All Chapters of Knitting The Alpha’s Memories: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11Sadie couldn't sleep all night because she thought about the decision she had made, she accepted Hunter's offer to get a better life, even though at first Sadie thought she was just taking advantage of Hunter, she was being taken advantage of and felt that maybe this was how her life should end."What are you thinking about? You didn't touch your breakfast,” Mia said."Ahh grandma, there's something I want to tell you, but I'm confused about where to say it," Sadie said."About what? And did someone come last night? I saw a pizza box in the trash," Mia said.“Yeah, Hunter came last night,” Sadie said."Oh, are you friends with him now?" Mia said."No, ahh yes, grandma, he and I are getting married," Sadie said and her words shocked Mia, she even stopped her food before she choked.“Sadie, are you serious?” Mia said."Grandma, I know you will be surprised and angry with me, but if you object I will cancel it, I also don't want to marry him but—""Of course, I'm happy to hear
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12Sadie took Hunter away from his father and friends, including Jane, she didn't like Hunter's action of suddenly kissing her on the cheek without her permission."Why did you bring me here?" Hunter said.“Why are you kissing me? Do I allow you to do it? I want to help you but not with physical touch," Sadie said.“It was just a kiss, don't tell me you've never done that before,” Hunter said and Sadie became awkward."The point is, I don't like your actions, don't touch me as you like, remember I'm not your Omega, you can say that in front of your father but I'm not," Sadie said and left Hunter to return to the middle of the party.Hunter followed her from behind, he felt something strange about Sadie, he suddenly felt something disturbing his mind, at first Hunter ignored it but now it felt even more disturbing.He started to pay attention to the Alphas there, they started acting strangely when Sadie passed between them, feeling that something was wrong with Sadie, Hunter im
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13Feeling that she was much better, with sweat on her body, Sadie looked at Emily who was sitting in the driver's seat, she looked at her with tired eyes.“Thank you for your help,” Sadie said."Are you crazy? You could be putting yourself in danger, Hunter is an Alpha, he could fuck you right here if he wanted to," Emily said."What? What do you mean?" Sadie said."Sadie, listen to me carefully, you might find it hard to accept this because it's something new for you, but here, in this world, we live on 3 different levels, Alpha like Hunters, Beta like normal looking people, and Omega like us, you and me,” Emily said."Like us?" Sadie said."Yes, you are an Omega, I don't know why you don't realize it, I mean I'm sure at your age you've experienced many heat cycles, but in reality you don't even know what's happening to you," Emily said.“What is Omega? What's wrong with my scent and why are they all looking at me like that?" Sadie said.“Are you sure you don't know what Ome
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14That night Sadie decided to spend the night at Hunter's place, she slept in the guest room, with Hunter's clothes on her body, it felt warm, she could feel the warmth but she wasn't sure whether the warmth she was feeling was coming from the clothes she was wearing or the blanket covering her body.But in the other room, Hunter couldn't sleep because he thought about Sadie and what made her like that. Sadie seemed fine before.There was nothing wrong with Sadie's attitude, he didn't even feel Sadie's scent when he picked her up, but being at a party with lots of Alphas around was something else.“Who is that girl? I'm sure she's my Omega but why am I doubting it now," Hunter said.The next day, Sadie came out of the room, she slept very soundly last night, she had never slept so soundly in her life, maybe it was because of the reaction to the injection that Emily gave her.Sadie also felt that as her body got better, the pain she previously felt just disappeared.She walked
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15They prepared for their wedding, Sadie and Hunter, went to the venue and had their clothes fitted when the wedding party was held.Sadie, who was looking at herself in the mirror in a beautiful white dress, could only be amazed, but unfortunately, that marriage would never be in her life.She opened the curtains and let Hunter see her in that beautiful dress, Hunter's eyes couldn't lie when he saw Sadie come out of there. Sadie looked very beautiful and bright, making Hunter standstill for a moment before giving his comment.“Why are you just silent? Is this not good for me? I can wear something else, there are still lots of options I have to try," Sadie said.“Ah yes you should try the others before deciding which one you like,” Hunter said.“Aish, wouldn't other couples comment on each other? So is this good or not?" Sadie said.“Yeah, this is great,” Hunter said before his phone rang."Wait, I'll take my call," Hunter said and left Sadie.Hunter saw that Noah had contact
