All Chapters of Reckoning of the purple moon: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
POV: MiaIvory's struggle with her past demons was similar to watching a hurricane rip across the coast; it was strong, destructive, and seemed unstoppable. Being her closest friend, I had seen firsthand the fallout from the hurricane that had ripped through her life, leaving a path of emotional devastation that seemed unmanageable.All the same, our relationship held strong, a lifeline keeping us together in the middle of mayhem. The sister I never had, Ivory was the kindred spirit who knew me better than most people could.I was therefore there for her when the waves of her history crashed down on her again, prepared to ride out the storm as I had done innumerable times before."Mia," she would murmur, a tiredness in her voice that went right to my heart. I'm not sure whether I can handle much more of this.I would hug her at those times, trying to ease her pain as much as I could. Ivory was a force of nature a woman whose fortitude and resiliency had been developed in the furnace o
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POV: Callum WellsMy secrets weighed like a millstone around my neck, pulling me more and more into the pit I had dug for myself. Fear that my well-woven web of falsehoods was going to come apart struck me as I watched Ivory and her companion Mia untangle the knotted strands of the past.Ivory, my half-sister, has been my shadow for a very long time. She was the preferred kid, the one the pack thought would succeed. And I, well, in the big picture, I was a footnote, an afterthought.The knowledge that I would never be able to live up to her was a painful pill to swallow. And as the years passed, that resentment turned into something deeper, more sneaky - envy that felt like it may swallow me whole.Ivory was shown the love of our father, the alpha of the pack, and I watched. Her road spread out in front of her like a golden carpet as I watched her grow into a stunning, self-assured young woman. And I raged, bitterly bemoaning the terrible hand fate had dealt me.Then, though, everythi
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POV: Ivory WellsI felt more and more like Alice falling down the rabbit hole the farther into the maze of mysteries surrounding Jeremy's beginnings and my own turbulent past I dug. Every new discovery, every turn, just served to completely upend my perception of reality, leaving me clinging to straggles in a world that appeared to change and warp in front of my very eyes.It was a bewildering, dizzying trip that made me face the hard realities I had been burying for years. As the layers of dishonesty came off, I started to doubt everything I had ever believed and assumed to be true about myself.And yet, motivated by an unquenchable need for the truth that burned hotter than any flame, I continued even when the ground beneath me appeared to be collapsing. It was an unrelenting search that left no trail untrod and no opportunity untapped. It engulfed me."Ivory," Mia would reply, worry tinged in her voice. "You're overdoing it. Just before you really burn out, take a break."But I'd s
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POV: Darrell WilliamsEverything I had thought about what had happened the night Ivory was taken away began to shift. I'm not sure if I did the right thing in banishing Ivory now, but I used to. Realizing that I wasn't as right as I thought is like my entire universe is collapsing. I was positive I had chosen wisely for a long time, but with every new piece of information, my perspective is changing, and it's perplexing.As I dug deeper into what happened that awful night, doubts started creeping in. Was I too proud to see the truth? The idea scared me.What if I wrongly banished an innocent person just to save face for the pack? That thought weighed heavily on me, almost overwhelming.But I couldn't ignore the unsettling truths surfacing. No matter how scary it was, I had to face our past for Ivory's sake and the pack's honor.Was I a fool, easily swayed by those with selfish agendas? The thought made me bristle with frustration. As Alpha, I was supposed to embody our pack's strength
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POV: Jeremy Williams.Though I knew better, I was unable to stop listening. There are a lot of secrets being kept from me, I've felt since Dad brought me to the pack area. And I might have found something today that will completely transform everything."Alpha, are you sure it's a good idea to keep looking?" Through the study door came a harsh voice I recognized as Hardin's. "Too deep a dig could have disastrous results.""I have to know the truth, no matter how painful it may be," Dad said, his voice firm. "The events around Ivory's exile have affected too many lives."The name Ivory sent my heart thumping. The enigmatic woman who, from our first encounter in the human realm, had piqued my curiosity. There was a draw toward her that I couldn't put my finger on."What if the truth irreparably harms your relationships with people closest to you?" Hardin pressed her. It is better to bury some truths.I leaned in closer, my wolf ears straining to pick up every syllable, as an uncomfortab
