All Chapters of Blind Fate: The Beta's Regret: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
88 Chapters
71 - The Sanctuary III: Drawing Strength
Chloe JaneAfter my enlightening time with Brigid, my training with Cerys starts. She’s a woman whose presence seems as solid and dependable as the earth itself. Her eyes, a deep green, remind me of a forest untouched by time, and her voice carries the calm assurance of the ground beneath our feet.“Chloe Jane,” she greets me, her smile warm but her gaze assessing. “Today, we start grounding you to the earth. Your power is immense, but without a strong foundation, it can overwhelm you.”I nod, understanding the importance of what she’s saying. In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve come to realize that being a Spinner is about balance as much as it is about weaving fates.“I understand. I’ve felt... unmoored, at times. Like I’m not quite in control.”“That’s what we’ll work on,” Cerys assures me. “Control, yes, but also resilience. The earth endures because it knows how to adapt, how to stand firm. You must learn to do the same.”“We’ll also work on your self-defense, in both your hum
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72 - The Sanctuary IV: Fighting Darkness
Chloe JaneAs soon as my foot crosses the threshold back into the Sanctuary, a veil seems to fall over my eyes, plunging me back into darkness. My heart races, panic clawing at its edges. It’s been weeks since I’ve been blind, weeks since I felt this vulnerable, this helpless.The sounds around me are amplified—a slithering that seems too close, a low growling that sends shivers down my spine. I freeze, not knowing which way to turn, my recent training forgotten in the face of sudden fear.“What’s happening?” I whisper into the darkness, my voice quivering with fear.“You’ve forgotten so soon, Chloe Jane?” Diantha’s voice echoes through me. “The darkness is where fate hides its deepest secrets, where your true test begins.”I swallow hard, trying to steady my racing heart. “I... I thought I was ready,” I manage to say, the admission tasting bitter on my tongue.Diantha’s laugh is a cold whisper in the dark. “Readiness is an illusion, child. Here, in the shadows, is where you’ll confro
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73 - The Sanctuary V: Accepting Darkness
Chloe Jane“Deacon!” I scream, dropping to my knees beside him. I don’t hear a heartbeat, and his eyes are wide open in shock. “No, no, no!”Frantically, I try everything I’ve learned, everything I can think of to help him, but it’s no use. I think back to Deacon’s threads, trying to find his so I can change his fate, but I can’t seem to find it. Tears stream down my face as I realize I can’t save him… Deacon is gone, and with that realization, I feel a painful tug in my chest, our bond snapping.Abruptly, I wake up again, back in the pack house, as if nothing had happened. I rush out to find Deacon again, and he’s in the same spot with his back to me. But then the cycle repeats: the joyful reunion, Deacon’s sudden collapse, my futile attempts to save him. Each time, the pain of losing him feels as raw and devastating as the first. I feel the snapping of our bond, only to wake up in our bed again.My heart aches with a familiar dread, the cycle of loss and despair feeling endless, i
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74 - Six Months
Ruin It’s taken me a few months, but I finally have Edward strung up in the basement. The fucker has been lying low, thinking we’ve forgotten about him. We were notified when he tried to board a plane last night; Ryker’s reach and all that.“What are you gonna do to him?” Ryker asks as he hands me a glass of bourbon. We’re in his office right now, running over a few contingency plans since the war has escalated.“Ask him a few questions and hope for his sake that he answers them truthfully,” I say with a shrug of my shoulder. “Maybe Ivan promised him more than riches and the presidency.”“You don’t seem to be in a hurry with your questioning, since the fucker has been strung up for the last twenty-four hours,” he says with a chuckle as he sips on the amber liquid.Truth is, I wasn’t. He’s captured and waiting for me to torture him, there’s no rush to kill him just yet. “I’m taking my time and letting him really marinate in his fear before I go down there again,” I say, downing the a
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75 - Betas Do It Better
Ruin I step foot inside the building and the familiar figure standing at the bar turns to me and smirks. “Fucking finally,” he says, handing me a glass of amber liquid. “Kai said you’d be here later, but the sooner we kill those fuckers, the better.” I grin at Kai’s Beta, Konstantin, and I shake my head. I’d forgotten how bloodthirsty this man can be, and it seems since he met his mate and had kids, he’s gotten even more violent. You’d expect family to calm you down, but not in The Heartless Beta’s case. Ryker sent me here to help out for a few days since our pack grounds are secured, so now I’ll be playing around with wolves of the Blood Crest pack. “Agreed. These the same bastards that keep trying to infiltrate your pack grounds?” He nods. “They keep following the more vulnerable of the pack members as soon as they leave. But with the hex around our pack lands, no one else can enter unless they’re specifically invited by Kai or members of our pack,” he says, downing his alcohol.
