All Chapters of Alpha Of Darkness And The Half-Breed Healer: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
105 Chapters
Silly Gemma
Chapter 11 Silly GemmaAUTHOR’S POVGemma jabbed at her food lazily; she didn't seem to have much interest in the food. Ezekiel watched her closely with his under-eye. She is trying to get her way out of the house by throwing a tantrum. But he knows better than to let her get her way this time. Suddenly, Gemma threw down her cutlery, wiping at her mouth with a napkin. "I'm heading out!" She announced, pushing the chair back. "You haven't even eaten half of your meal." Her mother, Daniella, commented. Ezekiel cleared his throat, taking a sip of his water. "And where do you think you are going, young lady?" Gemma scoffed, "Where else, dad? I am either shopping, hanging with the girls, or spending time with Gael." She stressed the name so much everyone winced on her behalf. "How did I birth such a shameless child like you?" Her father spat in distaste. "Ezekiel!" Daniella called out softly. "Easy, uncle." Ezra, who had been extremely quiet, chipped in. He shook his head stubbornl
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Death calls
Chapter 12 Death callsGAEL’S POVThe report in my hand seems to burn into my palm. There have been more deaths over the last two weeks. Now, I am beginning to look like a demonic Alpha wishing for the death of his pack members. I had stood my ground against hiring healers since our pack was devoid of one. The doctors, as suspected, couldn't come up with anything to help out. And Ezra seems to be keeping malice with me because of my response the other day. Everyone else cares about the pack more than I do. The door to the study opened, letting in Ezra. Huffing, I put the tablet on the table. "Took you long enough." I snorted. "I can still go back if that is the attitude you intend to put up. "After all, I am not the Beta." He responded, staring blankly. "That's okay. You don't need to act out of place. I am sorry for acting the way I did the other day. It appears we have a serious case on our hands to deal with. I don't want to call out to your uncle, and he wouldn't spare me the
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Her roommates
Chapter 13 Her RoommatesNIA POVLike a cat drenched in water, I stood in the doorway pleading with my doomed roommates to please let me in after a long day working in the kitchen. The both of them drew a line between the door and the room. They dared me to step forward while they sat on each side of the room with a whip. I thought they were joking about whipping my leg if I tried to move. The first step, a painful sound escaped my lips when both whips landed on my feet simultaneously. I glanced back at the hallway, hoping for help. But I knew no one would come, and I hoped for a miracle. Somebody must have informed the other maids what would become of me this evening, and as usual, none of them would try to stop such wrath from being unleashed on me. I hate that I am getting used to their foul treatment. It would have been better if someone tried to come to my rescue. At least, that might have given me some courage. It seems far-fetched now. Wiping at the tears in my eyes in resolv
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Loving sibling
Chapter 14 Loving SiblingNIA’S POV I have never been so confused in my entire life, and the more I shook Perry hard, the more flashes of the night my father lost his life kept returning. Mustering every strength, I lifted her off the ground, running towards the exit. A fine-looking man rushed in, almost colliding with myself and Perry. Even in my disheveled state, I can tell how much of a fine person he is. "What happened to her?" He asked, his face scrunched up in concern. "I don't know. Perry just passed out." The man didn't wait for me to finish my sentence before he took her from me and left. For security's sake, I followed him. He seemed familiar with the packhouse as he opened the door to a room and placed her on the bed. It took me a long minute after she rambled on the phone for a doctor, and I realized they were siblings. The resemblance is so striking that only blind folk wouldn't notice. I stayed quietly by the door while Perry got treated. The assistant Beta looked wo
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Reselling the halfbreed
Chapter 15 Reselling the half-breedGAEL’S POVI moaned softly, throwing my head to the back at the delightful feeling of Sarah's warm mouth over my dick. Of all the women I have gotten down with, she gives the best head. Whenever Gemma chooses to act up, I get reminded of how better Sarah is in everything. She grinds and sucks like it's the only thing she was born to do. Grunting hard, I nutted into her mouth. It's her fault for being so good at it. Pushing her away from me while she got herself cleaned up, I pulled up my trousers and threw myself into the bed. The door opened abruptly, and I almost cursed Sarah's generation for making such a ride exit. "What the....." My words hang in the air at the sight of Ezra. "What happened? You, get out." I bickered at Sarah, causing her to scurry off. Ezra rubbed his forehead, pacing the room back and forth. "How much is the half-breed?" Sniffing, I stared at him, feeling a bit confused. "What sort of question is that?" "Don't act like
