All Chapters of A Farewell After Being Reborn: Chapter 781 - Chapter 790
803 Chapters
Chapter 781
Tiana looked up. Calvin was walking over.He gently took her hand and asked, "Are you okay?"Tiana smiled and nodded, saying, "It's okay."Wendy and Larry naturally noticed Calvin as well.Wendy knew Calvin and had long suspected his relationship with Tiana was special. Now, seeing him holding Tiana's hand, she spoke in a slightly serious tone."Mr. Luther, is it? Tiana is Wilson's wife. Don't you think what you're doing is inappropriate?"Calvin calmly said, "Mrs. Tate, what you're saying isn't true. Tiana and Dr. Tate are already divorced, and she is now my girlfriend."When the word "girlfriend" was mentioned, Wendy's and Larry's expressions changed immediately.Wendy especially could hardly believe that Calvin wanted Tiana to be his girlfriend!In her mind, Calvin, being a wealthy young man, was probably just interested in Tiana for the novelty and was toying with her.How could he possibly not mind that Tiana was divorced? He was definitely just putting on an act, trying
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Chapter 782
"As long as Wilson doesn't go to such a dangerous place, I'll do anything. Tiana, what will it take for you to get over it? Should I kneel before you? I'll kneel right now!"Wendy suddenly tried to get out of her wheelchair to kneel before Tiana as she was speaking."Wendy, what are you doing?" Larry quickly stopped her.Wendy struggled and said, "Don't worry about me. I can't let my son go abroad to such a dangerous place. Isn't he trying to get remarried? I'll beg Tiana, even if I have to kneel…"Even though this was a small path with not many people passing by, Wendy's demeanor nonetheless attracted a fair amount of onlookers.Tiana wanted to leave, but Wendy grabbed her clothes and kept begging her to remarry Wilson.Wendy's crying was heartbreaking, and she looked especially weary. Sitting in a wheelchair, she had the appearance of a pitiful, helpless person.Calvin could only warn them verbally, feeling it wasn't appropriate to get physical."Dad, Mom."Just as Tiana and
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Chapter 783
"Even if you can endure it, I don't want to see you feeling awkward," Tiana continued. "And I certainly don't want you to build up resentment toward me every time something like this happens."So, rather than ending up as resentful partners, it's better to break up now."Hearing what Tiana said, Calvin felt both amused and exasperated. "How would your past marriage make things awkward for me?"A divorce isn't a permanent mark of shame. Tiana, your way of thinking is completely wrong."Tiana felt both touched and a bit bitter upon hearing those words. "So, you not speaking in the car wasn't because you were mad at me, right?"Calvin helplessly took Tiana's hand and said, "I'm not angry, especially not at you. I'm just worried."Tiana asked in confusion, "Worried about what?"Calvin said, "You've always had strong feelings for Dr. Tate. If it hadn't been for that day at the restaurant when Mrs. Tate forcefully took you back home and caused a huge scene, you wouldn't have divorced
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Chapter 784
Sage didn't feel awkward at all. She even leaned over to Tiana and said, "Tiana, your relationship is developing quickly. When are you moving on to the next stage?"Tiana gave Sage a nudge and said, "I'm not moving on to the next phase. I want to live with you until you get sick of me!""Wow, you have such impure thoughts, Tiana! I was talking about pure passionate love, and you went straight to thinking about living together!" Sage teased.Tiana covered Sage's mouth in embarrassment. "Stop!"The two bickered as they went upstairs.Sage also learned from Tiana that Wilson was going to join Doctors Without Borders. She was slightly surprised.In the past life, Tiana, heartbroken, joined Doctors Without Borders and went abroad to work as a nurse. In this life, had it become Wilson who was leaving?"What are you thinking about for you to make that expression?" Tiana asked curiously.Sage smiled and said, "It's nothing."She opened her arms and hugged Tiana. "Tiana, it's wonderful
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Chapter 785
Sage asked while playing with Thorn, "What is it, Ms. Sutton?"Abby, feeling a bit embarrassed, said, "Leo is really serious about the idea of me marrying Mr. Holcomb."I've heard that Leo's been putting a lot of pressure on him lately. He even reached out to some board members to try to have him removed from his position as CEO."Sage paused slightly while petting the cat. Shane had previously informed her that Leo was contacting shareholders to target Ian and try to sideline him.At that time, Shane also guessed that Leo was trying to force Ian to agree to something. It now seemed that he was correct.Leo wanted to use this situation to force Ian and Abby into an arranged marriage."Mr. Holcomb is not the type to sit around and wait for things to happen."Over the years, he has achieved a lot in Holcomb Corporation, and everyone has seen it. That's why many board members support him. It's just that…"Abby hesitated for a moment.Seeing that Sage stayed silent, she continued
