All Chapters of His Marvelous Life Starts After Divorce : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
388 Chapters
Chapter 61
Frederick had no way of clearing his name now. Priscilla stormed over and raised her hand to give him a tight slap on the cheek. But someone like Frederick would never let that land. He immediately grabbed her wrist, stopping her.Priscilla felt like her wrist was in a vice. It was so painful that tears nearly burst forth from her eyes.Only then did Frederick realize he seemed to have gripped her wrist too hard. He quickly let go of her, afraid he might hurt her.Priscilla clasped her stinging wrist before slapping Frederick in the face. "You shameless man!"But Frederick shielded the blow with his other hand, making the slap land on the back of his hand instead. Though it didn't land on his cheek, the slap still felt like a knife slicing through his heart. They had been married for three years. Yet now Priscilla was hurting him of her own volition! When June saw Priscilla hitting Frederick, she quickly went up to ask him, "Are you okay, Frederick?"Priscilla angrily stompe
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Chapter 62
"I'll make whatever you want to happen come true," Frederick assured June.Priscilla remarked on how Frederick's gentle demeanor toward June was way different than how he'd treated Priscilla herself earlier. Frederick used to only speak so gently to Priscilla, yet now he was doing so to her sister. Priscilla also recalled how Frederick had promised her he'd make all her dreams come true three years ago.Priscilla had said she wanted to be a rich and successful businesswoman, which she was now. But what did this have to do with Frederick?Feeling uneasy, Priscilla quickly dragged June away.Frederick smiled bitterly as he watched Priscilla leave.It was love at first sight for Frederick three years ago when he met Priscilla. He'd returned to the country to pay his respects to his parents at the time.Was this what Frederick got in return for giving up his life in Motheca and staying in Jenaire City instead?At the thought of his friends back in Motheca, Frederick took out his pho
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Chapter 63
June's eyes widened, and she quickly shook her head. No way would she ever let any other man look at her naked body. Though Frederick did have a glimpse, he was still part of the family… Priscilla found David's suggestion inappropriate as well. "I think it's best we have a female gynecologist perform the checkup instead, Dr. Jackson."David then realized his suggestion had been too impromptu, so he quickly said, "Alright. I'll arrange it for you right away. By the way, why don't you bring your sister along for our meal tomorrow, Ms. Miller?"Priscilla didn't find that suggestion inappropriate. The more the merrier, as they said. After all, Priscilla didn't like eating out with men she didn't personally know. Having Grace and June along might make her feel more at ease about it.Priscilla wouldn't have agreed to have a meal with David if it weren't for him trying to prove his point.David was pleased to see Priscilla agree to his idea. He then hurried to get a female gynecologist
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Chapter 64
All of a sudden, June spotted David making a phone call in the emergency exit's stairwell. He was looking around sneakily and had the most perverted expression on his face.June had noticed that David was harboring inappropriate ideas toward Priscilla earlier. She had to help Priscilla on behalf of Frederick and make sure other men stayed away from Priscilla.So, June carefully went over to listen to what David was saying."Hey man, I need another roofie. Don't worry, I'll still pay you the same old price. Why do I need it? Heh, another hottie is up for grabs now."June covered her mouth in shock, not daring to make a single sound. She carefully retreated a distance away, making sure David hadn't noticed her. She then ran all the way back to Priscilla.Priscilla immediately looked toward the direction where June's heels were clicking wildly on the floor. Priscilla's brows knitted together at the sight of her sister in such a hurry. "You're not a child anymore. Don't you know how t
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Chapter 65
The next day, Frederick went to a nearby pharmacy to buy herbs to treat Tyger's injuries.He said to the shop owner behind the counter, "I'd like six ounces of saffron flower and six ounces of sage root… "The shop owner was smoking a cigarette while reading the newspaper. When he heard Frederick's request, he scratched his head and began measuring the herbs for him.Frederick felt a wave of disgust at the sight of the shop owner's grubby hands and dirty nails. How could the shop owner be so unhygienic when these herbs were meant to treat people's illnesses?"Can you wash your hands or at least put on some gloves, sir?" Frederick asked.The shop owner glanced at Frederick and took a strong drag on his cigarette, making the ashes fall into the pile of herbs. The shop owner then said crossly, "You think you're so smart, kid? Herbs grow from the soil itself and are naturally covered in it. If you clean it up too much, it'll lose its effectiveness. All my herbs here are in their mos
