All Chapters of My brother's Best Friend Made Me a Sinner: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
144 Chapters
The Face
Arabella's POVI wanted to catch up with Sean, who was only a few steps ahead of me after we parked the car, but Ellie was quicker to get to him and now had her arm around my lover's arm intimately. Nick stared at the incident as if it was normal and walked ahead.The woman seemed to smile gracefully and asked in a voice as sweet as honey. "What are you having for lunch today, Sean?""None of your business." Sean raised his eyebrows in surprise and immediately removed Ellie's hand from his arm. Seemingly annoyed by the woman's actions.Ellie was still trying to get close to Sean, who kept walking. I followed close behind, not far enough, but not so close that she didn't immediately turn her attention to me. I didn't want to accept her insult and chose to see her rejected by Sean directly.I know my boyfriend doesn't have any feelings for Ellie. He hasn't been able to repel her like the other women who have approached him so far. I didn't understand at first, but hearing the woman's ex
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Strong Bond
Arabella's POVAfter we finished lunch, Nick went somewhere else with Ellie while I was able to get back together with Sean in the car. Our lunch at the restaurant was tranquil and away from that woman's wrong words, so I was able to enjoy the food and feel ready to work again.Just as Ellie had said, the recommended food was indeed delicious, and I felt all the tiredness I had felt earlier disappear. Sean also didn't fail to notice me by quietly holding my hand while we chatted with Nick, so I was in a much better mood than I had been at the office all morning."Did you enjoy our lunch?" Sean asked, glancing over at me, who was mumbling happily.I nodded, unable to help the smile that spread across my lips. "Mhm. Nick was fun, and Ellie wasn't too annoying during our lunch. I'm glad."Nick actively tossed around the topic of small talk as we gathered in the room he had reserved. He sat across from Sean while I was next to my boyfriend. Despite our seating position, I was the one who
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Our Child
Arabella's POV"Emi, why are you still here? Didn't your shift end earlier?" I asked, covering my nervousness after being caught kissing Sean passionately.Emi blinked, then smiled as if nothing had happened. "Oh, I still have work to finish here, Miss. Please continue. Come, Mr. Sean, Miss Bella."The middle-aged woman walked away, while my face was so red that I had to cover my face with my hands, feeling very embarrassed when our intimacy was certainly seen by her. On the other hand, Sean looked calm and was still holding my waist. He wasn't done yet."Shall we continue?" The man whispered in my ear, making the blush on my cheeks travel up to my neck. I nodded.Night falls. I cleaned up and put on some comfortable clothes to sleep in later, but before that, I went downstairs to enjoy the dinner Emi had prepared. Sean was already there, smiling and wearing pyjamas that matched mine."Come on, let's eat together, Bella."I returned his smile and nodded, enjoying the dinner already se
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I'll Report
Arabella's POVAfter everything that happened, I didn't report anything to Sean or Alex, the head of my division. The other employees were also unremarkable despite seeing Rachel's treatment of me firsthand, except for Chloe, who tried to comfort me and keep me company.The woman handed me a cup of homemade coffee, which I immediately drank to calm myself down. The cold temperature and sweetness made me sigh of relief and return my focus to listening to Chloe's words. "She's gone too far, Bella. Are you still not going to report it to Alex? She'll solve the problem quickly."I shook my head, putting down my coffee cup to look at her with a small smile. "I don't want to make a scene, Chloe. Just let them be like that. I can still take it.""You're really good, Bella." She let out a breath that sounded heavier than mine. "I might have cried or even fought with that woman because I was too upset. How can the first thing you receive when you get to the office be a scolding? I won't even b
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Something That Gets Heavier
Arabella's POVRachel furrowed her brow even further, taking my threat as a bluff, and just looked at me mockingly. "What have we done to you? You started all this yourself. We were defending ourselves."The women nodded, agreeing with Rachel's twisting of the facts. Some other employees were quietly whispering, but too softly for me to hear."You were the one who grabbed Jennifer's hair first, then poured water on her on purpose." One of the women said, inflaming my actions that were initially an act of self-defense.The woman next to her nodded. "Look, her makeup is a mess. The clothes she was wearing were also soaked. Do you know how much all these clothes total? You have to compensate!"They were getting noisier and trying to corner me, but I pointed at myself, who was already feeling the stickiness all over my body from the water and sugar solution. "Here! You see? Jennifer poured the drink on me first. I was the one defending myself, not you."Chloe had already cleaned my face w
