All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
291 Chapters
Chapter 241: No News of Her
Suzy felt a roaring in her ears, drowning out everything else. It was as if she had gone deaf.So, Alec had come to Windsting City alone. Liam wasn’t here; he was abroad preparing for his wedding.He finally gave in, agreeing to marry Sophia.“Suzy? Are you still there?” Ryan’s voice finally pulled her back to reality.“Sorry, I had a bad signal.”Ryan spoke earnestly, "Just do your best! If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, let Peter handle it. The company appointed him as the main project lead, but your role is equally important. We want you to support each other. If he does anything that bothers you, let me know.""Mr. Watts has been very supportive," Suzy replied."That's good! Is there anything else?"Having been reassured so much, it would be ungrateful to refuse further."No, nothing else. Sorry to disturb your rest.""No problem. Once the project is successfully completed, DollarMax will host a special celebration for you both! I promise your year-end bonus will be at
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Chapter 242: You Found Suzy
"Keep searching.""Understood, Mr. Park."After hanging up, Alec couldn't help but sigh.They had been searching for years without any leads. The only explanation was that this person didn’t want to be found. Alec couldn't fathom why his boss wouldn’t let go, despite Suzy’s apparent determination to cut ties.Over the past three years, countless women had shown interest in Mr. Park—beautiful, well-connected women, some from families as prestigious as the Parks. Yet he remained indifferent, keeping all women at a distance. Rumors were even starting to circulate that he wasn't interested in women at all.Alec glanced at the manila folders in his hand.Since Liam said it wasn't important, he wouldn't bother looking through them.He had just inspected the Windsting City resort project. Aside from the holdout issue, it was ready to proceed. The project leads wouldn’t need to liaise directly with Park Group headquarters, so there was no need for him to get involved.The biggest headache now
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Chapter 243: Stop Searching
"Is there anything else? Didn't Dad say you were hospitalized?"Every time it was the same tactic and excuse, making it hard for him not to see through it.But as their son, he was always afraid that one day his father might be telling the truth, and he wouldn’t believe it.After all, she was his biological mother, the one who gave birth to and raised him."Don’t change the subject. I asked you who you’re planning to marry!" His mother stared at him unblinkingly.She hadn’t expected this outcome!She was also very surprised. He had been so restrained all these years, how could a woman suddenly appear, and he was even ready to marry her?It was even more sudden than Suzy’s appearance back then!"Naturally, it’s someone I care about.""I think you’re just trying to make me angry!" His mother clutched her chest, breathing heavily. "You never used to be like this. It’s all Suzy’s fault! I was right to get rid of her, or who knows how much worse you’d be!"Liam's eyes narrowed sharply.He c
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Chapter 244: Liam Removed the Tattoo
The reprimand Alec expected didn’t come.In fact, there was no sound at all from the other end.It was clear this wasn’t what Liam wanted to hear. The usually decisive Liam was avoiding the truth.Alec remained silent, waiting for his boss to respond.After a long pause...Liam's voice was faint and tight, almost as if he were asking himself, "You also think she doesn’t love me.""Yes," Alec replied firmly. "I believe if Miss Chase had any feelings for you, she couldn’t have been so heartless. You should stop searching for her. Someone who is intentionally hiding cannot be found."There was silence again.Alec took a deep breath and braced himself. "Besides, if you did find her now and discovered she was deeply in love with Mr. Palmer... could you handle that?"There was finally some noise from the other end, but no words, and then the line went dead.What Alec didn’t know was that his words had hit Liam hard, as if the call was the final straw that broke the camel’s back.Liam realize
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Chapter 245: Letting It Go
0825.He didn’t want to see those numbers anymore or be reminded of her.If he was going to start over, he needed to let go of the past completely.Even if he met Suzy again, he had to remain resolute....After finishing the necessary work for the company and grabbing a quick bite to eat, Suzy drove back to her temporary hotel. As soon as she arrived, she received a call from Peter."I'll have that designer contact you.""Have her come to my hotel," Suzy paused, "You didn't reprimand her, right?""No, as you instructed, I didn’t let her suspect anything. I had another employee who’s close to her find out about the situation.""Good."Peter laughed. "If you can resolve this holdout issue, you’ll really be doing me a huge favor! It's been a major headache for me.""No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job. If the resort project doesn’t succeed, I won't get my bonus either."After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Suzy hung up. Not long after, the hotel doorbell rang.Suzy walked ove
