All Chapters of Rules of Glory: The Last Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
93 Chapters
Lydia is sitting in the living room of the Beta's villa. She smiles when she sees me approach her. This is similar to the main house but it's bigger and it is designed to accommodate a lot more people. Just like the other ones.  "What's up, Sweetness? I hear you guys found a little omega princess,"  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about," I say sitting down next to her. "Where's Rocket?"  "She's asleep. I gave her a sedative. Wolfbane withdrawal is very painful,"  "Uh, okay. Well, yes. There's a little omega in our basement and Arthur groomed her to-"  "I know," she nods. "Most omega females are groomed this way. What do you need help with?"  "Well, I told her I'd get her some stuff so she can shower but she said that Arthur is the only one allowed to bathe her. Jet said it was because she'd trigger her heat,"  "Right, omegas do that. They trigger their heat to get their mate to mark them
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As far as apologetic letters go, I think this is the worst one in all of history. Miles isn't very good with words and it's adorable, but it's the effort that counts. There are spots where he wasn't sure if the word he was using was the right one and he erased it so hard he almost ripped through the page. He's better with numbers. "What is that?" Leelie asks as I fold the pages of his apology small enough to fit in my wallet. "You're rocking a crappy velcro wallet? You're ridiculous," "What? It holds my money and my cards. What do I need a fancy one for?" "Whatever the fuck it is you just put in it," she rolls her eyes. "It can be more than just useful, Dagmar," she slips her wallet out of her back pocket. It's a pretty turquoise color. She opens it to show me her license, money, cards, and pictures from when we were younger. She has all of us in there. "Cute, right?" "Yeah," I smile because I had no idea she could be so sentimenta
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How do I ask my brother if he knew that he is the son of the man who literally made all of us who we are? I mean it's pretty fucking cool in my opinion. Did he know Jayk was his son or did Mom keep that her personal little secret? Other than that, I really don't have that many questions. Maybe just one more. Why didn't he tell me if he knew?  After a long run, I come back to find Ashton making food. He immediately sets down an ice cream bowl in front of me. It has French vanilla ice cream, raspberries, and blueberries. He also places two disposable cups with the same thing in them. I take them and head back down to the basement to give them our prisoners.  This time, Jet is watching TV. I don't know who put that in here for him. I place the cups in their cells without saying a word and lock the door. I'm a little upset that this is the way I found out what we are and who my brother's biological father was. I bet Leelie knows everything.  "Hey,"
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"Does Jayk have people to help with the new additions?" I ask him.  "Yes, Leelie and a handful of the other guys will be taking on the newly shifted. We're kind of hoping your friend lives up to the resumes she sent us,"  "What did she send?"  "Here," he takes the tablet and opens up a couple of files before offering it to me.  There is a list of people she's preparing to send here. Not just anyone. Men and women who kicked out of their homes simply because they didn't qualify to be part of the pack's rank system. Wolves born from former humans. Half-human. Potential beta candidates who can't fully shift into a wolf the way the rest of us can.  Their resumes are interesting. Arthur starts exploiting his pack members from a young age. To teach them to get into places not just anyone would go. The thing with that strategy is that he's taught them to be reliant on him and his betas. He treats the lesser wolves as his pawn
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"That's actually a good idea," Jayk says when Miles tells him what I said about the cotton. "We can put a border around it. I was thinking of using it as a hideaway for the other omegas, but this is better,"  "You can't isolate them," Lydia taps my head. "Their wolves can't handle that,"  "Anyone get anything good out of Cutler?" he asks, ignoring her. She glances my way and then averts her gaze.  "You mean how you're alpha Luther's son?" I ask. There was no other way for me to bring that up and since he's being a fucking asshole anyway. I might as well add extra wood to the fire. Make it bigger. Everyone looks at me and then at him for confirmation. Everyone except for Leelie.  "That's not important," he tries to brush me off.  "Wait, wait," Micca stops him. "That is really fucking important. What the fuck do you mean?"  "Jayk, if that gets out, we can get the pack back. Our lands. Our people. Tha
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They locked me in a cell next to Every. I have to stay in here until the full moon is over. To make things worse, the little omega girl next to me is going into heat and I can smell the gross sweet scent of her slick from my cot. Lydia has been bringing our food because the guys can't be around this thing. Jet was relocated to one of the villas. After calming down, I threw up the chunk of skin that I bit off my mate. Not only did I mark him without his consent, I took a mouthful of him. The sick part is that the asshole enjoyed every second of it. I can hear it in my head. It's all he thinks about. His thoughts are ridiculous. I'm finding it difficult to keep him out the way I do my brother. It may not have been consentual but he's all for it. The bond is taking. Until he marks me though, this is a one way broadcast. "You look like hell," Lydia says opening the cell to bring me a change of clothes and my phone. "About yesterday," "Leelie's allegiance is to Jayk, just like yours.
