All Chapters of Lycans of Lunar Isle: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
106 Chapters
Chapter 60
OpheliaAn hour later, and I was ready to strangle each and every one of Lucille’s friends. If one could even call them that.Mrs. Samuels, an older woman who would’ve appeared elegant if not for the perpetual sneer on her face, continued to ask me for every nutritional fact for every dish placed in front of her. After the fifth time, I started lying.“This honey braised Atlantic Bluefin is sugar and fat free? How delightful!”I smiled until my cheeks ached, barely holding back the urge to roll my eyes. We were werewolves, for crying out loud! What did the sugar content in a baked fish matter?Mrs. Denmark, who sat to the left of Lucille, prodded her fish with her fork. She by far looked the youngest of the bunch, her dark skin free of any wrinkles. The only creases on her face were around her eyes, telling me she either smiled or scowled a lot.I was willing to bet it was the latter.“When was this fish caught?” She sniffed, “I only eat seafood if it’s been captured the same day.”I
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Chapter 61
OpheliaRyker, Jude, and Kimberly returned the very next day.“We managed to find another two demons after the one Jude interrogated,” Ryker supplied, looking much too appealing in his crisp suit. This one was the color of storm clouds and matched his intoxicating eyes perfectly. “They were lower level, so we weren’t able to get any information from them.”Nova frowned and brushed a lock of pale hair from her face. She peeked into the dining room and called out, “The tables been set.”We were going to discuss everything we’d learned over dinner. I wasn’t sure how to reveal what Lucille had told us without alerting Kimberly to the fact that we used magic on her mother, but I was sure I’d figure something out.I turned to Ryker. Butterflies swarmed my stomach. I pushed them down, along with the blush that rose to my cheeks.“How exactly do you kill a demon?”His thick brows gnashed together, telling me this was a sore subject for him.“The only way to expel the demon back to their realm
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Chapter 62
Ophelia“Oh, shit. Oh, shit.” Nova murmured, leaning into Sterling’s side.My lips popped open in mock surprise, “Oh, gosh! I wasn’t supposed to say that, was I? Sorry, I’ve never been a good secret keeper.”It was petty, but I didn’t care.Sterling snickered under his breath, “I fucking love you, Ophelia.”“She’s my mother, Ryker! My mother!” Kimberly squealed, her voice ratcheting in volume, “How dare you go behind my back. I’m going to be your Luna! You can’t keep blatantly disrespecting me like this. I won’t stand for it. I already told you my mother is off limits. OFF! LIMITS!”“For fucks sake,” Jude snarled, “Shut the fuck up already. Can’t you see he doesn’t give a fuck?”“You shut up! You’re just mad we’re visiting your dead mommy’s house for a séance. You’re an angry little boy who—”A fractured, unhinged sort of rage filled Jude’s eyes. His teeth were bared, clenched so hard I could hear them grinding against one another like stone on stone. The sound that flew past his lips
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Chapter 63
OpheliaWhile Sterling and Nova set up the candles, because apparently spirits enjoyed the “spooky atmosphere”, I couldn’t help but wander around the hollow shell of the home Jude had grown up in.The longer I looked, the more I learned about Regina Romero.After the death of Ryker’s mother, Regina had been quick to swoop in and claim Alpha Matteo for her own.That kind of cold cunning was reflected in the layout of her home, in the pale walls and marble floors, in the expensive furniture hiding beneath the thick layer of dust. Even the chandelier, which held hundreds, if not thousands, of crystals screamed soulless elegance.What I found most surprising were the framed photographs hanging on the walls and perched on the mantle of the great fire place.As though there were a tether attached to my chest, to some dark part of me that wanted to know the secrets hidden in these walls, I was drawn to the photos.Each one was professionally taken, that much was obvious at first glance. The
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Chapter 64
OpheliaThe sneer laced within her voice made me bristle, especially since it was directed towards Jude and Jude alone.Sterling snapped his fingers impatiently, “Eyes on me, Regina. I’m the one that called you here. I can banish you just as quickly if you choose not to answer our questions.”Her expression turned to one of innocence, but it was all a farce. Beneath it’s flimsy layer was anger. Anger at being controlled, and anger at having her attention turned away from Jude.“I’ll answer your questions, boy.” She spat the word at Sterling’s feet, “But only if I get to talk to my son.”“No,” Ryker snarled with such ferocity my own wolf rose in response.Jude stepped forward, cutting off his brother as he lifted his hand. With him standing so close to Regina’s translucent form, I could pick out the similarities between them.Both had plump lips with a razor-sharp edge, and high cheekbones. While Jude’s silver eyes came from his father, the shape belonged to that of Regina. Both had a
