All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
799 Chapters
Chapter 701
Wendy's words immediately drew reactions from those around her. Their expressions turned curious and intrigued. They looked over at Tiana and Calvin."What affair are you talking about?" Sage quickly interjected. "Tiana's already divorced your son. Even if she's in a new relationship now, what does that have to do with you?"You just claimed Dr. Gates is deeply in love with your son and wants him to take responsibility, but now when it comes to Tiana, you call it an affair. Stop being so hypocritical!"The onlookers turned back to Wendy. It was as if they were expecting her to argue some more."Who's being hypocritical?" Wendy snapped, fuming. "Tiana was already involved with this guy before she divorced Wilson. I've always known this man had bad intentions towards her!"Only Wilson would believe Tiana's lies. The truth is she's a—"Before Wendy could finish her sentence, she caught a chilling look from Calvin. Despite Calvin's non-threatening appearance, Wendy was intimidated by
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Chapter 702
Tiana shook her head. "I know his mom. If I don't go, she'll use this as an excuse to cause trouble at my hospital every day. To keep things peaceful, I need to visit her.""She caused the trouble herself and still has the nerve to bother you. She's used to bullying you and thinks she can still push you around!" Sage said angrily. "I'll go with you. I'm not afraid of her. I'll back you up!""No need," Tiana replied. "I don't want her saying nasty things to you. Don't worry. I'm not afraid of her. I'll explain everything in front of Wilson. If she still wants to make a fuss, I won't tolerate it.""Sage, you go home. I'll go with Tiana," Calvin said. "Since this happened at the mall, it's my responsibility to visit Mrs. Tate and see what her intentions are. Plus, it gives me a chance to gauge the situation."With Calvin accompanying her, Tiana wouldn't be at a disadvantage. It would also show Wilson that Tiana had support and wasn't dependent on him. It was like killing two birds wit
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Chapter 703
Tiana remained silent as her gaze was fixed on Calvin.Calvin didn't wait for her to prompt him. He continued, "I have to admit, I haven't always had pure intentions toward you."Tiana, I understand you've just come out of a divorce and might not be ready for a new relationship. I've been keeping my feelings to myself because I was afraid of scaring you off.""But now, I don't want to hide my feelings anymore." Calvin held Tiana's gaze steadily. "Tiana, I like you."Even though Tiana had sensed this was coming, hearing Calvin express his emotions still caught her off guard. Considering Calvin's status, many socialites and women would eagerly pursue him. But Calvin confessed to liking her instead. He even acknowledged his intentions hadn't always been pure."You don't need to reject me by saying I deserve someone better or that there are women more suitable for me," he added."I've met plenty of women, had my share of encounters, and maintained numerous female friendships. I've
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Chapter 704
But now, Calvin was sitting beside her, openly expressing his feelings.Calvin had taken all her concerns into account and addressed them. He even endeavored to become the successful man he believed she admired.What woman wouldn't have been moved by such deep affection?Tiana's voice was unexpectedly husky. "Calvin, I don't deserve your affection. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed."Calvin chuckled softly. "Don't talk nonsense. Choosing to like you is my decision. You don't need to fear anything, and there's no question of worthiness."Tiana, you're exceptional and wonderful. You'll always be deserving of anyone's affection. Don't doubt yourself because of one failed marriage."Warmth filled Tiana's heart once more. She had never heard such touching words before. Whether Calvin spoke from the heart or his understanding of women, Tiana was deeply thankful to him."Calvin, thank you. But as you said, I've just come out of a failed marriage, and I'm not ready to start a new relati
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Chapter 705
Tiana and Calvin first got an update from the doctor about Wendy's condition.Wendy had a bruise on her forehead and several scrapes on her elbow and body. The most serious injuries were fractures to her spine and leg, which required hospitalization.Fortunately, the escalator wasn't very high, and Wendy didn't land headfirst, so there were no further, more serious injuries.After getting the details, they were about to enter the hospital ward when Tiana saw Wilson approaching.He was dressed casually but still looked staggering. However, his usually expressionless, handsome face seemed to show a hint of weariness.Calvin stepped forward and handed Wilson a gift box prepared by his assistant."Dr. Tate, we're very sorry about what happened tonight. Our mall will cover your mother's medical and nutritional expenses. If she has any other needs, please let me know," Calvin said."But you can't ask for too much. Tonight's incident happened suddenly, and, understandably, the mall's s
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Chapter 706
But Tiana didn't want to hear it. "If that's all, I'm leaving.""Wait. There's more," Wilson said quickly. "The night I got drunk, I fell asleep in the car. Dr. Gates had the driver help me upstairs. I didn't know she stayed over.""She just sat by the bed all night. Nothing happened," Wilson explained.Tiana found it laughable. "Why are you explaining this to me? We're nothing to each other now. What happens between you and anyone else is none of my business."Wilson was momentarily taken aback but pushed on."Tiana, I know you don't want anyone to know about our past, so I haven't contacted you these past few days. I didn't want to cause you any trouble or gossip. But I felt you needed to know the truth."Wilson rarely spoke so much at once. He looked a bit desperate as if he was trying to mend things.Tiana scoffed. "Wilson, now that we're divorced, you're rushing to explain things. But when we were married, you never said anything, and you never cared if I misunderstood you.