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I can't believe it's been an entire month since I first shifted. It feels like a lot longer than that. I've been trying to find as much information as I can on the betas Jayk assigned me. They're just a bunch of rich guys who pay tribute to their alpha. They do a really good job at keeping everything together in their sectors. Perhaps looking for something to exploit them with isn't the best strategy. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm still going to do that, but maybe I can find a less dramatic way to get them to cooperate with us. The last thing we want is to make the target we already have on our backs worse. Some of the sectors around our continent are fully exposed to the outlands. Territories claimed by other supernaturals. Vampires are the biggest threat. There are more of them than there is anything else on the planet combined. If there is anything that Warheads are good at, is ripping those fucking leeches apart. Shadow wolves were designed specifically to infiltrate covens
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"Your brother is picky," Nolan says as she hands out snacks to the smaller kids. "He didn't take any of the kids,"  "He's trying to establish the hierarchy. It's safer for them to be here than in the villas with the betas and deltas. You know how wolves get when they're trying to impress the alpha,"  "Okay," she nods. "What do you need?"  "I'm putting together a team to help me get some intel on some Betas,"  "Where?"  "Everywhere,"  "To secure Jayk's alpha position once Arthur is out," she nods. "That's smart,"  "I don't want to use the shadows. If the betas get a whiff of them, they'll know we're around,"  "Let's go to my office," she waves one of the older girls over and hands her the box of snacks. "I have names and contacts all over. Places like ours that need help. If you're willing to pay, you've got some foot guys. With that said, you have to be careful. You know how it is
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It's early in the morning when I open my eyes again. There is an arm locked around my waist. When I look up, I find Micca asleep with his hands tucked under his head. He's facing me. He doesn't have a shirt on and I can see the gauze on his chest where I bit him. It's not red so I reach for it and gently pull it down to reveal the nasty scar and bruising. I can't see the one on his neck because his hands are covering it.  "It's four in the morning. Go back to sleep," Miles murmurs into the back of my neck. My body shivers from how close he is to my mark.  "Bathroom," I croak. He places a kiss on his mark making me tremble and then releases me so he can turn away. I sit up looking around the room. I feel different somehow, but nothing has changed. Not really. I slowly crawl off the bed and make my way to the bathroom. The first thing I do is look at Miles's mark. The two crescent marks are completely healed. I look down at my marks to find hi
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It's more than clear that this isn't the first time he's been hunted. I break the row to find that his heat signature has gone up in smoke and with the thick morning fog his scent is almost non-existent. He forgot one little detail, which is nuts because it's the little detail that had brought us to this point.  I lower my body to the ground listening to my surroundings. The morning is silent it's almost peaceful. All except for the erratic thump of the wolf trying to take deep breaths to calm the fear turned excitement. It's hard to pinpoint because mine sounds exactly the same. I crawl over to the edge of the row to find it clear. I roll under the orange tree and take a deep breath. Slowly I make my way toward the direction the heartbeat is coming from. He's actually doing an amazing job at trying to calm himself. I smile when the sound of him shifting back into his skin meets my ears. The sound of his feet pressing down into the soft damp dirt is in the next
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