Semua Bab Rejected Silent Lone Wolf: Bab 191 - Bab 200
215 Bab
Kevin's POVI finally sent Liam away and stood up from the seat, thinking of Ella. I wanted to go in search of her and it wasn't because of the lie I wanted to tell her. It was because I missed her.Liam and I hadn't been able to come up with a reasonable excuse for Ella to not visit the witches when they are around and had decided to sleep on it till we find a more reasonable excuse to keep her away from them. Moreover, it wasn't as if the witches were here yet so I didn't have a reason to stay cooped up in the study brainstorming for something that hadn't happened yet.I ran to the garden, eager to see Ella and draw her into my arms."Ella," I called out, looking for her in the garden when I got there and didn't see her.I walked the length of the garden, calling her name. A maid was watering the garden and bowed as she saw me."Greetings, your highness." She said."Well done." I waved at her. "Have you seen the Luna?""I saw her on her way to the bedroom as I was coming to the gard
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Liam's POV"I didn't expect you home soon." Maya snorted as I made my way inside. "I thought you would be busy being a dog and wouldn't remember that you have a family."I ignored her as I walked towards my bedroom. I wondered if they had been keeping it tidy since I had left. It had been long that I had been home."What of your alpha? Aren't you meant to be keeping him safe? Or have you been displaced because he now has a mate?" She continued, moving after meI rolled my eyes and didn't say a word. She was trying to pick a fight but I wouldn't let her. It was Kevin's seventh year of marriage and I didn't understand why she was acting as if he was a newlywed and I was being cast away by the new wife."Aren't you going to answer me, brother? Are you going to keep ignoring me?" She sighed. "I wonder if I'm your family or Ella is. You don't treat me as your family at all.""You don't act as my family as well. You never stop embarrassing me." I sighed, turning to her."I know you are goin
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Ella's POV"Don't lie to me, Liam. It's an order." I said to him.I could see the look in his eyes and knew that he was going to deny it even though it was obvious that I knew what I was asking about. He was wondering at the moment how I knew but that wasn't why I was here. I wanted to know explicitly what the deal was about so I could know how to deal with the fire on the mountain since Kevin wouldn't tell me anything.He would insist that I shouldn't worry about anything as he didn't regret exchanging his life to find me. How could I not when it was about his life that was on the bargain?I needed to know the truth. I needed to know what really happened so I could find a solution.He swallowed, thinking of his choices. I allowed him to make his choices, staring at him. I wasn't going to pressure him into telling me the truth but I wasn't going to let him lie to me as well. I could see that he was debating his choices. He couldn't lie to me as I had handicapped him when I had told hi
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Ella's POVI marched straight to my bedroom as soon as I left Liam's house. Liam was right. I needed to have the address written down. Where the witch lived wasn't a straightforward location and I might get lost, trying to find it and might even second guess myself on the way.Liam had written the description down for me and also given me a map. I had more than enough to get by. Now, it was time to get supplies so I wouldn't end up dead with my kids.I considered not going with my kids but I didn't trust anyone else with them if I wasn't around. I was going to go with my kids and I needed to be extra careful and prepared on this journey.I found a large bag that could fit all I needed and would still be light for me to carry. I rummaged through my drawers and picked shiny and expensive jewelry that I could use to entice the witch to return Kevin's ten years. I moved to the pantry, careful to avoid being seen by any of the servants around. I was relieved when I got there and found no o
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Kevin's POVThe meeting had ended and I watched as the men dispersed out of the room towards their various homes. I sighed as I looked around and noticed that Liam had stepped out of the room.I frowned harder as I stepped out of the meeting room, looking for him. Something was definitely wrong with him even if I hadn't noticed at all during the meeting. It was customary for the alpha and the beta to walk home after a meeting so they could talk of how it went, the reports and what they had to do next but Liam was boycotting custom and leaving before me. That could only mean one thing. He was trying to avoid me. I wondered why that was and what could have happened that made him that way.Was he avoiding me because he hadn't been able to think of an excuse to keep Ella away from the witches on my behalf and was ashamed of telling me that?I felt like smiling in amusement as I wondered if that was truly the case. He could have waited for me and would have found out the truth. I would hav
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Ella's POV"Mummy!"I could swear that my heart stopped working at that time when I heard Nathan scream. I ran forward to where he was, afraid he had hit his leg against a stone and was bleeding. I made them walk in front of me and I walked behind them so I could better protect them but that also meant that they would be the first to be exposed to the dangers of the road but I felt that was better than having them kidnapped behind me and spending the entire journey looking for them or fighting for them. I couldn't afford to waste time. I had to do what was here to do on time and go back home.I got to where he was, squatted by his side and heaved a sigh of relief. He wasn't hurt or bleeding. He was perfectly okay asides from the tears running down his face and I pulled him into an embrace to calm him down. The others could start crying as well and I didn't need that distraction at the moment. Tugging three crying kids wasn't part of the plan."What is the problem, baby?" I asked him.
