All Chapters of His Marvelous Life Starts After Divorce : Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
366 Chapters
Chapter 311
After Frederick agreed, Sylvester's expression turned serious as he took out another photograph.The image displayed a peculiar symbol."Memorize this, I've spent a long time investigating your father's case. I'm certain this symbol belongs to a powerful, secretive organization, and they're connected to your father's death."Frederick solemnly accepted the photograph. He recognized the symbol as representing a rather obscure Dawnward demon. Its use as an organizational emblem pointed toward Western origins, a realm Frederick wasn't familiar with.His time in Motheca had been devoted to cultivation and dealing with their god-level experts, leaving worldly affairs to Blazeheart.Trusting Blazeheart to investigate the symbol's significance, Frederick pocketed the photo.Sylvester's concern was evident as he continued, "This organization is incredibly secretive. I've found nothing after years of investigation. Should you uncover anything, inform me immediately. Don't act alone."To
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Chapter 312
Frederick was astonished to discover that his consciousness was linked to the ring he held. With a mere thought, the ring had absorbed the Spirit Vessel.It was a spatial ring—no wonder Sylvester referred to it as a spirit ring. Even Frederick, well-versed in the world of cultivation, had never encountered such a treasure for spatial storage. He promptly stored his silver needles as well.This spirit ring would undoubtedly make his life much more convenient. After securing the Violet Spirit Vessel, Frederick swiftly departed the Monroe family's cruise ship and made his way to the station to catch a bus back to Jenaire City.As night fell, Frederick arrived in Jenaire City.Gazing at the brightly lit cityscape, a wave of emotion washed over him. He had believed he might never return, yet here he was, destined to remain for another year or so. With phone stores closed for the night, Frederick couldn't buy a new device. His first instinct was to visit Tyger's house to check on Sca
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Chapter 313
After much hassle, Frederick arrived at the Phantom Bar at 10:00 pm, just as the night was beginning to pulse with energy.As soon as he reached the entrance, he spotted Scarlett's bright red Ferrari. His eyes lit up instantly—Scarlett was indeed here!Inside the bar, the usual cacophony of music and dancing enveloped him. He made his way to the bar and casually inquired of the bartender, "Is Scarlett here?"The bartender paused with a smirk playing on his lips. "Are you looking for that ugly freak?"Frederick was dumbfounded by the bartender's remark. Did someone dare call Scarlett ugly? Were they blind?"Check the restroom, you'll find the ugly freak there," the bartender sneered. Restroom? Frederick's brow furrowed with concern. What had happened? He swiftly made his way toward the restroom, ignoring the bartender's taunts.Inside, a drunken brute was berating a woman scrubbing the floor."Damn ugly freak, scaring the piss out of me! You've ruined my fun!" A group o
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Chapter 314
The man's grip tightened in Scarlett's hair as he shoved her face toward the urine-soaked floor."Lick it, damn you!" he commanded.Scarlett's fists clenched in fury, but she knew better than to resist. With every ounce of strength, she pushed her head upward. The man was no match for her raw power. He struggled to maintain control and his frustration mounted.He released her hair and began stomping on her head with his heavy boots, each blow delivered with vicious intent.Though wracked with pain, Scarlett refused to retaliate, just bracing herself against the onslaught.The others witnessed this one-sided assault and began to heckle their companion."What a loser!""Can't even handle a woman who won't fight back, huh?""What a pathetic excuse for a man."Fueled by alcohol and the sting of their insults, the man's rage intensified. He snatched a fire extinguisher from the wall and advanced on Scarlett with a menacing glint in his eyes. With a grunt of exertion, he swung
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Chapter 315
"Who the hell is this Mr. York?" "Tyger's already out of the picture, and now this pretty boy thinks he can swoop in and play hero?"The man who had been assaulting Scarlett remained frozen in shock. He had just witnessed Frederick materialize out of thin air and shatter a fire extinguisher with a single punch. Was such a feat even humanly possible? Frederick strode toward him with a calm demeanor masking his fury."Do you like this kind of liquid?" he asked, gesturing towards the urine-soaked floor. Before the man could respond, Frederick seized him by the hair. A yelp of pain escaped the man's lips as he struggled futilely against Frederick's iron grip. With a swift, effortless motion, Frederick lifted him off the ground and slammed his face into a nearby urinal. The urinal exploded, shards embedding themselves in the man's face and knocking him unconscious. The others exchanged horrified glances. They had never seen anyone fight with such brutal efficiency.Instinct t
