All Chapters of Once A Luna, Now A Stealer?: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
108 Chapters
11. Anger
Theon.For a moment there’s only silence. “Wolfsbane?!” I growl, wondering what the hell this man was thinking. “You know very well that it’s illegal to use that drug on a werewolf! That drug is dangerous, it has killed werewolves with one milligram of an overdose! Are you as stupid as you are incompetent?”From the corner of my eyes, I notice the entirety of Ruelle’s family moving back with fear in their expressions. For now, I ignore it.“I didn’t have a choice, Alpha, she would have murdered the whole pack if I hadn’t!” Leighwen tries to excuse himself.The stealer whimpers pathetically as if she is trying to defend herself. Yet, the story is exactly in character with what a stealer might do. They weren’t called villains for nothing.“While the excuse sounds fair enough, I am still going to punish this breach of law. You will be getting three hectares less than the landmass promised. I will not tolerate my own subjects blatantly ignoring wolf law to fit their circumstance. Destroy
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12. Pretend
Theon.“Yes, she did,” Ruelle chimes in, “I talked with her before. She doesn’t want to remain in this pack.”Callista whines this time. I pretend not to pay her any mind, but I think it’s interesting that her whine felt like a protest.That’s confusing. What is she protesting against? Was she having second thoughts about leaving this pack?“The stealer is a taboo, yes,” Farris raises his voice, “But she can also mimic the scent of a lost mate. Before, I thought it was only legend, but on the day of Callista’s coming of age ceremony, we saw many widowed wolves fighting for her to be their mate. I don’t know the exact mechanism of it, but her mimicking capabilities are phenomenal.”“And?”He hesitates just a bit. “Well, we have learned that your widowed brother is going manic without his mate.”As soon as my brother is mentioned, my walls go up.“Done your research already, haven’t you?” I growl at him, “Do you think that my brother will mate with her? He’s ten years her senior.”Even
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13. A Deal
Chapter 13. Callista-Before the arrival of His Majesty Alpha King Theon Valenti Rexellen, first of his name.Wolfsbane was one of the most potent drugs known to were-kind, able to knock off a full-grown wolf for days if administered in the right amount. I knew Farris had only given me a little, as I had woken up in less than four hours. But the after-effects were the same. As I sit in the living room, waiting for my fate to arrive, I can’t move my body or talk. My head hurt like I had been beaten senseless, and my whole body felt as if someone had tied me to a boulder and kicked it underwater. Gravity is dragging my body under, and I'm trying my hardest to fight.It is a battle to keep my eyes open, but I have to. I can’t let them trade me off unconscious.I need to see the man who even Farris feared, regardless of his former posturing. This King who is in charge of my future, whose brother I was going to be mated to whether I liked it or not. I felt used, and abused, but still, the
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14. Leaving
Callista.I wake up in a strange car, stronger and in more control of my body than I had been before. Through the thick, glass partition that divides my portion of the vehicle from the rest, I could see my adoptive sister and the Alpha King sitting with their backs to me. This is the type of vehicle wolves use to transport rogues or injured werewolves in wolf form; or in my case, stealers who apparently make unmated pack members attack each other.I am seething at how Farris had spun that lie, making it seem like I was a true villain when I had spent the night in jail isolated from everyone. It was clever of him; I won’t lie to spin the story in the way he did. In the end, it all clicked. I was also angry at the Alpha King for letting himself be played like that, accepting his words even when he saw how Farris had used the illegal Wolfsbane on me. It seemed like to him I was just a mindless danger. He would rather believe assumptions than talk to me and find out what really happened.