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Ella's POV"Master, someone is here to see you." Jennie said as we got closer to the house.The boys looked around as we walked closer to the house and I couldn't blame them. The house was built in a different manner than the houses back at home. I would have looked around as well if I wasn't an adult and better at hiding my curiosity."Who are they?"I heard a voice ask from inside the house. I was surprised at how young the voice sounded. I had assumed that the witch Kevin had traded his life to was an old witch. She had to be old and getting closer to her grave for her to have coveted someone else's life span. That was what I thought until I heard her voice. I didn't want to assume and wondered if the face of the witch was as young as the voice. It was possible that she was an old witch using spells to keep her voice young whereas her face was old."I didn't ask who she is but I found her looking for you. She is right here so you can ask her who she is and what she wants to see you
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Ella's POVI frowned at her words. Was that why she had gasped? It was expected that the boys were going to get mated one day, why did have to be surprised about that."Is that why you gasped?""Their mate is about to die. She will die soon if you don't act fast."Wait! I tried to understand her. She? Why was she talking as if it was one person? Did she see the mate of only one of them? I wondered whose mate that was. Or did she mean that the mates of all of them were about to die soon? I remembered that she had said mate earlier instead of mates and was more confused."Whose mate did you see?""The mate of the three of them. She is going to die soon."I gasped at her repetition as I understood what she said. I couldn't believe that I had heard her right. "Do you mean one mate?"She nodded. "Yes. The three of them have the same mate." She clarified."How come?" I asked, mostly to myself.She shrugged. "I don't make the fates. I only see them or alter them to suit my purpose."I couldn
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Kevin's POV"Are you ready?" Liam asked me as he stood before me.I nodded as I rose from my chair, looking at the desk in my study. I had done everything that I needed to do. I had cleared my duties up to the next one month and I wouldn't be missed much if I wasn't around for that long. I didn't plan to stay absent for that long though. I hoped to find Ella as soon as possible and bring Ella back home. I was going to drag her if I had to. She didn't have to worry about my ten years. I had thought it through and didn't feel bad when I had given it up. She didn't have to feel sorry for my sake."Let's go." I said to Liam.I met Andre at the door. He was about to come into the study and bowed as he saw me. "I came to check if you were still around.""I'm just about to leave.""Have a safe trip, my lord." He said."Take good care of the men." I told him in response.I didn't tell anyone that the Luna had traveled off from the pack without my permission but instead told them that we had b
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Kevin's POVWalking out with a hiss and without another word to Elizabeth, I made my way past her door knowing Liam was hot on my heels. I didn't have to turn around to check that out.I heard Elizabeth murmuring something about rude couples and them leaving without saying goodbye but I didn't care. If she was referring to me and Ella leaving her without saying goodbye to us after what she had done which she thought she had done as a favour to us, then she deserved it. She more than deserved it.I felt proud of Ella but at the same time I was worried about her. I hoped she hadn't gone too far for me to catch up to her. I hoped she was safe with the kids. I hoped she wasn't tired and deciding to rest at a place not safe for them. I had a map in my study detailing how to go to the human world from our lands and that which led there from the south is the most dangerous path and farther.The closest path is that from the Utopia town and that was why they had a mixture of humans, the ones
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