!"The burly trainer hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly let out a yell of pain. Michael had punched his jaw!"Don't talk nonsense!"The trainer sprawled on the ground, and blood spurted out of his mouth and nose. He covered his mouth, whimpering in pain. "Are you crazy? How could you be so aggressive!"Michael was just a part-time worker, after all. The manager panicked when he saw their full-time worker bleeding."Ken is right. A young and pretty woman like her who is so extravagant in spending is either someone's sugar baby or is married to an old
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Chapter 69
Ian's way of dealing with things so haughtily nearly gave Sage a heart attack.She didn't want to concern herself with him anymore. Instead, she asked Michael gently, "Are you hurt? Do you want to get anything checked at the hospital?"Michael didn't look too embarrassed. He withdrew his hand and shook his head, saying, "I'm okay, miss. I'm really sorry about today. I didn't mean to drag you into this mess.""What do you mean by that? It was their fault in the first place. It's getting late. You should get back."Michael nodded and said, "Okay."As soon as Michael was gone, Sage looked at Ian rather angrily and said, "Don't you know basic manners? Why did you ignore his hand?""Are you very close with him?" Ian asked instead of answering Sage's question. "Why does he call you 'miss' like that?""So what if he calls me that? Ivy calls you 'Iany,' and I've never had any qualms about it!"Ian was stunned by what Sage said. His face darkened as he said, "Sage, don't be ridiculous.
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Chapter 70
Sage and Ian entered Solaris Estate one after another after reaching it.When she entered the bedroom, Sage realized that Wanda hadn't removed all of Ian's things as she was told.Fortunately, Ian didn't want to enter her bedroom tonight, so Sage just went in and locked the door from the inside.She then lay down on the bed. It felt as if she could still feel Ian lying down next to her, making her twist and turn in bed, unable to have a good night's sleep.In the end, she gave up. She got out of bed and threw all of Ian's things into the corridor outside her room. She then dusted off her hands and flopped back down onto her bed. She hugged her pillow and fell asleep at once.By the time Sage woke up the next day, Ian was nowhere to be found. His things were still lying outside her door, however.After telling Wanda to clean up the mess, Sage looked at her phone and saw that news about Mimosa had been trending online again.Benjamin and Priscilla had gotten divorced in record tim
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