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Chapter 707
Faced with his mother's displeasure, Wilson stayed silent. However, Lana tactfully suggested leaving."Mrs. Tate, it's getting late. I'll come see you again tomorrow.""You don't have to do that, Dr. Gates. I'll arrange for a caregiver for Mom," Wilson stated bluntly.Lana hesitated briefly and left the hospital room without a word.Wendy was very unhappy. "Wilson, what are you doing? What did Lana do to deserve this?"Wilson replied coldly, "Tiana took care of you day and night before. You never thanked her for anything.""What should I thank her for? Shouldn't a daughter-in-law take care of her sick mother-in-law?" Wendy sneered. "What are you holding in your hand?" With that, Wendy noticed the gift box in her son's hand and suddenly realized something."Did Tiana just come by? How come she only brought these two measly gifts? Does she think she can brush off what happened tonight without even facing us? Is she feeling guilty?"Wilson said, "I didn't let her in.""Why didn
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Chapter 708
"Dr. Gates, I appreciate your help the last time I was drunk, but we're just friends now. Please don't involve yourself in my family matters anymore. I'm afraid it might upset Tiana," Wilson stated directly.Though Lana felt uncomfortable, she still spoke up. "But you two—""We're divorced, but she's the only one I care about," Wilson affirmed firmly.Feeling embarrassed by Wilson's repeated rejection, Lana covered her mouth and left. Wilson didn't follow or pay her any attention. Instead, he sat wearily in the corridor.…When Tiana returned, Sage asked her about what had happened. Upon hearing Calvin's confession, Sage was delighted. "I knew he liked you! But why hasn't he made any moves lately? What's with all this focus on his career?"Tiana shared Calvin's words with Sage, and she was also moved by Calvin's actions. "He's really something. He even considered every little detail! Tiana, why not give him a chance? Even though he's Ian's best friend, he seems much more depe
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Chapter 709
Sage calmly replied, "Even if Ian took charge of this project himself, it wouldn't affect me. I've long since lost any feelings for him."Shane still felt uneasy. "Let's switch to another project. The renewable energy sector looks promising.""Renewable energy is fine, but why give up on CureX Pharmaceuticals?"Sage continued, "If, as you say, Ian only got involved because of me, what makes you think he wouldn't do the same with renewable energy? Are you going to give up every project to avoid him?"Shane said, "As long as I'm not giving you up, I don't care about the projects."Sage remarked, "I didn't expect you to be such a romantic, Shane."Shane leaned in closer. "So, Sage, you're admitting we're in a relationship?"Sage refused to entertain his nonsense. "Enough joking around. We can't drop the CureX project."Sage swiftly made a decision. "I'll have Giselle revise the contract and the proposal. We'll call a meeting with the investment team tomorrow."Even if it meant in
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Chapter 710
Sage started, "I—""Well said. Everyone, keep all of this here!" Shane said, clearly pleased. The staff all smiled and started showering compliments and praise on Shane. Sage wanted to explain, but she couldn't get a word in, so she gave up.Upon seeing this, Shane's smile grew even more dazzling and charming.Changing clothes, picking accessories, and getting hair and makeup done took a couple of hours. But at the end of it, Sage looked in the mirror and had to admit that the professionals had done a remarkable job highlighting all her best features.Shane, on the other hand, had changed into a white suit and slicked his hair back. What could have been a disaster for anyone else looked naturally elegant and striking on him.Once they were both ready, it was nearly time to leave. Shane's assistant carried several gifts and followed them to the parking lot.Owen's birthday party was set at a five-star hotel. The driver pulled up to the entrance. Soon, a doorman and valet came ov
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