All Chapters of MR. LOVELESS AND HIS WILD LOVER: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
128 Chapters
A Call From Hell
Phoebe POV;I am lost, drowning in my past pains. I look at myself in the mirror and all I could see was a reflection of someone I couldn't recognize anymore. After Chang left, I felt empty and couldn't recognize what I was feeling. I wanted to laugh out loud at how silly and foolish I had become.I didn't bother asking permission to leave the office and took my bag and left without a word.A few steps away from the company my phone rang and so I picked it up knowing who it was."Hello""Just as you predicted he is back and he assaulted your mother and brother" the person informed me.I was not shocked, I tilted my head and breath in and out."Thanks for the information. I am coming home".I went back to Eric's house, threw my bag somewhere, and sat on the bed with my face in my palm. I went to the washroom and washed my face, with my wet face I stared at myself in the mirror.For a moment I felt dizzy and so I closed my eyes and shook my head and opened it again."Oh dear, you can'
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A Game We All Play Part 1
At the bus stop..."You finally came to find me, stepfather," Phoebe said to the stranger with a smile.He stepped closer to her wearing a suspicious smile."You haven't changed a bit, still the naive and stupid little girl you have always been," he said to her.She looked at him nonchalantly and stood up. "Hmmm it seems that is how you see me, what can I say, my face and appearance speak for themselves""What do you say we grab a bit" he offered. "Tsk, you must be in a good mood to offer me a drink" she scoffed."Who said anything about a drink?" he added."Huh" Before she knew it, she was hit by something strong enough to make her fall unconscious. She felt dizzy and her head started to spin around her and was unable to stand properly.She was about to fall when her stepfather grabbed her and smiled devilishly."Never trust anyone, I guess your mama never taught you that" he whispered to himself and carried her on his shoulders and left in a car that drove by.Singapore...Eric h
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A Game We All Play Part 2
What!" Eric was baffled by the strange call, "a girlfriend? who? I don't have any girlfriend so.." he asked himself so many questions and the only name that popped into his head was Diana.But that can't be possible, he knew how complicated his relationship was with Diana and there was no way of solving it since he was the root of the problem. So who was he talking about, or probably it a prank or he got the wrong person, he thought to himself.He wasn't the only one who was shocked by the sudden call. His two brothers were agitated and he dared not to look at his grandfather's face. He knew exactly what expression he was wearing."Mr. It seems you got the wrong person, for I do not have a girl…"The man interjected, "Ahh, so typical of rich people dating low-standard ladies"His statement made Eric feel sick in his stomach, his eyebrows frown, he was getting irritated with the man who seem to be enjoying playing tricks on him."So you are denying your relationship with Phoebe Meyers
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Damage Control Reloading Part 1
Phoebe's POVI felt dizzy and nauseous, everything was blurry, and I couldn't figure out where I was or who was standing in front of me.The last thing I remember was being at the bus stop and talking to someone who I can't remember his face. I could only open my eyes after I felt cold water splashed on me. I felt cold and coughed loud enough for my lungs to cry out.Then I heard a male voice talking to me "Waki, waki! You are finally awake Phoebe"I recognized the voice, and my vision became clearer now. I blinked about three times and shook my head to clear the wet hair covering my face.I was finally able to see now and I was able to identify the man in front of me as my step-father. He was laughing his lungs out and sneering at me like I was his prey I found it irritating and disgusting.I scanned around me to find out where I was but I found myself in an unfamiliar place. One window and one door and it seemed it was an uncompleted building since there were only cements and blo
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Damage Control Reloading Part 2
Phoebe's POV"Five…" I grabbed the hand of the man who was confident enough to approach me when I was at my darkest moment.I twisted his hand and I heard him scream, and I liked the expression on his face as I locked my arms around his neck and tightened my grip until he passed out.I dropped his body on the floor and sighed as I watched the startled face of the other men in front of me, especially my stepfather's face.I wore a fierce and determined expression on my face and stared at them with burning eyes with a mixture of fear and defiance. They were scared to see one of their men lying on the floor, lifeless, I smirked at the sight in front of me. Unfortunately for me, that didn't scare them much rather, they were determined to kick my a***. Phoebe expected the reactions of the men and positioned herself, looking around to find something strong enough to hit her opponents but unfortunately nothing. "I-is he dead", one of the men asked while stammering. Phoebe sighed and brus
