All Chapters of Chasing His Revengeful Wife: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
91 Chapters
Chapter 41
SEKANI: I returned from work and walked into the aroma of food cooking in the kitchen. As tired as I was, my feet couldn't help but carry me over to the kitchen. Well, Sean was standing in front of the cooker with a pan stir-frying vegetables. I stood by the door, contemplating either walking into the kitchen or turning to leave. "You can come in if you like." "I wasn't planning on doing that," I replied and pulled my bag to my shoulder. "What are you making tonight?" He briefly turned to look at me before smiling. "Stir-fry pasta." "Oh," I nodded. "Nice. So do you need any help?" "Yeah. Mya hasn't done her homework yet. I was planning on doing that after cooking but I think she would be hungry by then." "I'll help," I smiled briefly before walking away from him and leaving the kitchen. I'd do anything not to not be in the same room with him. I found Mya seated in the living room with a coloring book in hand. Her new set of crayons was scattered
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Chapter 42
SEAN: The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed and a needy Mya on the bed. Sitting up, I yawned and stretched before checking to see it was almost seven-thirty. "Baby," I muttered, slipping out of the bed and pulling Mya along with me. "When did you wake up?" "When mummy went to work," She replied with a sigh. "Why don't we all have breakfast and go to school together?" "Huh?" I replied absentmindedly as I made my way out of the room. Mya rushed behind me and tugged at my sweatpants. "Why don't we all wake up together and go to school together?" I slowed down and bent to the side to pick her into my arms. "Because mummy has to be at work really early. School starts at eight-thirty for you. We wouldn't want you to be alone in school. Plus my work resumes at nine." "But mum doesn't go to work early all the time. She's the boss, right? Why does she have to be early?" Well, I already had an answer. She didn't want to be anywhere close to me. It was th
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Chapter 43
SEKANI: Work was really hectic today. I had to admit that it was. I'd done a lot of getting mad at Shirley today and I knew she didn't deserve to be talked to in that manner but I couldn't care less. One of my staff had left the room in tears after I'd called her out for her insubordination. I was going over a file when a knock sounded on the door. I looked up to see Luca standing there with a paper bag and a smile on his face. "I brought food," He raised the paper bag up and smiled. "Figured you hadn't eaten." "No. I haven't." I sat up and closed my laptop. Seeing food had reignited the hunger I had stashed to the side from laziness of standing up to get food or asking Sheila to order me some. He pulled out a seat and placed the bag on the table before he sat. "The office seems very quiet and melancholic today. Did something happen?Sheila didn't give me a reply when I asked if you were in. “ "Yeah, I addressed a few things that didn't sit well with a lot o
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Chapter 44
SEAN: You know, Jake was right. I did have to stress myself over whether she liked something or not. She didn't and it was very much obvious. I tried not to get mad over the fact that I'd spent a couple hundred dollars on that shawl. I had seen it the moment I walked into the clothes store and instantly knew that dress belonged to Serene's arms. And it did belong to her arms. So I guessed that was a gift I'd given her without expecting anything in return. Mya was happy to see me and that alone was enough to make my day. When I showed her the beanie I got for her, she literally jumped on me and kissed me on the cheek while saying many thanks. If I hadn't held her back, she would have rushed back to school to show her friends that her father had gotten a gift for her. I was just about to steer her into the car when a lady dressed in corporate clothing stepped out of the school's building and waved over at me. Squinting, I cocked my head to the side to see who it was. I
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Chapter 45
SEKANI: Rage. Pure rage and anger coursed through me as I made my way out of the kitchen. I suddenly lost the appetite for anything at all and poured my drink in before stepping out. How dare he? Although Mya hadn't been specific with her statement, I knew Sean had flirted with her. Miss Amy was a really pretty woman so I could already tell that they both had an instant attraction. In front of my daughter! I'd made a terrible mistake. I shouldn't have let him get this close to us only to turn his back against us and hurt us. What exactly was wrong with him and not wanting to keep his self-control under check? It was disgusting. I knew where exactly to go. The gazebo. No one really ever came here. Not that I knew. But from the bushes that were growing around, I could tell that this place was quite abandoned. I looked for the switch of the light bulb and found it weakly hanging to the tethers of a wire. Carefully, I turned the switch off, jumping when a spark crackled and
