All Chapters of I Swear, Let Me Love You Again: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
125 Chapters
3RD POV:"I understand. Please just keep me updated and drive safely." By the time she was done speaking, Andrew was most likely down the hallway rushing to the ground floor.I hope everything goes well with him and Ariana. Lydia muttered to herself.Andrew and Ariana had met up with her last week, she told them about her curiosity on why their relationship had to be such a secret and Ariana informed Lydia it was due to the problems Ariana's family had caused. Her family, mostly her father, ran a drug company and the company had been known for creating a lot of fake drugs and being involved in the trafficking of drugs. Her father was arrested a lot of times publicly but when they couldn't find anything on him they released him. So which wealthy family would want to be associated with such a family? Especially after her mother had run away and abandoned after her birth to embrace the fast life.It was a lot but Lydia knew Ariana and Andrew loved each other dearly and she hoped one day
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A Miracle
LYDIA'S POV."No…no…he can't be dead. Andrew can't be dead." I shook my head repeatedly, rising to my feet , leaving Ari who was crying her eyes out. I headed straight into the ICU unit in search of Andrew's room.WHERE THE HELL IS THE DOCTOR!!? "Ma'am, you can't be here." One of the nurses tried to obstruct my view as soon as I opened the curtains to the room where Andrew was laying down there lifeless. They were using the defibrillator to try and bring him back but he wasn't responding. "Please try one more time!" I yelled before sadly saying, "Please." I begged with tears falling down my eyes. The doctor glanced at me with a look and I pleaded through my eyes.The doctor gave the nurse the go ahead and she reapplied the conductive gel on the defibrillator. "Charge to 300.""Clear." They tried one more time and I let out a breath of relief when his heart picked up through the monitor."He's back." They announced, I shut my eyes close allowing the final tears to drop.Thank Goodnes
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Announcing Her Real Identity
LYDIA'S POV.FLASHBACK (FIRST YEAR MARRIED.):"What in heaven's name is going on?" It was currently summer and I was cooped up in the mansion planning to spend as much time as I can with Nathaniel and become closer to his mum and sister. But Rachel had traveled to another country for the holidays and Nathaniel buried himself into his work and still failed to warm up to me. It was now 15 minutes after 7 and I didn't have to up until 9 because I needed my beauty sleep and the appointment at the hospital to check on my health and donate more blood for Jennifer. But I jolted up from my sleeping feeling serious heat in fact sweat was dripping from my chest downwards like I was near burning furnace.In annoyance I tossed the duvet to the side, and wore my cute pink furry slippers which matched with my pink pajamas. I sat at the edge of the bed picking up the phone for the house in order to call the maid who was the nicest to me, Lomi. After ringing it twice and no response, I huffed while
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Announcing Her Real Identity (2)
So my father and I had come to a conclusion that the only way to go about things was to announce that I am from one of the most powerful names in the state, county, world and earth at large. I was a MILLER and the only daughter of a successful Billionaire man. My father knew that the moment he announced it, it would bring respect and opposition against me but he was ready for whatever it is as long as his children were safe.Though Andrew was still battling for his life, I was certain and hopeful he was going to emerge as a champion as he knew we all needed him. Especially Ari and I, she hadn't left his side for a single moment and she wept every minute, I felt so horrible.All these increased my anger, the cops were still investigating but I already knew it was Jenny and Mrs King handwork and this was one of my moves in ensuring they get the message I am trying to send."Miss Lydia, the reporters are all ready and Mr Miller and a few others are all present. Everyone is just waiting
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Ariana's News
LYDIA'S POV:LATER THAT DAY:Finally, I arrived home with a bunch of security following behind me, ordered by my father. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was to take a long relaxing shower and head to bed but I couldn't. Infact I couldn't rest knowing Andrew was in the hospital, so after stripping out of clothes, I went for a quick shower and threw on a cream essential hoodie along with matching joggers. Heading downstairs with a small bag which contained my phone, tissue and wallet, I entered into the kitchen grabbing snacks and drinks. In the sitting room laid a bag for Andrew and Ariana in case she needed anything and in case Andrew wakes up and gets discharged.I was also going to stop by to grab a burger and a healthy meal for Ari and I, so I rushed out meeting two muscular guards standing there right in front of my apartment with a very serious expression."Thank you." I smiled as they collected my bags from me. My phone dinged indicating I had gotten a message when I doub