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A Tale
Abandon House…Phoebe POV"I can imagine the look on his grandfather's face if he sees this video hahaha," I said to myself."Huh," Collins exclaimed. I examined his confused face and asked "Is he the one who asked you to kidnap me?""What are you talking about, you little devil?"Collins voiced out harshly and tried to steady his breathing, his face turning pale from tightening his grip while folding his arms. I chuckled at his cowardness but wasn't the first and certainly not the last. But his demeanor proved me wrong."So he wasn't the one who asked you to do this, Hmmm so who," I said while pacing."You finally lost it, I d-don't know what you are talking about" he tried to define himself but his voice betrayed him.I could see through him without making an effort."Oh please, don't be a fool, I know you don't have the guts to kidnap me without someone backing you, so speak before I make you regret it" I ordered.He suddenly chuckled and attempted to appear nonchalant and walked p
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A Hurtful Confrontation
Phoebe PovAfter getting out of the abandoned house, I got dizzy and weak. I had to admit the cold water and the energy used to fight those men took a toll on me.I am still angry and disappointed in Collins, how could he do this to me, but what I was more curious about was how he got in touch with the lady in question.I find it odd, how, "How many women drool over you, Eric" I whispered to myself as I finally found my way to the road. I stopped a taxi and got in, sat in the back seat, and told him where I was going. A few minutes passed and I noticed the driver stealing glances at me.I began to wonder if he was suspicious of me due to my appearance. I patiently waited for him to turn to look at me again and unfortunately for him, I locked eyes with him. "S-sorry miss, I-I wanted you to know we will be arriving in a few minutes", he stuttered while avoiding eye contact and went back to driving peacefully."What a weird day I am having", I murmured to myself and leaned over to rest
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A Stir In the Air
Phoebe's POVI rushed out of the apartment without thinking of where to go, I needed to clear my mind. From one issue to another, nothing was moving in my direction. One-sided love ended, kidnapped and now Mama looking at me like I am the troubled one. I know am not exactly the perfect daughter but could it hurt to just side with me for once? It was pretty late and I wasn't thinking straight. There was no one to call at this hour and besides I had lost my phone. I decided to go to the bar closest to our apartment to get wasted. The bar wasn't full, it seemed they lacked customers and I believed I would amount to some form of praise for their hard work. I took my seat at a dark corner facing the streets and ordered an alcoholic drink. A few minutes passed and some men and women dropped in.They stared at me suspiciously but it was none of my business. I drank my alcohol in one go and ordered a few more. The stares kept coming, and I felt uncomfortable "Is there something on my fac
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Dance To Your Tune
GHANA…Hours before Phoebe woke up…Eric's POVHer statement made it clear how important Phoebe was to her. I was able n't upset or such, for one thing, we were the intruders and I do undersheriff hostility towards us. But she already knew who I was so I didn't think I had to introduce myself or say anything that needed to be said. "You probably know what happened. I am here to take my girlfriend to prevent any stir-ups.""Girlfriend" she scoffed in a way I found disturbing."That is impossible, She knows she is not supposed to date an Asian man so I doubt it to be true," she said."An Asian man?" I wondered what she meant by that."You saw the video so clearly heard her say it herself""Huh" she scoffed yet again making me feel uneasy but she didn't have to know."Mr. Hong, I know Phoebe well, she probably did that to piss someone off and it is someone who is after you"His words were sharp and affirmative and smiled at how clever she was. "And you said she is not supposed to date
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Don’t Forget To Pretend To Be In A Relationship
Singapore….Eric's house Phoebe's POV"Are you out of your mind? Pretend to be in a relationship? How can that solve our problem? Nobody is going to believe that. They will assume I am a gold digger after your money and nothing more.Besides I don't want anyone to misunderstand what we have here OK.""Who exactly do you not want to know about us? Is it Chang, little panda, he has already given his blessings to our relationship, and for Kobby well I believe he is no longer in the picture""Why are you so calm about this? I know you don't like me and more importantly, you have someone you love so why all this"I blurted it all out. It was so annoying to hear him speak to me in that tone me. I couldn't bear it but I had no choice but to listen to him. It was my fault, I should have been more careful and not to have fallen into Collin's trap. But why should we pretend to be something we are not?I just don't get it. What exactly is he planning? "You don't have to think too hard about t
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