All Chapters of Forced To Marry My Ex's Uncle : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
169 Chapters
HAZELI was angry and I felt betrayed.If Miranda did not take me for granted, why would she keep vital information such as the identity of her ex from me?Did she deliberately do it because she wanted an opportunity to see her first love again? Thanks to her, I was wasting my time overthinking.I was especially angry because I felt like I had to compete with the little loser who called himself my nephew.Thinking about how I had caught him hugging Miranda outside and speaking of how amazing their love was only made me want to punch him in the face but I was restraining myself.Miranda had put me in an annoyingly difficult position. I hated the sight of Collins and wanted to send him out of my house but what would everyone think of me if I did that?It would be more humiliating if I revealed that I felt threatened by my little nephew. How could Miranda not understand the impact of her actions on my fragile heart?I had just learned to trust a woman again and now this? If only she had
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HAZEL Miranda squatted and hugged her tummy with both arms as she cried.Quickly, I went to her and held her arms by her shoulders, taking her to her feet."Are you in pain?" I asked anxiously as I wondered if she was having stomach cramps.Her face was wet with her tears and as she nodded, I felt my heart bleed."Where? Your tummy?" I asked.She shook her head and placed her hand on my chest as she sniffled, "My heart. Hazel, what do you want? Do you not love me anymore?"Her question was ridiculous. If I didn't love her, would I be upset by her past relationship with my nephew?"I feel so alone," she cried. "There are so many people against me. They want to separate us and it seems like they are going to succeed. What about all the promises we made to each other? Didn't you tell me that you want us to be together forever? Don't you want that anymore?Hazel, yes I made the mistake of keeping my past from you because I thought it was unnecessary but I regret it so much. If I could tu
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MIRANDA I opened my eyes in the morning, stretched my arms, and smiled. Last night, I acted out a little drama and successfully got through to my husband.I was so happy that things were okay. Now, no matter what happened, I would not let any problems arise between us.Once the holidays were over and everyone had left, I would tell him the truth about Princess and help him get through Shayla's betrayal. As long as Hazel was happy, I would always be.But where was he? I got off the bed and was about to search for him when my phone began to ring.Before I could answer the call, it ended. It was a call from Melody and I was about to return it when I noticed that I had gotten a text message.I clicked it open and saw that it was from Hazel and it read, "Good morning, wifey.I'm sorry I was too zealous last night. I didn't want to wake you up because I knew you were still exhausted from our activities.I had to run to the office because something came up. If you need me to get anything fo
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MIRANDAI decided to ignore Shayla and left for the dining room. I took my seat and said, "Good morning, everyone.""Good morning, darling," my mother-in-law replied. How was your night?""It was amazing," I replied. "Thanks, mom."Other than the adults, there were about five children in the dining but Princess was the only one who greeted me.Nevertheless, I ate my food quietly as I was starving. Florence kept making eye contact with me each time I looked up. The hate in her eyes was unmistakable and it made me recall what Collins had told me earlier.Speaking about Collins, I realized he wasn't at the dining but that wasn't my problem.Florence couldn't seem to hold herself back anymore and said, "My brother should be here, having breakfast with us but he had no choice but to leave because he has a disgusting wife.""Florence!" Mrs. Hermes from earlier suddenly yelled, startling Florence who almost dropped her spoon.Since my plate was almost empty, I got up and excused myself befor
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HAZELAt work, I couldn't stop thinking about Miranda. She dominated my mind and the words she had said to me last night kept ringing in my ears.It had been very difficult to leave her in bed and show up at work in the morning. If I didn't have important work that needed my attention, I would have spent my entire day with her in bed.I rushed through the documents in front of me as I wanted to get it over with and return to my beautiful wife.While I was still working, I got a message from my sister. I didn't want to see her message because she had been getting on my nerves lately.Nevertheless, my curiosity got the better of me. My mom had told me she would be busy at her own house, so I wondered if Florence had upset Miranda in my mother's absence and earned herself a slap in the process.The idea of Miranda putting Florence in her place got me excited and I eventually opened her message. To my surprise, her message was full of pictures of Miranda and Collins with the words, "Guess