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Nathaniel's Visit
What if I never get to share with him the amazing news I had discovered? I can't leave him for a second, I can't. I would just sleep on the couch if that makes it better." She expressed looking at him while intertwining their fingers."Don't feel guilty, Andrew is going to be okay, alright? I just know he's going to be up from that bed before the end of this month and he will be here to listen to everything you have to tell him and also tease me about literally everything and I got a lot of jokes up my sleeves as well." We chuckled softly at that and I took a seat on the cream cozy couch."But for now you can share it with me if you would like to. If it's a problem or something you're excited about. I'm all ears and just maybe sleeping on the couch is preferable. " She looked at me contemplating playing with Andrew's fingers."Though I wanted my Andry to be the first to hear, what I actually called for that day was to share some good news ...well I don't even know if it's good. I had
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Private Number
NATHANIEL'S POV:SAME NIGHT:I turned around tracing Lydia's gaze after she had a look that screamed, 'yikes'. I rolled my eyes meeting the eyes of the man who had picked her up from the company that night and the man she also went to the tech event with.Were they dating? I doubted they were together. However, what I still wasn't clear about was Lydia's feelings for me. Not that I believed she could ever have any feelings for me after all I had put her through. I just wanted to know if the fight I was willing to wage to make her fall for me would at least be worthwhile, if there was something worth pursuing.I couldn't read her at all but it did make me happy seeing her smile after receiving my gifts for her. She was truly a gorgeous woman.I hope she knew I was sincerely going to stand behind her as she works to discover the truth behind her attempted murder. What if it is truly Jenny that's involved in this or your mother, will you really make sure they end up behind bars? After w
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Lydia's Book: A Clap Back
3RD POV:It was Friday, the release of Lydia's book. The books were in all the stores, and there were a bunch of people waiting outside of the different branches in all the Miller restaurants in the cool breeze of the morning waiting patiently for the doors to be opened in order to purchase a copy or more. The media had just arrived at 7 a.m and were baffled by the amount of people present, they instantly began to record and interview a few bystanders."I am so excited to read the book! I want to know everything Lydia Miller has been through and everything Mrs King has done to her. That's why I am up early to purchase a copy." A female who looked to be in her late teens and early twenties said to the reporter. "I love Lydia Miller. She seems like she's been through a lot and I just admire her so much. In case you're seeing this Lydia Miller, I want you to know I love you and I hope you organize a meet and greet for us, your fans. Plus I hope your brothers get healed and I'm sending a
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Lydia's Book: A Clap Back (2)
3RD POVWhen they made eye contact, the man began to exit the restaurant in a haste."Lomi, get him!" Lomi raised her head up in surrender and stared at Mrs King like she was stupid."You get him. Thank Goodness I have saved enough money, now I can quit this miserable job and tell you to your face how pathetic and small you are. You might have all the money in the world but look at yourself. All alone, and pathetic…it's embarrassing." Lomi spat and Mrs King raised her hand up in an attempt to slap Lomi but she held her hand stopping her."Go on somewhere and stop humiliating yourself." Lomi carried her book bag and brought out a copy of the Clap Back, flaunting it in Mrs King's face before leaving the restaurant. Mrs King began to breathe heavily and tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. She glanced at the television playing in the background and they were discussing Lydia's book, she grabbed her luxurious bag and tried to take deep breaths. She unlocked her phone and scrolle
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Mrs King Interview (1)
LYDIA'S POV.2 WEEKS LATER."But how come he or she never texted me back? Is the person trying to play with me?" I asked Lorena over the phone as I walked down the hospital hallway after a long day of work.I felt completely dejected and disappointed, everything wasn't going exactly how I pictured. It had been close to three weeks since Andrew's near death experience and Andrew had not still woken up from coma. Neither have I been able to apprehend the murderer nor gather evidence against Jenny. I just wanted to break down crying.Though my book was selling out all over the country and it was being pushed to neighboring countries, The Clap Back was definitely a success and money was flowing into my account but it didn't matter at the moment. Andrew wasn't here to gift or congratulate me or to hype me up, my whole heart was heavy and all the tears I had been pushing in was threatening to fall."You know what Lydia? How about you just go to the police station, let them track the number
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13 Protection Status