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76 - It's About Time
RuinStumbling through the door of the pack house, every bone in my body screams for rest. New York with the BloodCrest Pack was a necessary distraction, one that kept my mind off things I’d rather not dwell on. But now, all I want is to collapse into my bed and sleep for an eternity.The weight of the last two weeks settles on me like a cloak made of lead as I make my way to my room, barely managing to kick off my boots. I make it to the bed, my coordination failing at the last second, sending me tipping over and crashing onto the mattress with a sigh that feels like it’s been building for months.Just as I start to drift off, a scent hits me, unmistakable and heartbreakingly familiar: peaches. It’s Chloe Jane’s scent, the one that’s been missing from my life for months now. The realization jolts through me, but before I can even think to get up, to search where it’s coming from, darkness pulls me under, and I’m out cold.The next thing I know, I’m standing in a realm that feels both
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77 - Everything Has Changed
Chloe JaneStanding at the top of the stone steps, I feel a mix of nervous anticipation and a sense of completion wash over me. The Sanctuary behind me feels both like a home I’m leaving and a school where I’ve learned everything I needed to face the world again. The four previous Spinners, my mentors and guides through this journey, gather around me for a final farewell.“Chloe Jane, you’ve grown more than we could have hoped,” Aria says as she steps forward first. She places her hand over my heart, a warm glow emanating from her palm. “Remember, the strength you need is always within you. Carry this light with you, even in the darkest of times.”Next, Brigid, her fiery hair mirroring the passion she’s instilled in me, gives me a tight hug. “Let the fire in your heart burn bright, child. Let it guide you and protect you. Passion is a powerful weapon; wield it wisely,” she says, her eyes sparkling with an inner fire. “May your heart always burn bright, illuminating the darkest of pa
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78 - I Get It Now
RuinWe’re laying in the private room of the cabin and I watch Chloe Jane sleep, her chest rising and falling softly with each breath she takes. It’s been months since I’ve had the luxury of just watching her, of being this close. The private jet hums quietly in the background, a dull noise compared to the storm of emotions swirling inside me. My heart is full, so bloody full it feels like it could burst right out of my chest.I still can’t quite believe she’s actually here, with me, after all this time. The ache of being apart from her was a constant companion, one I thought I’d never shake off. And now, with her revelation... Fuck, I’m going to be a dad. The thought sends a mix of terror and elation coursing through me. I understand now, really understand, what Konstantin meant about how having a family changes you. I glance at her again, her blonde hair cascading over the pillow, a stark contrast to the dark material. Her eyes are closed in sleep, but I remember the way they spa
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79 - Welcome Home, Chloe Jane
Chloe JaneAs we drive back to the pack house, I can’t help but keep glancing down at the ring on my finger. It’s beautiful, far more beautiful than anything I’ve ever owned, but it’s not just the ring that has my heart feeling like it’s about to burst—it’s everything it represents. Deacon and I, our future, our family... it’s all becoming so real.“Can’t believe you’re actually stuck with me now,” Deacon says, a playful grin on his face as he glances over at me. “Poor thing.”“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I reply, squeezing his hand gently. The thought of spending the rest of my life with him, of building a family together, it’s a dream come true.As we pull up to the pack house, Deacon parks the car and comes around to open my door. He offers his hand, helping me out, and as we walk towards the front door, I’m hit with a wave of nervous excitement. This place has become a home to me, and the people inside, my family.Deacon opens the door, and the sight that greets us takes
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80 - A Safe Haven
Ruin “Spent years blind, only for my fiance to blind me again,” I can’t help but chuckle at Chloe Jane’s words as I lead her into the forest behind the pack house. She’s been complaining about the blindfold for the last few minutes, but I want her to have the full effect of the gift I’ve been working on since she’s been gone. “Oh, aren't we overdramatic. Do Fates have zero patience or something? Hold your horses, we’re almost there, dove,” I say as we walk, only for her to pout more. She’s only been back for a day and she’s already more bossy than before, bloody hell. As we step into the clearing, I can’t help but feel nervous at what her reaction might be. Will she like it? Will she say it’s silly? I suppose I’ll find out in a few seconds. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. “I’ve been working on this for a while now,” I murmur into her ear. “Welcome home, love.” Then I kiss her soft cheek and remove her blind fold from her eyes. She sucks in a sharp breat
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