All Chapters of His Rejection, His Loss: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
296 Chapters
Chapter 0141
"Remember you started this," he said, his eyes full of raw passion, and a smirk on his lips."I know," I replied, impatiently.Alpha Izaak cleared all the files and documents on his desk and put me on it. He crashed his lips into mine again and sucked my lips and tongue."Let me show you what you've
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Chapter 0142
Fiona's PovAlpha Izaak and I wasted no time in driving to Elder Ellie's clinic. When we arrived at the clinic, we noticed the tension on everyone's faces.Rick walked up to us."What's the emergency meeting about?" Alpha Izaak inquired."Tiana was rushed to the clinic, she was bleeding," Rick answe
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Chapter 0143
"Where is the cup that contains the content Luna Fiona gave to her?" Elder Freya asked."It's in Miss Tiana's room," the omega answered."What kind of drink did you give to Tiana?" Elder Freya asked calmly, but I could see the accusations in her eyes."It was a drink to ensure Tiana carries the pup
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Chapter 0144
Izaak's PovThe evidence against Fiona was overwhelmingly against her, and my trust slowly wavered as my heart became heavy with doubt."Rick, arrest Luna Fiona," I ordered."But Alpha," Rick tried protesting, but a single glare from me shut him off completely."Fiona Beau Macleod, you're under arre
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Chapter 0145
Fiona's PovI woke up to the sounds of several wolves howling. I've been locked up for three nights. The only amenities in the dungeon were a toilet, a rock-hard bed for me to sleep on, which made no difference from sleeping on the cold floor as well, and a thin blanket.I've had plenty of time to t
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Chapter 0146
Fiona's Pov"Fiona?" A familiar voice said. "What are you doing here?"I felt a lump in my throat as I watched the black wolf change in front of me."Z– Zion?" I stuttered in surprise, and relief washed over me. I can't even imagine what would be the outcome if it was someone else or even Alpha Izaa
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Chapter 0147
Fiona's PovI've spent seven grueling nights in this wretched dungeon and I was beyond exhausted emotionally and physically. I know a trial will be held eventually even though all the evidence is stacked up against me. No one has come to see me apart from Zion a few nights ago, and since then it's j
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Chapter 0148
Fiona's Pov"By the evidence which will be presented here today, and with the wisdom of the moon goddess we will judge you fairly, and justly," Elder Spencer said to me. "Do you understand?""Yes, I do.""Very well, we shall begin," Elder Spencer said. "Let the first witness please come forward."Ti
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Chapter 0149
Elder Ellie was next to testify, so she came forward."Elder Ellie, do you swear in front of the entire pack, and the moon goddess mother of all werewolves that you'll tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth during this trial?" Elder Spencer asked."Yes, I do.""Can you please tell us what ha
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Chapter 0150
Fiona's PovI was emotionally exposed and vulnerable as I stood in front of the pack members. Their accusing whispers filled the air, and it made my tears fall uncontrollably. They all accused me of trying to use my tears to gather their sympathy."Step aside Fiona," Elder Spencer said, his face voi
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