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Chapter 66
Mr. Scott, otherwise known as Francis Scott, was a philanthropist who mainly aided orphanages. According to the government's statistical data, Francis had funded the livelihood and education of more than 300 orphans up to university. This included those who were funded for elementary, junior, and high school.Frederick felt a deep sense of respect for Francis as he marveled at the number of people the latter had ever helped. Francis really deserved a long life ahead of him.Just then, the shop owner exited the room behind the counter with a box in hand. "Mr. Scott, this is the century-old Dragon's Tear root my uncle dug up in Whitehart Mountain. My uncle met someone this year but her family looked down on him for being poor and unable to buy a proper house in the city."So, my uncle decided to head into the deepest areas in Whitehart Mountain to dig up some Dragon's Tear roots so he could marry the woman of his dreams and have a family of his own. There was a large bear guarding t
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Chapter 67
Francis quickly stopped the shop owner from kneeling before waving his hand at Quinny. Quinny quickly handed her grandfather a checkbook on which Francis then wrote down 5.5 million dollars.The shop owner watched on with bated breath. He hurriedly took the check when Francis finished writing on it. The shop owner was about to give Francis the Dragon's Tear root when a hand snatched both the cheque and root away.Quinny, Francis, and the shop owner were taken aback by this gesture. The shop owner then said angrily to Frederick, "What are you still doing here, kid?"The shop owner had been so focused on trying to sell the herb to Francis that he hadn't noticed that Frederick had been lingering around.Quinny said haughtily, "What do you think you're doing? Are you planning to rob us in broad daylight?"Frederick smiled and returned the check to Quinny. "You can have the check back. I'm not interested in your shoddy herb either."Quinny was shocked by this while the shop owner excl
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Chapter 68
"I oughta teach you a lesson today!"The two men then rolled up their sleeves, about to pounce on Frederick. Glee and twisted delight were already apparent in the shop owner's eyes.Francis said kindly, "Forget it. He's still young and has room for improvement."Quinny muttered, "People like him deserve a beating."Just then, Frederick suddenly said, "Wait."The two men said wickedly, "What is it? Are you scared? Run away now if you are!"Frederick asked Francis, "Mr. Scott, did you hear me say that the herbs in these two bundles were fake at any point?"Francis shook his head. "I only heard you say that about the Dragon's Tear, not the other herbs."Just then, the shop owner exclaimed angrily, "Don't listen to his bullcrap, Mr. Scott. The kid accused my herbs of being fake earlier when he came in to buy them! He was going on and on about dyes and unnatural herbs. You hadn't come into my shop then."Frederick smiled. "Yes, Mr. Scott hadn't heard all that I said before he enter
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Chapter 69
Frederick slowly picked up some sage roots and said to Francis, "These sage roots were soaked and dyed in chemicals after they grew moldy."All they needed was some hot water to determine whether the herbs were genuine.Frederick then went over to the in-store water dispenser and placed the sage root in a paper cup. He then dispensed hot water into the cup.As the water soaked the sage root, a myriad of colors stained the paper cup. A strange sheen even appeared. Anyone could tell that normal herbs wouldn't have such colors. They had clearly been chemically dyed.Frederick placed the stained paper before the shop owner and said, "How will you explain yourself now?"The shop owner really wanted to give Frederick a good beating now. How did he figure out such a way to determine the genuineness of the herbs? The shop owner himself didn't even know how to do this!But the shop owner definitely wasn't going to explain himself as he still needed to convince Francis to buy the Dragon'
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Chapter 70
"You don't look so well. You definitely need this good herb to strengthen yourself," the shop owner said.Francis looked at Frederick, stunned. He really didn't understand what Frederick was doing now.But Frederick cut the shop owner off and said, "Don't pretend to know things you clearly don't. You have no medical knowledge at all, so don't just simply say things, or else you might harm someone. "Mr. Scott is only in such an ill condition because he lost a kidney in his youth. Since the kidneys are where our vital energies source from, the loss of one caused him to lose much vital energy for many years. That's why he's so ill now in his old age. "There is no way to treat such a condition. Eating Dragon's Tear root will only badly affect Mr. Scott and make him fall ill. Plus, are you really going to sell this forest-grown root for five million dollars?"Quinny and Francis shared a look because Francis had indeed lost a kidney in his youth. But how did Frederick come to know thi
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