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Chapter 46
SEKANI: They had all gone to bed when I returned. Mya was fast asleep and Sean was in the living room with the TV on. He was also asleep. I stood before him for a long while and stared before letting out a sigh and going to the room to grab a blanket for him. I didn't want to disturb him for the sake of not wanting to get into a conversation with him. After covering him up and making sure he was tucked well, I stood back and gave him a long look before going to the kitchen. I was hungry. The only meal I had today was lunch at the office so I went to the microwave to check if Sean had left anything for me to eat. A Tupperware container sat in the microwave and I pulled the door open, thankful that the bowl was still warm. That meant he had left something for me. It was so thoughtful, I had to admit. Sean had been nothing but thoughtful the whole time and what did I do in return? Make sure my resentment for him wasn't hidden. I felt really terrible for doing that to him b
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Chapter 47
SEKANI: Mya was mad at me. She didn't even kiss me goodbye before she ran off to be with her friends but I stood there, watching and waiting for her teacher to step out. I needed to have a word or two with her. I waited a few more minutes, checking my tone as I impatiently waited for her to appear. I didn't want to go into the school as I didn't want to be stared at. Being Sekani Salvador not only came with its advantages but disadvantages also. The eye service, the faux adoration, and friendliness from other parents? I sure didn't want to be at the receiving end of it. Just as I was about to turn to leave, I caught sight of Miss Amy carting a few kids to the side and leading them back to their classes. This was my cue to go after her before she slipped in. Just before she slipped in, I blocked her by the entrance and smiled at her. She looked up and smiled as soon as she saw me before asking the kids to go in. "Hello, Mrs Salvador," She replied in a sweet voice. Honest
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Chapter 48
SEKANI: Something felt off today. I had no idea what. Either it was my encounter with Miss May today or the fact that Sean was going to be around for the anniversary party that was to be thrown today. I had no idea what. But it kept me at the edge of my seat and giddy for no reason. Working was futile as all I could think of was seeing Sean at the party. Things weren't really comfortable between us both as we hadn't spoken since his outburst last night and I knew we had to look like we were in love with the people that were going to be around. Shutting my laptop in frustration after I tried working on a project several times, I pushed my swivel chair and stood to my feet before I began to pace around. There was nothing I could think of. How the hell was I going to act when I saw him? Throw my arms around him and act all excited to see him around. Nah, that would be too lovey-dovey. I didn't want people talking too much about our faux-sizzling romance. Walk towards hi
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Chapter 49
SEKANI: I heaved a deep breath before stepping out of the elevator. One foot out and I could already hear the sound of music and people chattering. Shirley wasn't here with me and for the first time since I became CEO, I felt really nervous. And I knew why I did. There was only one reason why I was nervous this afternoon and it was because of one man. All I wanted to do now was walk back to my office and remain there until all of this was over, have Shirley announce that I had a really huge contract to sign, and wish everyone a happy day while promising a party that would be held during the weekend. But I couldn't just do that with this pretty dress on. In fact, I wanted to show this dress off to everyone and maybe catch a few glances from Sean. Seeing him this morning, all sweaty in his sweatpants and a black tank top did something to my insides. It was funny that I was just realising that now. I remember how rough his hair looked and now, I wished I'd run my finge
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Chapter 50
SEAN: The city lights look really pretty from up here. I can almost see everything going on. With each window having its light on is a person behind it. Either in their room or apartment. And for each window, there is a story behind it. It's so amazing how we all live in the same world but have individual lives. How we all relate with each other but are so alone. It's sad and intriguing at the same time. I make sure to hold Sekani tightly against me so she doesn't fall. Although she's not too drunk, she can fall if I leave her. Finally, I help her take a seat on one of the chairs around. It sits a few meters away from the transparent balcony so we can see the whole city from here anyway. Taking a seat beside her, I am shocked that she inches really close to me, leaning her head on my shoulders before she heaves a deep sigh. "The city looks really beautiful tonight, don't you think?" Sekani speaks. With one nod, I lean back into my seat, instinctively relax
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