All Chapters of ROSALINE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
ROSALINEI was in the living room reading a novel when I heard the front door open and I saw Vincenzo walk in with Bianca behind him. "Hi," I waved at Vincenzo. He gave me a warm smile, "It's good to see you're in good condition, Rose.""Thank you," I smiled and yelped in surprise when Bianca engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. "Please endure her, she has had a lot of sugar today. I'll see you ladies later," he chuckled and walked into the hallway."I hope I don't sound weird if I tell you I missed you?" Bianca said as she pulled away. I shook my head with a smile, "I missed you too." She was a lot like Yeka. I liked having her around."Please, tell me I can find some entertainment here"Speaking of the devil.We turned to see Yeka walk in with a large bag of popcorn in her hands. "Popcorn!" Bianca ran to her. Yeka pushed her away quickly and ran to me. "Glad to know the popcorn is more important than I am," she narrowed her eyes at her."There's love in sharing, Yeka," Bianca pouted
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ALEXEII sat opposite my grandfather as I took a sip of the coffee given to me. I would have preferred vodka but I'm sure he would have slammed the bottle on my head thinking I was being disrespectful. This man was more than a hundred years old and yet he had more control over my life than my father.We've been sitting here in silence for two minutes and I could see my father getting impatient at the lack of the old man's response. Then, gramps cleared his throat catching our attentions."Alexei," he said. "Grandfather," I responded. He gave me a smile that he only started to wear when he retired from this mafia life. Lucky man. "Any luck yet?" he asked and I frowned. "I'm confused," I frowned. "He meant if your wife is pregnant," my father said to me. This made me roll my eyes. I wasn't surprised."Isn't it too early for her to get pregnant? I haven't fixed the damaged that Sahin caused," I said to him. Their jaws hardened; they knew how dangerous everything was. I wasn't ready to
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ROSALINEI slowly opened my eyes with a yawn to see myself entangled with Alexei. He was still asleep and had his arms wrapped around me while I was on top of him.I liked this. I took my time to admire his features. His lashes, his nose, his cheeks, lips and everything. I would never get tired of doing so. I brought my fingers up to his face and began to trace imagine circles on his cheeks.His skin was smooth as that of a baby and yet, he had no skincare routine. God really has favorites then. With a grin, I continued to caress his face with my fingers.He looked so peaceful while he slept. His poker face was gone and he looked like a baby. Who knew a hot guy could look so cute? "Rosaline"His husky voice groaned lowly as he slowly opened his eyes. Those stormy gray eyes made me shy immediately. I smiled sheepishly and gave a little wave, "Hi."He chuckled and pulled me up making me yelp when our faces were close. "Good morning, sweetheart," he said and kissed my nose. My heart ne
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ROSALINE"He was so sweet and I don't even know what else to say anymore," I sighed as I played with the lipstick in my hand while I stared at my love struck face in the mirror. I felt like a fool in love."So this is love," Lisa sang from the phone and I rolled my eyes. "Use your brain," I said and she chortled. "I do not appreciate you speaking of a dangerous man as if he is some prince charming," Blaze voice boomed.I frowned. How did he get there? "Blaze, stop being an ass," I heard Lisa say and it was followed by a groan. I take it she punched him in the guts. Go Lisa!"I do not appreciate you eavesdropping on a matter that doesn't concern you," I said to my older brother. He scoffed, "It concerns me very much, sister.""Don't you have other matters to attend to?" I asked. "For instance, Lauren?" Lisa added smugly and I had to cover my mouth to stifle a laugh. "Rose has had too much effect on you. I need to take you to church for deliverance," Blaze sighed and I burst into laught
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ROSALINEShe was terrified. "Baby, can you please tell me how you know that man?" I asked her slowly. She slowly dropped her hand and sniffled. "They killed my mommy and daddy," she gulped and let out a cough."Yes!" Yeka exclaimed and ripped the strap off Blakely's arm before throwing it in the bin. Someone approached us and I relaxed when I realized it was Vlad. "Let's get you guys home," he said and I nodded before turning to Blakely who had rushed to my side."I'm going to take you home. don't worry, you're safe with me," I said to her sweetly and carried her up in my arms.∞It was hard to keep my emotions together as I bathed Blakely. She had nasty wounds and cuts on her skin and a lot of bruises all over her body. I had to wash her carefully so the soap wouldn't sting her.Her little cries as I treated her wounds made my heart clench. This little girl had suffered too much. "It's okay, sweetheart," I was still trying to calm her down as I walked down the stairs.I put her in o