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Chapter 65
OpheliaSnarling under his breath, Jude released his hold on me. My heart lurched as he pulled away, my lips swollen and much too desperate for more. I swallowed, glancing over his shoulder to lock eyes with Ryker.His stare remained on Jude for several seconds before darting to my face. I could feel him taking stock of me, ensuring that I was unharmed.“Regina’s gone. She said some interesting things. Come into the living room and we can talk about it.”As his footsteps faded, Jude took another step back.I watched him turn away and run a hand through his hair, messing it up even further. Only when he had crossed the kitchen was I able to unscramble my thoughts.“The women that—that…” I couldn’t say the words, “What happened to them?”Jude froze. He turned his head slightly, giving me a partial view of his face.“They’re all dead.”I could see it all playing out in my head. Jude hunting each and every one of them down, repaying them for every touch, every lingering glance, every perv
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Chapter 66
OpheliaThat night all the unanswered questions churned in my head, muddying my thoughts until it became almost impossible to sleep. Even after slipping onto the roof to smoke I was unable to sink into sweet oblivion. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Regina towering over Jude as a young boy. I heard his voice as he recounted the awful, terrible things she’d make him do. I felt the rage that came with having something so horrible happen to my mate and being powerless to stop it. As the sun rose and I got dressed for work I knew what I needed to do.Whilst taking orders, bussing tables, and returning with platters full of expensive foods, all I could think about was the fact that Kimberly and I had the same father. The same demon controlling, dark magic using, cult leader of a father.Goddess, I had such bad luck it was almost laughable.I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but last night after arguing with Lucille, Kimberly sped from the house claiming she was going to Rykers. It to
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Chapter 67
OpheliaFifteen minutes later Coop and I sat out back, our asses on the bottom step of the porch and our feet in the sand. He said nothing as he flicked his fingers and lit a joint with his fire magic, passing it to me with an understanding smile.As we smoked, basking in the summer heat and the salty breeze, I thought about what I had learned.I was confident it was my mother in the journal. I knew Morningstar could manipulate minds and such, but the demon Jude had interrogated claimed he was actively searching for me. How could he manage that trapped within the pages of a journal? It simply wasn’t possible.Besides, if Nova’s Nana had been telling the truth about my mother’s penchant for tricks, then there was a chance the journal wasn’t a prison, rather a hiding place. Maybe it was like a room with a door, and that door had locked itself behind her.It was insanity, but I had encountered so many strange things here on Lunar Isle that I couldn’t bring myself to dismiss the idea quit
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Chapter 68
Ophelia I found Ryker in his office, seated behind his flashy executive desk. The sun was beginning to set, casting the room in a dim light that made this meet up feel a bit lucrative. It didn’t help that he looked utterly gorgeous sitting there with his dress shirt partially unbuttoned and his hair askew. He’d just finished running a hand down his chiseled jaw when I entered. “You probably shouldn’t leave your front door unlocked. Anyone could just walk in and…” His eyes twinkled in the low light, “And what, tesoro [sweetheart], attack me? Is that what you’re here for?” Butterflies waged war in my stomach, but the bond in my chest made me feel bold. It knew that Ryker wanted us, that even though fate was so cruel as to keep my mates from claiming me, he fought wtih the temptation just as much as I did. “Maybe I am,” I said softly, approaching his desk. He watched, his eyes still sparkling, and those lips—lips I thought about more than I should—twitching at the corners. “I’ll l
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Chapter 69
Ryker Once Ophelia left and the painful erection I was sporting went down, I snatched my cellphone up from where I’d slammed it on the desk. One glance at the screen had me sighing heavily. I hit the call button and waited for the chaos to ensue. “Che tipo di nipote sei, ignorando una chiamata della tua anziana nonna? Avrei potuto morire! [What kind of grandson are you, ignoring a call from your aging grandmother? I could have been dying!] ” Nonna’s voice flew from the speaker so loudly that I had to yank the phone away from my ear. I let her get it all out, knowing I’d have hell to pay should I dare interrupt her. Formidable, ruthless Alpha I might be, but no one fucked with Nonna without getting an earful. “Nonna, you know I am a busy man.” I sighed. “Mi scuso per non aver risposto alla tua chiamata. [I apologize for not answering your call.]” “Uomo occupato, bah! Vedi, questo è ciò che accade quando ti allontani dalla tua famiglia e ti rifiuti di farle visita. [Busy man, bah! Y
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