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Chapter 786
"I thought we became good friends after that. When I heard about your past with Mr. Holcomb, I took it upon myself to try and help you two out."If what I'm doing is making you uncomfortable, I'm sorry."Abby's sincere words made Sage feel like she was making a big deal out of nothing.Was Abby paying attention to her because of these reasons at the housewarming party before?No matter what, once a seed of doubt was planted in someone's heart, it would become very difficult to trust the other person completely.Sage maintained a polite tone. "Ms. Sutton, what I did was just a small favor. There's no need to dwell on it. I would have done the same for anyone else."So, please refrain from getting involved in matters between Ian and me in the future.""Alright, I understand. I'll be more careful in the future," Abby apologized sweetly before switching the topic. "Ms. Joyner, about that issue with Mr. Morrison last time, I still feel really bad about it."I said I would treat you
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Chapter 787
Hearing what Shane said, Sage felt a slight pang of bitterness in her heart.Shane once said that the people in the Morrison family were quite firm in their beliefs. Sage didn't know if George would relent.But Shane was determined when he arranged to meet her that time, with absolutely no intention of compromise.A lot of unexpected things could happen in a year. Plus, one of the conditions the Morrison family gave Shane likely included reducing or avoiding contact with her. Otherwise, Shane wouldn't be so cautious.Sage understood this clearly in her heart, but at this moment, she couldn't bring herself to speak such harsh words.She also switched to a more relaxed tone, saying, "By then, my career should have stabilized, and I'll probably have time to think about my love life."Just as she said that, Sage sensed someone approaching the door.Lifting her head, Sage saw Giselle there, holding a clipboard, as well as the graceful and composed Marcus.The office door was open, a
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Chapter 788
"I need to find the person in charge and get this sorted out right now!"Giselle hurriedly left, leaving Sage and Marcus sitting in the private room.Sage felt a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry for making you spend so much, Mr. Rosethorn."Marcus smiled faintly. "There's no need to be so formal with me, Ms. Joyner. I can see that Elle is very happy working with you."She has become much more cheerful and confident, no longer acting like a spoiled princess and showing more consideration for others. We have you to thank for that."Sage said seriously, "Giselle herself is very talented. Perhaps you didn't notice her strengths before because you always saw her as a child."Marcus glanced to the side and remarked, "No wonder Elle likes you, Ms. Joyner. You are very sincere and have unique insights."Sage smiled. "People on the same wavelength can usually get along. I also like Giselle."Soon, Giselle came back and told Marcus, "Your influence isn't as significant as Mr. Holcomb's."I j
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Chapter 789
Since the last time Sage overheard Ian and Leo arguing in the study, she hadn't seen Leo at the manor again.She didn't expect Leo to come today.When Matilda saw him, the cheerful smile on her face faded a bit, replaced by a hint of indifference.Maybe because of Leo's strict demeanor, Sandy seemed to have become less cheerful. She moved over to Sage, who was the closest person to her.Sage gently took Sandy's hand to console her as she respectfully called out to Leo, "Mr. Holcomb."Leo's expression was always stern, and his eyes carried an air of undeniable superiority. When he heard Sage's greeting, he furrowed his brow slightly and gave a perfunctory nod."I told you not to come back without a good reason. Look at you, wearing that stern expression. You've scared Sandy," Linda scolded.Leo said, "She's spoiled by all of you, which is why she acts like a child. She's almost an adult now, but she has no opinions of her own and can't take care of herself!"Sandy shivered sligh
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Chapter 790
"Sage, is it because Ian treated you poorly that you want to be with this guy instead?" Sandy asked softly.Sage looked at Sandy. "Why are you asking, Sandy?""I overheard Grandma and Mom talking. Grandma sighed a lot and said that you used to really like Ian, but he hurt you a lot."Sage remained silent.Sandy continued, "Ian saw this drawing before, too. He seemed very upset and kept staring at it without saying anything."I asked him whether you would still come and spend time with me, but he didn't answer."Sage gently ruffled Sandy's hair and said, "Don't worry. What's between your brother and me doesn't concern you. Whenever I have time, I'll come to see you."Sage didn't know what Sandy was thinking of when her gaze became slightly dim."Mom also said that the issues between her and Dad had nothing to do with me. But I know that's not true."Back in Yremdale, when Dad went to visit Mom, they argued about things concerning me several times. Although Mom tried to avoid le
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