All Chapters of Claiming Mr. Mafia [ Book 1 ]: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter 51: Recognize
In the corner of the ballroom, George and Liam stood side by side, their glasses of champagne glinting in the dim light as they observed the scene before them. He and Liam, as well as the other of their allies, couldn't help but frown. It was because these idiots seem not to be able to see if the person they're trying to talk to wants to talk to them or not. Their eyes were fixed on Sherly, Maria, and Kim, who were surrounded by a group of eager guests, all vying for their attention and trying to extract information.With a soft chuckle, George shook his head, a wry smile playing at his lips. "Would you look at that?" he remarked to Liam, his tone laced with amusement as he pointed his finger to the group gathering of the three people. "They're like vultures, swooping in for any crumb of information they can get their hands on," he said, shaking his head as if he had seen the most funny thing in his life.Liam nodded in agreement, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. Of course
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Chapter 52: Insult
As George and Scorpio stood together on the balcony, enjoying a moment of respite from the bustling ballroom below, a sudden chill swept through the air, causing George to shiver involuntarily. Sensing a prickling sensation at the back of his neck, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.Who the hell has the right mind to look at him like that? He knows that there are plenty of people who want him dead and who want his head, but he can't believe that there's someone so eager to do so.Glancing around the balcony, George's eyes darted across the dimly lit surroundings, searching for any sign of the source of his unease. Yet, to his confusion, he saw nothing out of the ordinary, only the faint glow of the moon casting shadows across the elegant architecture.There's no one around, but if he felt that way, who would it be? "Scorpio, do you feel that?" George whispered, his voice barely above a murmur as he turned to his companion, a furrow forming between his brows. Even though
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Chapter 53: Ace's Hatred
As George checked his phone, he noticed a message from an unknown number. Curious, he opened it and found a string of seemingly random characters. However, as he began to decipher the code in his mind, a realization dawned on him—it was Sherly.Sherly has her phoen with her. He thought that the boss of the information center doesn't bring any gadgets but an advanced one in her body. How could she give him a message?Furrowing his brow, George couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and admiration at Sherly's cunning. No wonder everyone fears her. The way she deals with everything is really impressive. Despite the risk, she had reached out to him in her own covert way, knowing that he would understand the message.He stopped beside his friend, Liam, in the dark. Liam looked at him and wanted to ask, but he refrained. With George's expression, he knows that something good happened while he was gone, and he doesn't want to talk about those things. Especially when it was about Georg
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Chapter 54: Information
As Sherly sifted through the stack of documents on her desk, her brows furrowed in concentration. Two days had passed since the ball, yet the memory of the mysterious figure who had glared at George lingered in her mind like a haunting specter. She couldn't help but think of that man since she felt that he wasn't simple at all. He is part of the Vile Mafia; she knows it. However, for some reason, according to the information she had, she was part of the Rui Lin Mafia before. Isn't it surprising?A traitor comes out of his cave.Her thoughts drifted to the unsettling encounter, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye. The way the man had fixated on George with such intense hostility had left an indelible impression on her, sparking a sense of unease that refused to dissipate.What the hell happened between them to have this kind of hostility? No, what did George do to have that man look at him like that?As she combed through the files, her eyes
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Chapter 55: Captured
As Sherly's instincts kicked in, she turned swiftly, scanning the surroundings for any signs of surveillance. It was because she felt something would happen. With her instinct, she knows that everything will be out of its place. But before she could take action, she felt a chilling presence behind her, and a handkerchief laced with a potent drug was pressed against her face.Instinctively, Sherly attempted to resist, her mind racing with thoughts of escape. But the drug quickly took hold, its effects washing over her like a tidal wave. Before she lost her consciousness, she tried to see who it was but failed. She did not see who the man was who put the handkerchief in her face. With a final, futile struggle, Sherly's vision blurred, and darkness enveloped her as she succumbed to unconsciousness, her body slumping limply to the ground.In that fleeting moment of awareness, Sherly realized that she had fallen into a trap, and her every move was anticipated and countered with chilling
