All Chapters of Set me Free, Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
125 Chapters
VALERIAThe satisfaction I felt at yelling at Dimitri was extremely short lived, even though the look on his face when I had defied him was priceless. By the close of work that day, I thought I had made a mistake. The next morning at work, I was sure that I had made a mistake.Everyone seemed to be staring at me, from the doorman to the other staff that went ahead of me into the building. It was like I was a bug under a microscope. At the reception, Ellen was talking in hushed tones with a girl from the HR department. I wasn't sure, but I thought I had seen her on my floor when I was arguing with Dimitri yesterday. As I walked through the door, their eyes darted to mine. They exchanged a look and the girl hurried away."Hi Ellen," I greeted, like I always did.Her corresponding 'hello' was a little strained. I almost continued upstairs anyway, but my experience of office gossip was that it only got worse if it wasn't addressed. I changed direction and draped myself over her desk."Wh
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DIMITRIMy eyes were fixed on a tall, balding man, just within touching distance. I could see his profile now and was sure of his identity. He was the owner of one of the biggest oil firms in the country. He was deep in conversation with two other business men I wanted to talk business with. I had just taken a step towards him when Summer stepped in front of me. One look at her and I knew that she was soused to the eyeballs. A glass of wine dangled from the tips of her fingers."Summer, what are you-"I couldn't get the next words out because Summer suddenly threw her arms around me and kissed me. After the initial surprise, I wanted to yell and ask what the hell was wrong with her, but then I remembered we had an audience. Wine trickled down my neck and back as Summer lost her grip on her glass. I clamped my lips shut and pried her off me. It took a lot of effort for me to keep my expression pleasant."What are you doing?" I said in a low whisper."Nothing." She tipped forward, wrapp
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DIMITRII kept an eye on Fiona, the truck and her goons as they loaded up the truck. They worked fast and it took only a short period of time for them to finish. Fiona went on her way and the truck went it's way. It took a lot of self control for me not to hurry to my car and follow them myself. Silas was on it. He had others on the job as well. They would give me results.When I had given them a five minute headstart, I made my way to my car. I kept my ears and eyes open in case there were any more of Fiona's people in the vicinity. Then I got into my car and drove out of the area. I stopped the car in a restaurant's parking lot. Silas's response would determine where I went from here. I looked out of the window, staring at the people who went in an out of the eatery, but not really seeing them. I drummed my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as I waited for news. Once, I dialed Silas' number, but he was on on another call, so I forced myself to wait a little longer. My phone
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VALERIA"You're still in bed."With some effort, I raised myself in bed and saw Amelia poking her head around the door."Yes. Yes," I said again, hating how weak my voice sounded the first time, not that it was better the second time.The strength ran out of my arms and I fell back on the bed. I was so tired, bone achingly tried. As soon as I had woken up this morning, I had known that I just would not be able to go to work. I didn't even think I could get myself out of bed. The room spun for a second. I shut my eyes tightly until the feeling passed. I felt the mattress dip and Amelia's cool hand on my brow."I don't have a fever," I assured her, opening my eyes. Her worried expression did not relax."Then what's wrong?""I just feel tired and weak... and a bit dizzy if I move suddenly."Amelia clucked her tongue sympathetically, pulled up the covers around me. "I thought as much when you didn't come down for breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, you have to eat. What do you feel like ea
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VALERIAI tugged harder and this time, my foot slid out of Dimitri's lap. I felt hurt, confused, angry, all at the same time. Summer was moving into this same house? What on earth was Dimitri playing at? If he knew that he had plans of moving in with her, why then had he insisted on me staying at his place? She knew how cruel Summer could be towards me. Didn't he know that the baby and I didn't need this sort of stress at this time?I bit my lips hard to keep from asking him all these questions. Right now, Summer's attention was mostly on Dimitri, but give her the opportunity and she would turn downright nasty, especially since I had just had my foot in her fiance's lap. I glanced impatiently at Dimitri, wanting him to say something. One word from him about having made this arrangement with Summer, and I'd be on my way to my own house, and to hell with him! Slowly, Dimitri got to his feet until he towered over her."What did you say?" he asked slowly.Summer, refusing to be intimidate
