All Chapters of Echoes Of Redemption : Chapter 31 - Chapter 39
39 Chapters
The Confrontation
Chapter 31 (The confrontation) (Jonathan’s POV) Being in Vegas for three days has made me miss Canada and the girls. I have been calling and they are still refusing to talk to me.I need to settle everything I came here to do as quickly as possible.I stood at the police station, my eyes moving from my phone to the people being brought in by the cops.“I hope I didn't keep you waiting,” A familiar voice said, I turned, face to face with Calvin A friendly smile appeared on my lips as I faced him. “No, please you must be busy, I should be grateful” Calvin asked me to follow him as he led me to a private section of the cell room. I stared at Jessy, who looked like hell.“What happened here?” I questioned, concerned.“Drugs, she has been dealing for a long time, she got caught up in one of the newest junkies in town,” He said This will be bad if it gets to the press, they might think STAR ENT. Knew about this but kept quiet.Her story might ruin the lives of o
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The Warning
(Claire’s pov)“I hope you weren't busy, when I asked for this meetup” I spoke.Laura stared at the twins, her eyes never leaving them. “They are adorable,” she finally said.“Oh, am sorry, I brought them along, I couldn't just leave them alone, you don't mind,” I asked.I could see the annoyance on her face but she said nothing, picking up her drink she took a sip.“Why am I here?” Laura questioned, getting impatient.“Well, I just thought we might catch up, since we will be working together with my boyfriend it will be a good idea to get to know each other better don't you think so” I trailed in leaving her short of words.Laura's brows arched as she stared at me, I know she must be wondering why now of all time but I was curious too, why now? Why was she in Chicago of all places?“Well I wouldn't mind, since I am new here it won't hurt to make new friends” she responded giving me a forceful smile.“I never knew you had kids, you keep surprising me all the time” I smiled back, rubb
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The Uninvited Guest
(Jonathan’s POV)Call it a nightmare but this must be my worst, I grabbed Laura by the arm, pulling her outside.Pacing back and forth the front porch, I furrowed my brows trying to understand what was going on.Why was she here? What does she want? What was she and Matthew up to? What has she told Claire? “First of all, are you fucking crazy, haven't you done enough damage,” I said trying to calm the anger in my voice.Laura smiled at me, walking closer she hugged me, leaving me too stunned to utter a word. My eyes caught Claire as she stared at us from the window before turning to walk away. In one quick swift, I pushed Laura so hard.“Ouch, easy champion, what if I slipped and fell” Laura said, annoyed at my action.“Why are you here, oh Laura if you dare harm Claire, I swear..” she cut me short before I could finish.“Why would I do that, I only came to see you,” she said. “I came to apologize about what happened, for the damages that I caused” I watched her too st
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It Started With You
Claire’s pov“I can't believe you brought her here to my children's birthday party Matthew” I spoke, watching him.“She is our new business partner and aren't you two getting along” he questioned.Does he not know or see how much I wanted nothing to do with her, she was a snake to be weary of.I sighed, “We aren't that close Mathew, of all people should know I don't make friends that easily, I just find her strange,” I told himMathew turned and stared at Laura, who sat in the garden watching the kids. She has been quiet ever since she spoke to Jonathan. I wonder what he might have told her.I excused myself from Mathew and walked towards where she sat, taking a seat next to her.“Aren't they adorable,” she asked, her gaze not leaving them.“They are” I manage to say.“Ryan would have been 7 by now, running and playing too, calling me mommy” she added, I could see the tears gathered in her eyes.Something inside of me shifted, she sobbed, what happened, what did Jonathan say to her, I
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A suspect
Chapter 35(Claire’s pov)I Love You!?Maybe I heard it wrong. He was drunk, and I am sure he didn't realize what nonsense he was saying.“Stop thinking about it Claire, I am sure he is just trying to get into your head” I murmured.I pressed the doorbell of Matthew's apartment, patiently waiting till he unlocked the door, but there was no answer, so I took my phone from my bag.Dialing His number, but it kept saying switch off, that was unusual, where the hell was he? I questioned, now getting worried.My phone rang, taking me out of my thoughts as I stared at the caller ID before answering.“Hey Mia” I greeted with a subtle smile on my lips.“Where the hell are you, the signing deal is today, why aren't you here” Mia questioned at the other end of the line.I said nothing, stepping into the elevator, I stared at the moving number on it, as Mia continued to speak.“This is the Big deal, you have no excuse for missing it for real, Are you with Jonathan or Matthew” she asked again, I c
