All Chapters of My Little Omega : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
141 Chapters
Chapter81Mary's POV.I had been really distant from the men these days. The truth remained that I wanted to be alone. I was still trying to reach out to Lucian. I knew he was alive, but the fact that I couldn't reach out to him was what bothered me.A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts, and made me twist my neck towards the door.From the scent, I could already tell who it was, but since I wanted to be alone, I kept quiet.They were Aric's men, and couldn't be trusted. I also didn't understand what was going on with my heart.Resisting Aaron was almost impossible no matter how I tried to recall the pain of the past, so I decided to stay away from him.The knock became constant, making me frown. If I didn't say anything, wasn't that supposed to give him the memo that I didn't want to speak to him.My heart squeezed when I thought about me abandoning him. I didn't know what he did to me, but each time Aaron was close to me, I got tingles I never thought I would get in years.
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Chapter82Lucian's pov.I didn't understand what she was trying to say. How could I be a witch? The theory was confusing. Can't I just be normal? Cookie stared at me, her mother also smiling. I didn't know why, but It seemed they were happy to see their kind.“If you are witches, then why did the alpha of the pack let you stay?” I asked with raised brows. I was really confused.“We help the alpha. His men sometimes need medicine, so we were made the Pack healers, but it's a good post. At least we're respected.” The explanation I got was enough. I really wanted to know about myself.“How can I be a wizard?” I questioned, making Cookie smile. She inched closer, her eyes staring into mine.“You just have the bloodline of a witch, and it gives you some special abilities, but then there's no need to feel weird about It,” She explained.Martha excused herself, leaving me alone with Cookie who smiled. The way she looked at me was something I couldn't explain.She reminded me of someone, but
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Chapter83 Mia's POV. I sat on my seat, anger filling my being. I knew that alpha couldn't be trusted, but I was desperate. I didn't like the fact that something else was going on. I didn't know what was going on. He was only supposed to get the girl, but then it seemed he had other plans In mind. I didn't go on the day of the invasion, and decided to go check on the shadow moon pack the next day. However, when I got there, I saw people trying to check whatever was left from the pack which was torn down. My eyes widened, and I rushed towards some of the pack members who were crying over their loss. “E-excuse me,” I stammered. “What happened here?” I asked, trying to understand what was going on. My heart was drumming faster than usual, and the need to know what happened took over me. The woman, and men looked at me with pain in their eyes, but none of them wanted to speak out. I could tell it was because of the pain they felt. “Our pack was attacked, and as you can see, we los
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Chapter84Kira's pov.I felt pain all over my body after another torture that came from him. I couldn't believe I was in this mess. It still felt like a dream to me. One I wished to wake up badly.I thought everything would go great, but my life took a drastic turn. As if that wasn't enough, Lucian didn't come back as he promised, and I didn't know how long I would be able to hold back.The torture was too much, I was becoming overwhelmed by it, that my being was feeling itself being drained away.The door pushed open, and I was shocked to see the young maid who had been taking care of me.She rushed to my side once she got into the room with worry in her eyes.She couldn't dare speak against the alpha, but her eyes showed It all.“Ma'am Kira, are you alright?” She asked with raised brows, causing me to frown. I didn't like her calling me ma'am, and despite my hurt state, I cared about what she called me.I had told Melody about her calling me by my name, and nothing else. However, she
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Chapter85Lucian's pov.I waited for Cookie to return, my heart drumming with fear. I didn't know if her mother would give us permission to stroll based on my health.I was slowly recovering, but she still insisted on the fact that she wanted me to rest.Martha was a strict woman, and I didn't know she would give us the chance to do what was needed. I was scared that things wouldn't go the way we planned, and sweat formed on my head due to that.A sigh left my lips, and creased appearing on my forehead. At this point, I didn't know what was going on anymore.The urge to go out there, and listen in on the conversation was something I didn't understand.As I pushed myself up from the bed, the door pushed open, and lo, Martha stood there with a puzzled expression on her face.“You said you wanted to go for a stroll with my daughter?” She asked with tossed brows which made me nod. I knew she came here to confirm.At that moment, Cookie immediately rushed in. She was shocked to see her mom