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POV: JennaDarrel's unwavering concentration on clearing Ivory eroded my position in the pack with every day that went by. The respect was vanishing from the air, my power disintegrating like a lost artifact. I could almost taste it.The more strongly I objected, the more determined Darrel was in his fixation and completely unaware of the impending disaster. Did he not see the destruction his careless quest for "truth" may cause?I was the future Luna, his partner and mate. But he ignored my advice as readily as he would have brushed away dust. I was deeply burned by the emasculation and disdain.In one terrible fell swoop, generations of efforts to preserve order may collapse if his work went unchecked. It was too late not to act decisively.Trying to reason and beg got me nowhere. Maybe Darrel needed a stronger hand to save himself and keep the ranks together. Breathed steadily, I decided and got my plans started.First, a covert rendezvous with Hardin, the one person who could mak
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POV: Mia.Watching my closest friend Ivory gradually become enmeshed in the seemingly never-ending inquiry into her history was like watching her sink in pain. Every insight just served to drive her farther into the gloomy depths of hopelessness, not to offer clarity.Her lovely features were marked by the toll: her cheeks hollowed from hunger, her eyes smeared purple. Her normally vivacious personality grew less and less each day.She had slipped totally out of my grasp, so I realized I had to act. It was time to pay it forward. Ivory had been my lifeline throughout my own worst moments.Once inside her little cabin, I saw her bent over the old desk, her forehead furrowed as she worked through a never-ending pile of papers and notes. She was so focused in her search that she didn't notice me right away.I said, "Working yourself into an early grave," and settled down on the worn couch. Ivory gasped, staring owlishly, then sank her shoulders in surrender. Well. You are it."Don't so
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POV: Callum Wells.Years passed as the itch progressively turned into an unquenchable thirst that ate up all of my conscious thoughts. It had come time at last to quench that nagging desire for retribution.I felt both twisted delight and white-hot wrath watching from the shadows as Ivory Wells resolutely revealed the dirty truth about her exile from the pack. It was disgusting to see her slink about, always the victim, and not see her responsibility. Had I only had her banished rather than put to death all those years ago, she ought to have been thanking me. Naturally, though, Ivory never knew when to restrain her conceit or blustery pride.Ultimately, her stubborn blindness was what started the catastrophic events of seven years ago and brought such disastrous results tumbling down on her. Now, as she laboriously sought the last shards of the truth, I would be waiting to force her to face her biggest transgression.It had all begun with the tiniest crack in our family relationship
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POV: Ivory Wells.My mind hammered, the continuous pounding beating time with the bouncing ideas that would not let me have a moment of quiet. After yet another night of idly staring at the disorganized papers and files strewn across my desk, bone-deep fatigue bit me.I knew the solutions were buried in those damning papers, the jigsaw pieces that would at last bring the whole picture into clarity. However I organized the truth's pieces, important pieces were always absent, the whole picture permanently hidden.A shocking insight struck me like a stray wave on the shore, just as I thought my stupid pride and stubbornness would make me oblivious to what was in front of me. I had assumed for all of this time that Darrel Williams was entirely responsible for what had happened to me when I was banished from the pack. I had without a second thought thrown my suffering, my exile, my entire reason for being in the ordinary world squarely on his shoulders.What if, though, I had been seein
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POV: Darrell Willams.With deadly accuracy, the blade whistled past my ear, a metal haze cutting through the quiet of the night. Throwing myself into a forward roll, instinct took over and the knife's sharp edge found grip in the tree trunk inches from where my head had been.I looked frantically around the treeline, chest heaving, for the would-be killer. But the woodland remained a spooky haven of darkness and quiet, the only sound coming through the emptiness was my labored breathing.Pulling the knife carefully out of the bark, I looked at the workmanship with disinterested bewilderment. This wasn't just any steel; it was a ceremonial hunting sword made of silver bolstered with wolf's bane that could stop even an alpha's quick healing.That could only indicate that my unidentified attacker came from among our species.More than any weapon, the realization froze me to the bone. Though it seemed some of my reliable inner circle wanted those secrets forever buried, I had long felt th
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