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A good reason
(Claire’s pov)Walking down the sidewalk with Mia on our way to the cafeteria, I confided in her, carefully articulating my thoughts."I saw something that made me suspicious, but then I worried that maybe I overreacted and jumped to conclusions," I admitted, my voice trailing off uncertainty.Mia turned to look at me, her curiosity piqued. "So, do you regret suspecting him?" she inquired.I fell silent, contemplating Mia's question, and stopped walking altogether.“Why should I feel bad for trying to ensure I'm not dating a cheat, or for trying to prevent a potentially harmful situation?” I responded, grappling with my feelings.Mia let out a sigh and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Claire, when it comes to that aspect, I don't think Matthew fits the bill,” she reassured me.Perplexed, I raised an eyebrow at her remark. "What do you mean?" I asked as we reached the cafeteria entrance.Choosing not to elaborate further, Mia entered the cafeteria and went straight to the counter to or
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(Claira’s Pov)It has been three days since Jonathan confessed his feelings for me. What am I supposed to do with such information, I groan trying to hold myself from screaming.“I heard drinking to stupor is the best medicine to cure the problem” her mother's voice shot from the kitchen.Claire turned to stare at her mother who raised a bottle of Italian wine she had gotten from the twin's birthday.Smiling, I took the filled glass as she handed them to me, “getting drunk is probably the worst idea Mom, but what gives?” She said, taking a full gulp at it.Claire's mother raised an eyebrow at her daughter, pouring her another glass. She was about to take it in one full sip when her mother gave her a dead stare.She chuckled, taking a little sip as she fixed her eyes on the TV screen. It had been raining non stop since yesterday.Sitting here with her mom being cozy and the girls fast asleep, was something she needed indeed.“Let me guess, Boy's problem,” My mom asked, giving me a side
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A Reason To
(Mathew’s Pov)“And what if she does matter, will you do the needful, by getting rid of her” Laura askedI could feel the smell of alcohol and warm breath on my skin, as she spoke, her eyes held mine as if searching for the right answer.“That's up to me to decide Laura” I responded.Laura giggled. “Why are you getting angry over nothing, getting rid of her is our main target, so why are you getting pissed off” she questioned.Trying to get her arms off me, her grip tightened, and my eyes sparkled mischievously as she smiled.“Laura, you must hate me badly,” I asked.Her eyes widened, too stunned to speak, slowly she loosened her grip, moving backward as she staggered, grabbing hold of the table beside her.“Hate? That's a strong word and the wrong way to put it, I don't hate you, I wished it was your body lying in that grave not Ryan” she choked on her words, her eyes teary.Walking closer, I tried to touch her but she brushed my hands off.“I still wonder, if things would have been
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The Best Part of You
(Claire’s pov)Mia had requested to go shopping, she said she needed something to clear her mind after refusing Simon round the world tour.“How does he make time out of his busy schedule, I still try to understand what kind of a doctor he is,” I asked Mia confused.I had never questioned Jonathan's friendship with Simon, they had met in college and become so close that others mistake them for brothers.He had always had Jonathan's back, according to Jonathan because I saw Simon as a self-centered prick, who only cared about himself and nothing else.Jonathan never speaks much about Simon's background apart from, He is a doctor, a womanizer, and an asshole, I know nothing else, and seriously I don't want to know more.“He owned the damn hospital apparently,” Mia said and I paused walking.I could hear echoes of footsteps in the tiled floor mall, Mia paused walking towards where I stood, her gaze fixed on me.“You didn’t know that, did you?” she asked and I shook my head. “Well my frie
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