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180: Easy Beautiful
SCARLETTI glanced at my wristwatch nervously for the millionth time. Was saying yes a bad Idea?“You seem nervous, baby,” Blake voiced my thoughts, “maybe you should just call and cancel, it’s not too late,” he advised.For a split second, I considered taking his advice, but after remembering how eager Alex had been when asking me to be his date, I decided to battle my nerves instead.“Nah, I’m fine,” I assured him, flashing him a small smile.A sigh left his lips and he looked around, probably checking to see if Alex’s car was anywhere in sight yet. I’d spent the morning at Blake’s cafe since I’d barely spent time with him all week and Alex was meant to pick me for the celebratory dinner that night.“You sure?” he sounds as jealous as he did a week ago when I mentioned the date and he had to cancel the weekend trip he was planning for us, “We could be somewhere in Hawaii loving on each other without any judging eyes.”The thought of freely exploring I and Blake’s insane romantic che
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181: Hello Gorgeous
SCARLETTAfter Alex’s boob graze, I kept my guard up for the rest of the dress shopping.When he realized that I was being odd, he excused himself and allowed the attendant tend to me while I chose a dress. That gesture of giving me space even when he’d have preferred to stay with me warmed my heart like every other gentlemanly act he’d expressed that night.I found the perfect dinner dress after two tries and a glam team was sent in to get me ready while an attendant informed me that Alex was getting dressed as well.Alex returned when the glam team was doing finishing touches and from the look of absolute wonder in his eyes I could tell that I looked gorgeous. He was an equally marveling sight in his dark blue suit and I particularly loved how handsome he looked with his hair sleeked back.As soon as the glam team left, he walked towards me with an adoring smile.“It’s my night yet you'll definitely be the star of the show,” he reached for my hand, lifting it to his lips for a linge
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182: Not Going to be a one time thing
SCARLETTI rolled my eyes at the compliment despite how my throat dried up from our closeness.“Get out of my way, Logan,” I shrugged his hands off my shoulder.“I came here for you, you know that right?” he completely blocked my path with his huge frame instead of honoring my rude request.“I’m sure you have regrets now, realizing that that was a pointless endeavor and I have no intention of paying you any attention,” I shot him a mean glare, my words dripping with defiance.“On the contrary,” he flashed me a devilishly charming smile, moving closer, “I have absolutely no regrets about tonight, getting to witness your marveling beauty in that dress alone is enough to consider the night a success.”“Delusional prick,” I hissed before trying to move around him to leave.A hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me flush against him proved that he wasn't willing to let me go yet.“Tell me, why have you been cold to me for the past week? I need to know,” the desperation in his voice was hard
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LOGANFor no less than five minutes, I’d been the object of Ashley’s hawklike gaze.I’d just gotten back from Alex’s celebratory dinner and I hoped she wasn't staring at me because she could sense another woman’s scent on me. Against my will, I’d rid myself of Scarlett’s scent as soon as we walked out of the restroom, but Ashley had a way of sensing that I was being insincere by simply reading my body language.I was being as unsuspicious as possible as I got out of my suit and into a sleepwear, but the foremost thought in the back of my mind was how badly I’d have loved to leave Scarlett’s scent on my clothes so I could bask in it for as long as I pleased.I fought back the sigh that threatened to leave my lips at the thought and turned to face Ashley.“Come on, let’s go to bed, we’ve both had a tiring day,” I started to pull the duvet lower to climb into bed as I spoke.From the pointed look she had trained on me, I knew she wasn't ready to call it a night yet. I could see a million
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SCARLETTThe empty ice cream store didn't faze us as our laughter freely echoed through the small space.Coming here was Alex’s idea, his sweet way of apologizing for spending most of the evening with prospective investors and fellow businessmen while leaving me to fend for myself. What made the gesture heart melting was the fact that he’d paid the store owner to keep it open for us until midnight so that he could spend more time with me.If only he knew what I’d been up to, he’d be unable to look me in the eye.The person who should be apologizing in any way should be me, and I felt horrible that he was going to such lengths to show remorse and make the night worthwhile when I didn't deserve any of the queenly treatment I’d received from him all evening.While he was engrossed in business talks, his brother’s fingers were buried inside me while his fangs sent me into unknown throes of pleasure. Simply reminiscing about those moments made me clench my thighs to dull the need between t