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Chapter 56: Fight
Since he already had the information and did not want her family to know about it, George did his best to resolve this as soon as possible. As George and his team approached the abandoned building, a sense of anxiety hung heavy in the air. It was as if, at any moment, someone would surprise them. With each step they took, the weight of their mission bore down on them, and their senses heightened for any sign of danger lurking within the shadows.George's men could not understand what they're doing right now. George did not even bother to tell them what this operation was for, but they did not ask and had no intention of disobeying their boss' order.All they know is that they're going to rescue someone. Other than that, they know nothing. As they reached the entrance, George noted with a furrowed brow that there were no guards posted—a glaring oversight that hinted at Ace's arrogance or negligence. Did Ace think that he wouldn't be able to find him? Is he even using his brain? He k
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Chapter 57: Hospitalized Again
As Hideous listened to the conversation on the phone, his heart clenched with a mixture of fear and determination. He doesn't want something bad to happen to his daughter. She had been through a lot. With each word exchanged, he felt a sense of urgency rise within him, driving him to take immediate action to save his beloved daughter.However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Lilia entered his office, a smile playing on her lips. Her smile is telling him that something good happened to her, which made him annoyed. His daughter is in danger, and this woman is smiling at him, which is so annoying. The sight of her smug expression grated on Hideous' nerves, his anger simmering just beneath the surface."What are you so pleased about?" he demanded, his voice laced with thinly veiled contempt.For some reason, he hated her even more.Lilia's smile widened as she confessed her role in Sherly's abduction, her words dripping with malice and vindictiveness. With each syllable, Hideous
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Chapter 58: Interrogated By Her Family
As Sherly lay in her hospital bed, her father's solemn presence loomed over her, his expression grave as he awaited the arrival of his brothers. She kept on glancing in the direction of her father and wanted to say something, but whenever she was about to open her mouth, her father would glare at her. This glare sent a shiver down her spine. She had never been this scared in her life. Who would have thought that even though she is always in a situation where she is almost dead, a glare from her own father is scarier than death? That's right, her father is scarier than death. Not long after that, her brothers finally arrived. When they finally entered the room, Hideous wasted no time in launching into interrogation mode, his questions sharp and probing.So that's the reason why she did not let her speak and reasoned. It was because her father was waiting for his brothers so that they could interrogate her together.What a mean father!"Why were you kidnapped?" he demanded, his voice
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Chapter 59: Interrogating George
When George opened his eyes after the minor operation, he immediately looked for Sherly. Knowing that she was in the same hospital, he wanted to go and see her. As George made his way through the hospital corridors, a sense of unease settled over him. Sherly got hurt because of him, and if he could not see it with his own eyes, he would not know if he could calm down. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and the realization that Sherly's family was likely aware of his presence only heightened his apprehension.He's never been this scared in his life. He's always been fighting, and killing has always been in his life, but now, for some reason, he is scared. He feared no one, not even his friend, the boss of the Rui Lin Mafia. However, right now, with Sherly's family, he feels scared for his life.Arriving in front of Sherly's room, George approached his men stationed outside her room, his expression carefully composed despite the turmoil brewing within him. Even th
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Chapter 60: In Good Hands
Hideous's words hung heavy in the air, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation. He saw that this would happen since this man is part of that world. "George," he began, his voice steady and unwavering, "we're all aware of the world you and Sherly are a part of." He then seriously looked at George as if he were assessing him. "You don't need to choose your words carefully here. We understand the risks, and we're prepared to face them head-on."George was taken aback. Who would have thought Sherly had said these to her family? It only means something to George and Sherly; she cherishes and trusts her family unconditionally.George nodded, a sense of relief washing over him, knowing that he didn't have to dance around the truth with Sherly's family. "Thank you," he replied, grateful for their understanding and support.He doesn't want to blow something important to Sherly's family without her consent. After all, he isn't in the place where he would tell her family about her secrets.
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