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Chapter 316
"They're holding Jacob and Uncle Tyger hostage to force me to clean toilets and endure this humiliation," Scarlett confessed, her cheeks burning with shame. Frederick's blood boiled with anger. It was clear now why Scarlett had suffered such degradation—they were using Tyger and Jacob as leverage against her. Tyger and Jacob had been injured protecting him, so their current predicament was inextricably linked to him."Where are these people? I'll find them," he sa, his fists clenching.Scarlett shook her head. "I don't know exactly. They only have Rex watching me here at the bar. He's the one who should know where they're being held." A cold fury settled over Frederick. Rex had betrayed Scarlett, aligning himself with her enemies to torment her.In their world, such treachery was unforgivable. "We'll get Rex to talk," Frederick said. He led Scarlett out of the restroom and into the main bar area and instructed her to find a place to hide. He then strode confidently toward
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Chapter 317
Frederick lunged forward, seizing the bartender's hand in a vice-like grip.Caught off guard, the bartender attempted to resist but was easily overpowered by Frederick's strength."Damn you! How dare you point at me? Do you want to lose this hand?" Frederick growled. With a brutal slam, he forced the bartender's hand onto the bartop and grabbed a nearby bottle. In one swift motion, he brought the bottle down on the bartender's hand.The shattering glass filled the air as the bartender's hand was instantly mangled, shards piercing his skin and drawing blood. The agonizing pain wrenched a howl from his throat. For a bartender, his hands were his livelihood, and Frederick had just robbed him of that. The woman beside Frederick winced, her face hardening as she rose from her seat. "Frederick, you're too violent!"With that, she turned and strode away.Frederick watched her retreating figure and felt confused. How did she know his name?As he pondered the woman's departure, a gr
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Chapter 318
The remaining thugs opted to wait for Rex to assess the situation. They had only been with him for about two months, but they had already witnessed his exceptional fighting skills.Despite his crippled leg, he could easily take on five or six opponents. One could only imagine how formidable he had been in his prime.By now, the onlookers had gathered around, captivated by the unfolding drama. Never had they seen someone so audacious as to single-handedly challenge the establishment's authority. Within moments, a group of machete-wielding thugs burst through the doors.They shouted, "Everyone out! We have some business to handle!"Recognizing the arrival of the bar's boss, the onlookers scrambled to escape, not wanting to be caught in the ensuing chaos. In a matter of minutes, only the thugs, Frederick, and Scarlett hiding in a corner.Rex limped into the bar supported by his entourage of thugs. His leg was broken by Frederick in a previous encounter which had left him with a per
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Chapter 319
A chilling smile played on Scarlett's lips, her eyes filled with murderous malice.The sight of her restored beauty sent a shiver of unease through Rex, a premonition of impending doom."H-How... How did your face heal?"Frederick, who had been silently observing the scene, finally turned his head.His voice was calm but resolute as he spoke. "I healed it." Rex recoiled as if he had seen a phantom. The memory of Frederick's devastating strength was seared into his mind. Even while carrying Scarlett, Frederick had effortlessly shattered his kneecap with a single kick, leaving him crippled. For the past two months, Rex had assumed Frederick had fled Jenaire City, terrified of retaliation after witnessing the Dragon League's downfall.He hadn't given Frederick much thought since then. But now, panic welled up within him as he faced Frederick's sudden reappearance. "Get him! Attack!" Rex shouted to his men, desperately trying to mask his fear. Having never seen their leader so
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Chapter 320
"Betrayal and treachery deserve a double dose of pain! I'll cut you twice!" Frederick growled, plunging another blade into Rex's chest before he could even catch his breath."For turning your back on your boss and siding with the enemy, I'll cut you thrice! There will be no mercy!"Rex attempted to speak, but he was too weak, and blood trickled from the corners of his mouth. The thugs stood frozen, their faces ashen with horror at the brutal display. They were small-time crooks, used to petty violence and brawling, but this level of violence was beyond anything they had ever witnessed. Seeing Frederick's punishment in action chilled them to the bone. It was a stark reminder of the dangerous path they had chosen. One misstep, and they could be the next victim.Understanding that these men were merely foot soldiers, Frederick fixed them with an icy glare. "Get out of my sight! If I see any of you again, there will be no mercy." Terrified by Frederick's booming voice, the thugs
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