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185: Powerful Spell
LOGANShe’s not here.My wolf had said when I walked into the Vaughn mansion, but I was too frantic and panicked to take his word so I searched every room in the house still, calling her name and hoping for a response each time.After I slammed the door of her empty room shut in frustration, Blake dashed out of his room with confusion etched into his sleepy face.“What’s the problem, Logan?” he asked concern written all over his face as he approached me.Frankly, I had no answer to that because I wasn't sure what kind of danger Scarlett was in, all I wanted to do was find her before it got any worse. Since Alex wasn't home either, I figured that they were still together so I dialed his number and pressed my phone to my ear.As it rang, I saw that Blake was scrutinizing my wrist, probably because of the blood on it.“Why’re you bleeding? What’s wrong? Did you get into an accident on the way here?” he stretched his hand to inspect the bleeding but I shot him a warning glare and moved as
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186: I need you, please
LOGANI gasped as I jolted awake, greedily dragging in a breath of fresh air.“Logan,” Blake hurried to my side worriedly, “Thank heavens you're awake, you scared us when you passed out, man.”My entire body felt numb and I couldn't find the words to respond, meanwhile, Alex was making his way over to my side as well, his eyes wide with relief and surprise.“You’re up, great,” he patted my shoulder firmly, letting out a heave of relief, “It would've been hell having to worry about you both.”That utterance made me realize that I hadn't seen Scarlett since I awoke. I quickly took in my surroundings, only to find out that we’d been moved from the living room to a bedroom and Scarlett was lying beside me on a queen sized bed.Much to my displeasure, she was still unconscious.Worried, I quickly lifted myself off the bed, but Alex held me by my shoulders to stop my movement.“I’m fine,” I assured him, hoping he’d let go.“No, you're not. You just passed out and you've barely been awake fo
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SCARLETTIt’s been three days since the incident, and I still had unanswered questions piling up by the second.Before that night, I’d never experienced what it felt like to see a vision and it still seemed unbelievable till this very moment. Growing up as a werewolf—a magical creature of the moon goddess’s making, meant that I believed in the supernatural, but I never thought I could experience certain planes of magic. Especially visions where it seemed like I was being drawn out of the clutches of death and brought back to life. That night, moments before I regained consciousness, I saw a familiar face running towards me when I was on the verge of giving up the fight to stay alive. He’d held out a hand to me from a distance, begging me to reach for his hand despite the thick cloud of darkness between us that stopped him from coming any closer. I was already weak and tired, ready to accept defeat and slip into death’s cold embrace, but watching him beg me to hold on a little longer
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188: Don’t go after her
LOGANThere was no emergency, Ashley’s SOS was nothing but a scorned woman’s rat trap. It had been nearly a week since the night I ran out of bed with bleeding wrists to find Scarlett, and since then, Ashley hadn't let me out of her sight for a second. The only thing keeping me from walking out of her life and succumbing fully to the mate bond was the deep sense of loyalty I had towards her, it was the only thing that stood between me and true fulfillment. Every day I felt more trapped than the last, but I couldn't live with myself if I jilted Ashley after years of courting and promising her a life together. That didn't quench my undying need for Scarlett’s touch and presence though, I was worried about her and how her recovery was going so far. I could tell through the mate bond that she wasn't in pain, but she wasn’t at her full strength either. I needed to see her, hold her, melt into her touch. Luckily, that would be possible soon. Ashley had taken the independent contract I’
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189: Seduction Art
LOGANThree days that felt like forever ago passed, and the guilt hovering wickedly in my chest grew by the second, nearly tearing me apart. The next day after being caught fondling Scarlett’s body, Ashley swore that all was forgiven and forgotten as long as I promised that it wouldn’t affect our engagement or marriage. Since I couldn’t blatantly tell her that I’d lost feelings for her over a month ago and had no control over what I felt for Scarlett, I agreed to her terms and began to create a healthy distance between myself and Scarlett at work despite how much it hurt to do so. The worst part of it all is that Ashley turned down the contract after that incident and the breathing space I was hoping to get from her traveling was lost. She was scared of losing me to Scarlett in her absence and didn't care that a contract like that would boost her career in countless ways. I was still going over the events of the last few days in my head when a soft knock on my door distracted me.
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