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No mercy
Chapter 16 No MercyNIA’S POV"You disgust me!" "I just hate to see your face so much!" "How did you even end up here!" The ladies kept saying as they kicked me all at once with no mercy. I lay there on the cold floor, crying my eyes out while using my weak hands to protect my head. But that didn't stop the pain from reaching my core. I'm their frustration bin. I do not need to do anything wrong for them to come at me. It feels like somebody has opened the gates of hell since the beginning of today. I have been hammering left and right. Out of my desire to act dutiful, I had left Perry's side despite her warning for me not to. The maids didn't forget that I was with the assistant Beta's sister and thought it wasn't my place to be. Here, I receiving punishment for thinking too highly of myself. The tears stung my eyes so severely for a minute, it felt like I would go blind. "You bitch!" Another yelled with so much vigor, and she sent a lasting kick to my belly that had my guts in
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No healer
Chapter 17 No HealerGAEL’S POVMy head aches badly. I tried hard to avoid drinking too much and ended up with a hangover. But here I am, wincing at the hammering in my head. Sitting up, I yawned loudly. On both sides of my king-sized bed lay four of my concubine's butt-naked. A delightful grin spread out on my face as I smacked the two near me with both hands. They moaned in response to their sleep. My life is incredible!Slapping each of them harder, I kicked at the one inching close to me. "That's enough. You all should get out." I ordered. After what felt like forever, the four left, leaving me to myself. I stared blankly at the wall. I don't know what it is, but I haven't been in the best of moods for days. It probably has to do with Gemma's absence. But then, deep within me, I know it's not. For some unknown reason, I am beginning to regret signing the deal with Ezra to let the half-breed serve the packhouse for just a year. Left to me, she doesn't deserve to roam about so fre
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The caregiver
Chapter 18 The CaregiverAUTHOR’S POVNia winced in pain at Perry's attempt to help mop her bruised body. Perry couldn't believe the head of the pack meant to protect his members allowed bullying."I still can't believe this happened." She fumed. "What exactly did the Alpha and his wretched girlfriend say you did?" With tears streaming down her eyes, Nia looked down at her swollen ankle. "I guess my presence just irks them so much. I should have paid more attention and not passed through the stairs." Perry hissed in contempt, "You should have flown instead. Are you listening to yourself? You intend to blame yourself for their foolishness." "Please, Perry. You can't talk about the Alpha like that. I might get locked up. He was clear about his warning for me not to cross his path." "For crying out loud. That was a walkway. Who dare claim it?" "The Alpha." Nia tried to make a joke of it, but Perry's cold glare made her keep quiet. "Gemma is such a bitch. She feels too good about he
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The mistress, the whore
Chapter 19 The Mistress, the whore.GAEL’S POVI was about to get a blowjob from Sarah when the door to the study burst open abruptly, letting in Gemma. Without warning, she threw her handbag at poor Sarah while letting out an ear-piercing scream. Her face looked quite rough, like she had been playing in the mud or pushed to the wall roughly. The poor girl she hit out of the blue ran without being told what to do.Zipping up my trousers, I gave her a disapproving look. "I do not like how you always barge in on me with no ounce of respect," I stated. Tears laced her eyes as she stood in front of me. "I have only been gone for a few hours, and you are already getting down with one of your sluts?" "I'm not going to discuss my private life with you." "Won't you ask me what happened to me?" She stomped her feet, sobbing. This problem is my own doing. I have no one to blame. Inhaling sharply, I smacked my lips. "what happened to you?" Gemma burst into tears. "you won't believe what Per
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New Yorker
Chapter 20 New YorkerNIA’S POVI watched Perry in delight as she hummed to herself while painting. She woke up happy today, and I can't help but revel in it. I am bright and look perfect on her. It's been two weeks since Assistant Beta asked me to stick to her side for a while. I am glad I got to agree to it. Hanging around Perry has been fun, and I also get saved from getting whooped up my ass by the bullies. I wish they would be thoughtful enough to let me be. A few days ago, I got pushed down the stairs by the Alpha's girlfriend. My body felt like it had broken to pieces, but whatever pill Perry had given to me then. It worked like magic, and I appreciate the thoughtfulness. It took my body a while to heal. If I had my way, I would like to stay glued to her side for as long as possible. "What are you thinking about?" Perry asked, grinning from ear to ear. I chuckled, "Nothing. Why do you seem a bit excited today?" "Well, you won't believe this news I have for you." "What's t
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