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Chapter 246: Problem Solved
Intimidating a newbie like this was easy."Call that holdout tenant right now and tell him we've changed the design plans, so it doesn't matter whether he moves or not," Suzy instructed, glancing at Emma's phone and indicating she should make the call in front of her.Though Emma was already quite frightened, Suzy needed to ensure everything went smoothly to avoid any complications.Emma hesitated, looking distressed. "He's very aggressive. He'll definitely yell at me!""Well, you can choose between the company suing you for damages or him yelling at you," Suzy said with a shrug, spreading her hands. This wasn’t a negotiation."Isn't there another way? If I were to say that, he'd think I'm playing him! He'll definitely retaliate against me later.""You're an adult. You need to take responsibility for your actions, right?" Suzy said, standing up and opening the hotel door. "Since you’re unwilling to cooperate and are trying to bargain, we’ll forget it. The company will proceed as usual,
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Chapter 247: Liam Is Going to Windsting City
Investors?"Is it someone from Weston or Park Group?""I'm not sure! It should be Weston. Park Group already inspected the project, right?"Good. Actually, Suzy was feeling a bit paranoid. Since Alec had already visited the project, Liam probably wouldn’t come again.Besides, he was busy preparing for his wedding abroad, so how could he show up here?"Alright, I'll head over now."...The news about the holdout tenant being resolved quickly reached Park Group’s headquarters.Alec had been closely monitoring the project, not because it was particularly large, but because the Windsting City project was the first to surpass two billion since the acquisition of Weston Investment. It was crucial to prove the project’s profitability and Weston’s capabilities.After some thought, Alec sent a message to Liam.“Mr. Park, the Windsting City resort project is back on track. Their project director resolved the issue, and construction is expected to start next week.”Shortly after, Liam replied, “
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Chapter 248: Afraid to Bump Into Someone
When Suzy arrived at the site, Peter was on the phone with the company higher-ups. He gestured for her to wait upon seeing her.She nodded slightly and glanced over at the holdout tenant.Previously, he had been stubborn, holding his head high, but now he was cooperative, speaking amicably with the project manager."Suzy," Peter called out after finishing his call, his face beaming. "I have to hand it to you! You solved this problem so quickly.""I just figured there must be some vested interests involved," Suzy said, raising an eyebrow and smiling. "But don’t celebrate too soon. There could still be trouble ahead.""He agreed to the demolition and signed the papers. What trouble?""True, but... we didn’t actually change the design plans."The holdout tenant would likely keep an eye on the final resort project. When he realized he had been tricked, he would almost certainly cause a fuss with the company. He might even create a scene when the resort opens."If he were to try anything, I
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Chapter 249: Not From the Same World
"Hello, Miss Chase! I’m Leah Clark, the manager in charge of this project for Weston Investment." Leah smiled warmly and extended her hand.Suzy quickly stepped forward and shook her hand. "Hello, hello. Nice to meet you, I’m Suzy Chase.""It’s your first time meeting me, but it’s not my first time seeing you.""Oh?"Leah’s lips curved into a smile. She stepped closer and lowered her voice."I used to work at Park Group’s headquarters.""..."Noticing Suzy's tension, Leah laughed and clarified, "I don’t mean anything by it. I just remember seeing you at headquarters. You left quite an impression because you’re so beautiful!""I was just a mere employee at Park Group.""But Park Group doesn’t hire just anyone." Leah seemed to have more to say but stopped there.Suzy wasn’t sure how much Leah knew.Fortunately, during her time at Park Group, aside from the issue with Sophia, not many people knew about her marriage to Liam.She had never seen or heard of Leah at Park Group, indicating Lea
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Chapter 250: Liam Stays In Dreamland Hotel
"Alright, alright, you’re right." Wendy sighed. "Honestly, when you two first separated, I thought you’d regret it, especially when you were about to go into the delivery room. I really thought you’d contact him."If it had been her, she would have reached out to the most important person in her life during such a critical time.When Suzy was in labor and experiencing complications, the doctors handed Wendy a critical condition notice to sign. Wendy was so terrified that she cried hysterically outside the delivery room.It was probably the hardest thing Wendy had ever signed."I had already made up my mind. I wanted the truth, and if that meant giving him up, I couldn’t regret it."It wouldn’t be fair to Liam."So...what are you planning to do about 'him'? You can’t keep him abroad forever."Realizing who Wendy was referring to, a look of worry crossed Suzy’s face. She frowned deeply before sighing softly."Wendy, I did this because—"Wendy interrupted, "I know why you did it, but this
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