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HAZELAbout thirty minutes later, when my wine bottle was half full, the door was pushed open and a beautiful lady walked in.I had thought it would be Miranda but felt disappointed when I saw someone else. Just like the other girls, she was almost naked, had a full bosom, and swayed her hips as she approached us.I realized she was coming closer to me and turned to stare at my friends in surprise.Dave, the one closer to me smiled and said, "Enjoy yourself, Hazel."I was about to speak to him when the escort sat on my left thigh and began to dance with her back facing me.My hand settled on her back to push her off my body. However, the door was pushed open at that moment and Miranda walked in.I immediately pulled my hand away from the girl's back while she continued dancing without caring about Miranda's presence.The shock on Miranda's face could not be more obvious as she stared at me.She looked hot though, really hot in a sexy, red dress. It made me wonder if she dolled herself
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MIRANDAAfter Hazel ignored me and drove away, I wanted to chase after him on foot when Collins stopped his car in front of me and insisted on giving me a ride."Leave me alone, Collins," I yelled and ran out the gate but Hazel was gone. There wasn't even a sign of his car.I felt sad and worried. I didn't know why Hazel suddenly had a short fuse. I didn't want us to fight, especially because our enemies would jump on the opportunity to cause a rift between us. I could not even remember putting my phone on silent mode.Left with no other choice, I turned and walked back into the house, ignoring Collins who was still waiting inside his car for God knows who.I washed up and lay on the bed, thinking about what to do. I still needed to call Mel to talk about the plans I had come up with, for us. However, with Hazel's behavior, I wasn't in the mood.All I could think of was the way he had angrily left. I decided that whatever the problem was, I had to make sure we sorted it out before the
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MIRANDAHazel and I left the club at eight and headed back home. As we walked into the house, hand in hand, we were so happy and it couldn't be more obvious.Just when we reached the living room, Shayla who had been sitting, got up and said to Hazel, "I've been waiting for you to come home.""Why?" Hazel asked."My brother, Johnny has been in an accident and is in the hospital. Princess fell sick after hearing the news and she is not doing too well.Can you look after her tonight while I go take care of Johnny? When my mum arrives at the hospital tomorrow morning, she will take over."Shayla seemed really distressed as she spoke. I didn't trust her even for a bit but seeing her expression, I wondered if she was speaking the truth."Alright," Hazel replied and she thanked him before rushing out of the house.We noticed that everyone was in a good mood, drinking and making jokes. Florence seemed to have gotten drunk as well as Collins, as they both staggered while walking away."Both m
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MIRANDA"Miranda?" Collins woke up at this point and called out my name in surprise when he saw me."Hold on, Hazel," ignoring Collins, I got off the bed and ran after Hazel, stopping him just outside Collins' room."Miranda, why did you sleep in Collins' room?" Mrs. Hermes asked me before I could speak to Hazel. "I don't know," I told her. "The last thing I remember is drinking the glass of alcohol you gave me in one go after we toasted."Her eyes widened in surprise, "Really? You were just a little drunk last night when you left me. You told me that you wanted to be with the love of your life and I asked you to go to him.""Wow!" Florence suddenly exclaimed. "It is said that the heart doesn't lie when a person is drunk. Miranda, how dare you consider Collins the love of your life when you are married to Hazel?Why did you marry my brother when you knew you were in love with my son?""Shut up!" I yelled. "Stop spouting nonsense, Florence.""Hazel, it's not.....""You should stop dece
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MIRANDAAfter walking away from Collins, I thought about his words. He didn't mention Shayla's name but I had a very strong feeling that she was involved. She must have deliberately left last night to ensure that no accusing fingers were pointed at her.Wasn't it convenient that Hazel; the only one who could stop me from making a mistake in my inebriated state was busy caring for his daughter last night? Was she really sick or had that been a plan as well?Knowing Shayla, it was very possible. She reeked of desperation and it was obvious. Something also seemed fishy about the way Hazel fell asleep last night and did not wake up until morning. If it happened that Shayla deliberately made Princess sick, then I had to find out. It was obvious that she did not really care about Princess as a mother ought to. If she did, Princess would not have been molested right under her nose. She valued Princess because she saw her as a means to an end.If only I could get through to Hazel and make h
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