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DIMITRII let out a stream of curses to relieve my pent up emotions and turned away from the window. I had been trying to clone Summer's laptop while keeping an eye out for her. Now I could see her re-entering the house. I quickly shut down the laptop, returned it to her room before reentering mine.Summer's presence was making my house a very uncomfortable place to be in. I laughed humourlessly when I remembered complaining to Silas a while ago about how clingy she was. That was nothing compared to moving into my house uninvited.My first impulse when she had arrived at my bedroom door with two enormous, overpriced suitcases, had been to throw her out of the house, but while arguing with her, I had realized the priceless opportunity her being in my house presented. With her that close, I would have the opportunity to get access to her phone and computer. The information I had been in search of all this time could just be lying around in there. The sooner I could get mu hands on the i
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VALERIAI drummed impatiently on my desk. The thought of going home filled me with trepidation as I glanced at the clock. It was a few minutes to closing time. I wondered what other nasty surprises Summer had in store today when I got to Dimitri's house. My trepidation finally gave way to a sudden burst of anger. Wasn't the whole point of moving in with Dimitri to reduce my stress levels? And wasn't the whole purpose sort of defeated if I faced more stress at home than I did at work?I heaved a sigh. I had almost reached my elastic limit when it came to Summer. At the house, she never allowed me a breathing space. She constantly drove me nuts no matter how much I tried to ignore her. To make all this worse, Dimitri wasn't as firm with her as I had expected him to be. All things considered, I toyed with the idea of going to my own house after work. I didn't really have to put up with Summer's attitude after all, but then maybe I could manage to avoid her today.When I got to Dimitri's,
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VALERIA"What are you doing?" I asked loudly.Though I was sure that she had heard me, Summer continued typing away on my computer."Don't touch that," I hissed and pulled my laptop out of her reach.She raised a brow, but did not make any move to take the computer from me."What were you doing with my computer?" I asked again."Your computer?""Yes."She shrugged and flicked her fingers impatiently."Not that I owe you any explanation, but how was I to know that it was yours and not Dimitri's? Everything in this house belongs to him, doesn't it? If you're desperate to keep that to yourself, you shouldn't leave it lying on the kitchen counter."Humming a tune, she left the kitchen. I stared after her suspiciously. She seemed to be in a better mood than usual, considering the fact that we had just been in the same space without Dimitri to stand as a mediator between us. I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts. I tapped on the keyboard to take me to the presentation slide I had bee
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VALERIAThe sound of the door of Dimitri's study closing was very loud in the silence of the house. He kept staring at me. He was standing so close that I wondered if he could hear my heart beating. Breathing suddenly became very hard to do with him in such close proximity, so I stepped away from him and went to stand by his desk."So er- what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked him.Dimitri slowly stroked his jaw. His continuous stare first made me cold and then warm on the inside. I felt a flush invade my cheeks, a flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment and everything to do with the way the riotous sensation his look coaxed from my body."Tell me... where did you go to after you left the office?" he asked with a return to his earlier brusqueness."I went out," I said.There was no way I was going to tell him that I had been with Noah. I didn't want to have another row with him."Out?" he repeated, stretching out the word, probing for an explanation that I wasn't goi
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DIMITRII walked past Valeria's room, supposedly on my way to my study, but in reality, I wanted to see her. I stopped in front of her door, listened. There was no movement from inside. I pushed the door open, already knowing that I wouldn't find her in there.It was an hour before closing time and I had to fight the urge to drive immediately to the office to pick her up.These days, she preferred to spend her time in the office than out of it. It was a constant struggle trying to get her to come home after office hours. I was mad at her for it, but I understood why she did it. Summer was becoming more obnoxious and clingy than usual, and Valeria was trying her best to stay out of her way. In my study, I caught sight of my reflection on the blank screen of my computer. I looked tired, but mostly pissed. Keeping Summer occupied and happy was taking it's toll on me. I just couldn't wait to get the goods on Fiona. The sooner I figured out what she was up to, the sooner I would get inf
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