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Getting Worse
Arabella's POV"Mr. Sean?" An employee spoke out of turn and made Sean turn his head, but then he closed his mouth and looked away.The man scanned the employees still in the room before reaching my eyes, taking in my state for a few moments before stepping closer to the center of the commotion in our division room. Rachel's desk.Some employees still looked surprised and immediately allowed Sean to pass quickly. I could see that they seemed uncomfortable with the man's sudden presence, stopping the commotion almost at its peak."It's a mess in here. What did you guys do?" Sean asked again, staring at the water splattered on the chair from my splash on Jennifer, as well as from the sleeves of the blazer I was still wearing.I was still trying to remain calm, feeling somewhat relaxed as the women had finally retreated to Rachel's side and were no longer interested in my phone. Liam and my other friends also retreated to give Sean more space.I know I'm still the new kid on the block, b
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Attitude Change
Arabella's POVI looked at Rachel's face, which looked incredulous at the answer Sean had given me. Everyone else there was the same, their expressions showing their ignorance of what was going on between the CEO of their company and a new employee like me."Bella, what is the meaning of this? Why do you and Mr. Sean seem to have known each other for so long?" She asked back and forth. "What should I do?"Chloe looked confused, asking questions in succession and alternately looking at me and Sean, who was now stepping closer. I patted her hand lightly a few times for her to let go."I'll explain later, Chloe. Sorry." I said briefly, having to set my heart to get through this well.Sean had already allowed me to escape this troublesome situation without asking, so I also had to adapt quickly and take advantage of my lover's kindness."You-how could you be so rude to Mr. Sean?" Rachel asked, shouting at me when Sean was very close to me.From the faces of the woman and most of the emplo
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Together In The Room
Sean's POVArabella and I were now in my room. She doesn't seem to be shaking anymore and is now wiping her blazer, which still looks damp. Her hair, which she had previously put up in a ponytail, was now letting down so that a few drops of water immediately wet the floor.She looked guilty, looking at me while looking at the floor. "Sorry, Sean. Your office is full of water droplets from my hair and clothes.""It's alright. I can ask someone to clean it up later." I said, going over to my desk to get an unused handkerchief from the drawer, then returning to Arabella and wiping her face gently. "Are you cold? I'll get you a blanket in the meantime. Sarah is buying new clothes for you."Arabella shook her head, smiling a little while holding my hand that was wiping her face earlier. "I'll wait until your secretary arrives. Thank you, Sean."I nodded, watching Arabella wipe her neck with my handkerchief before going to her hand. I remembered that from the footage, the woman had shown me
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Facing The Challenge
Sean's POVI paused, confused by the words Arabella had just said to me. "Do you regret saying that in front of the others?" I asked.Arabella nodded, looking sullen and trying to hide her face behind my suit. "I told you that I wanted to hide the information about our dating, but in the end, I told you everything myself."I still felt confused, feeling that the fact that we were dating was known to everyone in the company was not a big deal to me, but I tried to understand Arabella's words for a few moments. I didn't want to interrupt her.She looked at me, looking like she was about to cry with her mouth line still pointed downwards. "I'm like a child, no different from those women who only dare to talk about me in groups, Sean.""I wanted to behave professionally until the end, but they've also gone too far in bothering me when I've been working well. I would've been too quick to retaliate and make a scene like earlier."Arabella paused, then quickly shook her head, muttering in an
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At Home
Sean's POVI was in my home office, making sure the dismissal of the women went smoothly and correctly. They should all still be in the office after what happened earlier. I called my secretary, who was immediately connected."How was the dismissal? They were all present and received the dismissal statements in person?" I asked.Sarah said yes. "They were all present, sir. The personnel division also did not give you the severance pay you requested and only gave you a letter of dishonorable discharge.""Good." I smiled dispassionately, hearing my secretary's report on the woman who had been rude and abusive to Arabella.They very much deserved the dismissal.I heard my secretary relaying the words of the personnel division. The head of the division confirmed that the troublemaking women would have a hard time finding jobs with this problem."Getting a job with a letter of dishonorable discharge will make it difficult for them, not to mention the internal problems they've been having a
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15 Protection Status