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16The wedding day arrived, and all-white decorations decorated the venue, it looked very beautiful, and lots of guests came, making the place feel full.Sadie stood in front of the mirror, she looked very elegant and gorgeous, the dress looked very suitable for her, simple but elegant, and her natural make-up could highlight her original beautiful face.Her heart was beating fast, she couldn't even sleep last night because she was so nervous about facing today, even though Sadie knew that the marriage was just a fake one, she still had to show good acting to convince everyone that she and Hunter loved each other.Hunter also reminded Sadie to use a scent blocker, just in case something bad happened like before.As Sadie walked down the aisle with all eyes on her, Sadie's heart seemed to stop for a moment, she clutched the bouquet tightly in her hands with her eyes shaking and her legs starting to go weak.Right in front of her, she saw a foreign man who would become her husba
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17That night it felt very awkward, when Sadie came out of the bathroom and was surprised to see Hunter lying on the bed, of course, that was not a sight that Sadie was used to and wanted to see in her life, but she had no choice but to stay in that room.“Lie down next to me,” Hunter said.“I'm not sleepy yet,” Sadie said.“But you have to lie next to me now,” Hunter said."Why? "And don't ever touch me, don't take advantage of the situation because I will beat you if you dare cross the line," Sadie said and climbed onto the bed.She immediately lay down and turned her back to Hunter. Sadie was very tired that day and wanted to rest immediately, but just as she closed her eyes, Hunter suddenly came and hugged Sadie's body from behind.This action shocked Sadie and she tried to get out of Hunter's arms but Hunter held her back and whispered in Sadie's ear."Sshh, my father installed CCTV in this room, I think he wants to know what we are doing, don't let go of my hug, or he wi
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18"This is your room," Hunter said, he took Sadie to her room, and they arrived at the apartment after two days of staying at David's house.“I miss my grandma,” Sadie said.“She doesn't want to leave the house, so don't blame me if I don't want to bring her here,” Hunter said."But I told you that if we could live there, she's old and can't be left alone, what if something happens to her?" Sadie said.“And you want to sleep with me again?” Hunter said."I will send someone to look after your grandma, so stop worrying about her and think about how to convince my father," Hunter left her alone in the room to go back to his room.He fell on the bed with a sigh, it felt like he hadn't been in his room for a long time.The notification sound rang, he took his phone and saw that Audrey had sent him a message, it was unusual for Audrey to contact him.From Audrey:Can we meet now?From Hunter:What for?From Audrey:This is important, meet me at the bar nowHunter didn't think anyt
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19On the way home, Hunter thought about where Emily had gone, even though he only knew Emily as someone who helped him, the news of Emily's disappearance made Hunter curious.Some many factors and possibilities occur, it could be that Emily found the Alpha and is already living together as a clean Omega, or someone kidnapped her to take advantage of her and there are many other possibilities.Not wanting to dwell on thinking about other Omegas, Hunter returned to focusing on his plan. Convincing his father is quite difficult, he will do anything to make his wish come true, and the methods his father has done so far have made Hunter sick.When he returned to his apartment, Hunter found someone there with Sadie."What are you doing here?" Hunter said, as two pairs of eyes stared at him from the living room."Hunter," Sadie stood up from her seat and tried to approach Hunter but Evan held her back."It's okay, he's like that with me, I have to go now, thanks, Sadie," Evan smiled
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20That day, Sadie had just woken up and came out of her room when she found Hunter asleep in the living room with beer cans scattered there. In all their time together, Sadie had never encountered anything like that, and she also didn't think Hunter was the drunkard she saw that morning.Sadie approached him and confirmed that Hunter was indeed asleep on the sofa, she cleaned up the empty cans and threw them in the trash.When she returned to where Hunter was sleeping, she heard the sound of an incoming message from Hunter's phone which was lying on the table. At first, Sadie wasn't interested in the notification sound, but several incoming messages made her curious.Sadie checked if Hunter was asleep by waving her hand in front of Hunter's face and she could confirm if Hunter was asleep before she took Hunter's phone and saw a message from Audrey.From Audrey:I thought you would stay hereFrom Audrey:Can we meet again tonight?From Audrey:Last night was amazing, you weren
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