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15. Castle
Callista.The castle is humongous. We are parked in the inner courtyard, which is actually very lovely with a nice garden. There is a massive defensive talus surrounding the inner residence building, with a moat surrounding the whole area. The large gate is automated. There are four fortified towers at the four corners of the square talus, armed with, if my sight is reliable, machine guns. I am stunned at this; I did not know that the Rexellen pack actually had any need for machine guns of all things. But then again, what do I know of the Royals. The castle is very medieval, unlike any other old castle that is in the USA, which I find is rather peculiar. Had I not been worrying about my own misfortune; I would have wondered when exactly werewolves migrated to the USA.When Theon and Ruelle get out of their portion of the vehicle, I brace myself. I tell myself that I would be levelheaded and calm and try to explain matters to the King without letting my emotions get a hold of me. Perh
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16. Missing
Callista.My room is cozy and spacious, with a quaint little fireplace lit already. A white door leads to a tiny bathroom already stocked with generic toiletries. There is a four-post bed with a white comforter and grey pillows, a little dresser that looks antique, and a desk near the only window in the room along with a wardrobe. This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a wardrobe. The floor of the room is made of stone and covered with soft rugs. There is a musty air in here like the room hadn’t been used for a while.All in all, it’s not a bad prison cell. Suppose I should be glad that despite his words, the King ordered his underlings to make me comfortable. For a moment there, I was certain I’d be thrown into the dungeons for my insolence.It’s far better than the accommodations I was given the last night I spent at my birth pack.Home. My heart twists in my chest, and unwillingly the sound of the maniacal howl rings in my ears. I am placed right below a wolf in the process of
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17. Dream
Callista.Well, that is a bummer to hear. I guess Theon took Farris’s story about me attacking the guards back in the Leighwen pack quite seriously. With a sigh, I trudge to the desk in the room and focus on the tray.My dinner consists of steak, roasted asparagus, and a dollop of mashed potatoes. It’s quite rich, and I’m surprised at being given food that tastes like it’s been cooked for the King himself. Because I’d missed plenty of meals since the coming-of-age ceremony, I basically shovel the food in my mouth. After every morsel had been consumed, I tried to think of my next move.I lay all the facts I know in my mind.One, I’m the stealer.Two, Farris lied and sold me off to the Alpha King of North America. Without my consent.Three, the Alpha King Theon Valenti Rexellen of the Rexellen pack is my Mate.Four, because of the conniving madness of my family, he believes my sister is his Mate. How do I know this to be false? Ruelle told her mother that she didn’t feel a pull toward T
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18. Trouble
Callista.A week goes by, and my life becomes one series of events repeating from sunrise to sunset.Every morning I am woken up before dawn and given food. After, I’m taken for a walk around the inner courtyard. That’s what the friendly guard meant when he came to take me outside the very first day it happened. I’d been afraid that the King had finally had it with my nuisance and decided to dispose of me before I could become a real problem. Then I wondered it I’d been transferred to the dungeons. But neither of them happened. As the friendly guard says, Theon had thought that I needed some daily exercise to help me fight off the effects of being drugged with Wolfsbane. I’m a little touched by this, and I scold myself for being pathetic. The man had literally bought me, for Goddess's sake. Whether it’s knowingly or unknowingly did not really matter to me when I was pissed.After that, I’m taken back to my room, where I am to spend the day as I please. I have been given a heavily form
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19. Comfort?
Callista.“What the actual hell?!” My mate growls, storming his way into my room. The guards are standing outside, silent as stone. Theon is seething, his lips pulled back into a snarl.Yet all I can think is how good he smells, and how much I just want him to take me in his arms and maybe just kiss me a little.'Pathetic, Callista, really pathetic.' I tell myself. The man looks like he wants to murder me! I need to grow a spine someday soon, I don’t owe him anything, much less subservience.“I save you from exile and give you a comfortable place in my castle, yet you don’t do the single thing I ask of you?”Oh, is that what he thinks this is about?“Comfort? What’s the use of comfort when I’m a prisoner here! It doesn’t matter if it comes with a shower and some cushions, a jail cell is a jail cell!” I yell back at him. “I’ve been ripped from the life I’ve led and locked up in a tower! The last thing I’d do is find it cushy!”For a second, Theon seems stunned at my outburst. Good.“Y
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20. Audacity
Callista.I remain near the bed as my adoptive sister circles me, like I’m prey caught in the web she has woven. Her face is deadly serene as if she doesn’t have a care for this world, yet her voice is hard as steel when she talks.And again, she is wearing my clothes. These further cement my theory on how she’s deceiving my mate.The audacity of this woman, I swear.“What’s up with your closet recently, Ruelle?” I ask, instead of answering her question, “Did Mommy and Daddy forget to pack your own million-dollar walk-in closet or something?”“Answer my question!”“Pass.” I sneer.She halts her pacing and stares at me. “Were you trying to tell him about feeling his scent again, Callista?” She asks, “What did you say he smells like, wet fur and dog vomit…”“What the-no, he smells of pinecones and sea breeze and everything warm and nice!” I burst out. Immediately, I realize what I said, and curse myself for giving Ruelle that information. “Oh, you bitch.” I'm blushing like an idiot.It
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