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Chapter86Lucian's povIt took a while for me to recover. Her constant question of ‘are you okay?’ rang in my ears as I battled with the pain. “Are you alright?” Cookie’s voice rang again. She hovered over me while I laid on the ground with my eyes closed while images of an event played in my head.“Hello….” She uttered, staring at me with a smile. “I'm alright. I just… I just felt pain. It seemed that guy triggered a memory,” I explained, trying to sit up from the ground.However, I noticed she tears beamed in her eyes despite the smile. “Why are you crying?” I asked, my head filled with wrinkles as a result from the constant pain. I was worried that things wouldn't get any better. I still couldn't understand the images that kept playing.She shook her head, using her palms to clean her eyes then she stared at me with a smile.“I thought something bad happened, all because of that…” Cookie trailed, sniffling.I couldn't help but smile. Was she that worried about me? The pain I felt
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Chapter87Kira's pov.I took a deep breath, rushing to get done from where I was before I would be spotted. The guards were also having dinner, but that didn't mean they weren't alert.I jumped down, landing on my feet. It hurt because I hadn't walked for a long time. I looked around, but it didn't seem I had a way to escape.“What?!” I heard him yell, making me worry. I didn't know what was going on. I was worried about him spotting me.The next thing I saw caused me to turn pale, but I made sure to hide myself really well.Melody was pushed out of the pack house, making me gasp. Confusion filled my being. I didn't know what he was going to do, but watching her suffer because of me made my heart twitch.“Tell me where she is. Are you helping her escape?!” Aric yelled, making the girl shake her head. She was scared, and could only sob.“P–please alpha…” Melody begged, but the alpha gave her another slap, making her body crash to dusty floor.The way she was being treated made me feel
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Chapter88Lucian's pov.I opened my eyes, breathing hard. My eyes darted around the place, and I found Cookie sitting alone. She seemed to be looking elsewhere, her knees drawn up to her chest.“What's going on?” I asked with raised brows. I was scared to see her that way, her back facing me.She slowly turned her eyes to look at me, tears in them. “turns out you're a wizard. Your mom was a great witch,” Cookie explained, but I couldn't explain why she was crying. I didn't know if anything bad happened, so I waited for the right moment to ask.“If that's what you found out, then why are you crying?” I asked, but before I knew what happened, she hugged me tight.She threw her hands over my shoulders, and placed her face in my chest crying.“I thought you weren't going to wake up. I did the spell, but after I ended, you didn't wake up. I thought I had killed you…” Cookie trailed off, and then raised her head to look into my eyes.I didn't know what else to say. It was the first time I s
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Lucian's pov.My eyes widened when I heard what she had to say. My heart drummed like never before. I was confused on what to do."You mean she hasn't returned?" I asked with raised brows, and Martha nodded with tears in her eyes. It was almost dark. I had refused to come out for dinner because I thought Cookie would be there, but it turned out it wasn't as it seemed."What happened? She said she was going out with you. Did you guys have a fight?" Martha asked, but I didn't know how to tell her. I was worried that she would flip when she heard what her daughter did. I couldn't tell Martha her daughter was mad at me because she professed her love to me, and I didn't respond the way she expected. I didn't know how she would feel."Please tell me what happened. It's not like her to not come back by this time...." Martha trailed, sobbing already.I was thinking of the words to soothe her. Fabricating a lie wasn't as easy as I thought. However, when I thought I had the perfect one, Martha
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Chapter90Lucian's pov.I stood there with my heart drumming in my chest. Who would have thought she would ask me to kiss her in order for her to go home?“So, what's the answer going to be, are you going to kiss me?” She asked, seeming excited.I lowered my head in thought. Something didn't seem right. She never showed me she loved me romantically, something was definitely wrong with Cookie.“I'm sorry Cookie, I can't kiss you. I know you love me, and I love you too, but–” Cookie interrupted me before I could finish speaking. “But what? You're getting me angry, and you know it. You better do what's necessary, or else, I'm going to make you wish you never said that. I'm going to jump into the river!” She threatened, making my heart skip a beat. I didn't know what else I was going through, but I was sure of one thing. I needed to do something immediately to get her attention, so I couldn't at least get her away from the river. I couldn't let her drown, what will her mother think?I
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