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ROSALINEI spent the next day trying to make sure that Blakely felt safe in the house. It was hard. Especially the fact that she was so quiet and would sometimes burst into silent tears. She had a nightmare last night and it took a lot of time before Alexei and I could calm her down.I was glad he cooperated. There was no way in hell I was going to give her out to an orphanage. She wouldn't be able to understand what they were saying and they wouldn't even understand what she went through.Being a doctor, I've treated a few children that suffered in orphanage home. not all orphanages are a wonderful place to be and I was not going to risk Blakely's health."Do you want to eat anything?" she shook her head. I sighed, I knew she was hungry. We had just gotten back from the hospital. Igor followed me there so Blakely could get tested."Anya!" I called as I led her into the kitchen. "Welcome back, dear," the woman turned to face me and smiled at Blakely who held unto my leg in fear."She
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ALEXEI"Thank you, Amir," I shook hands with the man and walked back to my car to drive back to the hotel. I needed a drink, a very strong one. "I'm so glad that is over, man," Vlad said with relief as he got in the back seat with me."Ready, boss?" my driver asked and I nodded."Anything from Yeka?" I asked him. I saw his face pale, "Everything is going fine. Do you have any idea why she's giving me an attitude?" I clearly knew what was going on."Did you try asking her?" I asked him. "She walked away immediately. The second time, she held a gun to my face and a knife to my neck and told me to stay at least six feet away from her," he said with a sad sigh.He deserved it though. "Think about what you could have possibly done wrong," I patted his shoulder and brought out my phone. I saw a text from my sister.'I don't understand why we have to go to school, Alexei. Come and take me away. Let us go to Disney land and see Cinderella, please. I don't like how dad is looking so gloomy!'I
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ROSALINE"I wish you could see how happy I am. I no longer feel as if something is weighing my chest down anymore. I feel so happy, mom. I can't explain it properly," I said to my mother excitedly as if she could hear me.Christmas was tomorrow and Anya did well to spread the holiday cheer with her Christmas cap always sitting on her head everywhere she goes. It was actually adorable.We even had a large Christmas tree in the middle of the living room with beautiful decorations on it. It was all thanks to Alexei, Vlad and Igor. I loved Christmas so much and seeing the decorations around the house couldn't stop me from being so giddy all the time.Today, Alexei offered to take Blakely out so they could spend some time together. How could I say no?"I love you," I rubbed my mother's hand and walked out of the room. As I made my way to the kitchen, I felt a wave of nausea hit me. Without hesitation, I pulled out a barf bag from my purse and emptied my stomach."Oh, dear. Let me get you s
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ROSALINEToday was Christmas.Today was Alexei's birthday.I woke up early than usual. Blakely was still asleep so I took the opportunity to slip out of bed and went to take a shower. When I was done cleaning up, I put on a pair of leggings and a large blue shirt. I brushed my curls and let them rest out of their bun.With that, I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. No one was around but I spotted Anya walking in from the back door.Perfect!"Good morning, Anya!" I waved at her. she gave me a beaming smile as she approached me. "Merry Christmas," she hugged me and I returned it. "Merry Christmas to you too," I said and we giggled. She was still wearing her Christmas hat."Let's make the ginger breads and proceed to making breakfast," she suggested and I nodded. "Alexei's cake?" I asked. "We shall do that in between. Let's not waste much time and let's be as quiet as possible," she said and I nodded.We began to dance around the kitchen, carrying things fro
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ROSALINEI wasn't feeling like myself at all. Today was new year's eve and I was staring at the pretty dress on my bed with disdain. I wasn't in the mood to dress up to anywhere but I had to follow Alexei to his company's party.I wished he could just let me stay home but he insisted that I should be there with him. I wanted to use Blakely as my escape but Alina offered to look after her till we got back.I groaned and looked back at the window. I felt sick, very sick. I wanted to curl up on my bed and sleep the whole day away. I didn't like how I was feeling. I felt like my emotions were overflowing out of my cup.I looked at the clock to see I had only thirty minutes to get ready."Brilliant," I muttered as I quickly stood up and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I was done, I slipped on a fresh pair of black lacey panties and a black bra. I then moisturized my skin before going to put on the dress laid out on the bed for me. It was a floor length black dress
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