All Chapters of ENTANGLED WITH HER ALPHA STEPBROTHERS: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
164 Chapters
41: Never feels old
LOGAN“Let’s seat, sweetheart,” I guided us back to our seats while that confused look remained glued to her face.“We’re seated, now tell me what that thing means,” she insisted.Whew. While her innocence was adorable, I wish I didn't have to explain a concept like this to her, but it was too late for that wish to be fulfilled.“A blood whore is someone that enjoys being fed on, genuinely, to the extent that they feel intense sexual pleasure while their skin is being suckled on instead of mere pain,” I stopped and rubbed my hands together gingerly, “in fact, the pleasure stems from the pain.”Ashley looked like she was about to gag and throw up on the spot. I’d never seen such disgust in her eyes and that was weird because she’d watched me gruesomely torture my enemies.“What the hell? Sexual pleasure? Christ, that's... Fucking gross,” she hissed, heaving like she was struggling to keep herself sane.I watched her drag in a long breath and let it out in uncomfortable hitches.“So, sh
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42: A Proper Dinner
LOGANFinally, I was in the presence of the pig that’d turned my whole day upside downQuietly, I watched as my men beat the living shit out of Ken. He was strung from the roof with iron strings that were no doubt boring into his skin, covered in dirty clothes that were drenched in his blood, and grunting weakly with every brute attack from my men.He wasn't worth the time I was wasting on him, nor the decade old red wine I’d popped open to keep me level headed while I watched him suffer.“Please let me go, I’ll do anyth—”His cowardly whining was cut off by a blow to his jaw that must've dislocated it judging from the sound of bones popping that came after.Sounding like he was second away from tears, he coughed out blood and groaned like the weakling I’d suspected him to be. I was suddenly bored with the shit-show before me, so I dropped my wine glass on the table beside me and held up a hand that made my men halt.“Are you ready to tell me how you got the information on the article
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43: Is this heaven?
SCARLETTThe curse of a sleepless night was upon me.And no, not the type where I stare at the ceiling for hours until it fades into blurry hallucinations and I drift to sleep. This was the worst kind when no position seemed comfortable, my eyes stung when I closed them, and I kept tossing and turning like a maniac.Strangely, it was all because I was so worried about Ken. After he lied to my face, I’d convinced myself that I no longer felt pity for him and whatever fate he met, but when I texted him to rant about how I knew he was lying and it didn’t deliver for hours, I started to panic.I’d called him countless times too, and since the Ken I knew always kept his phone on, I knew that being redirected to voicemail meant something bad had happened.Earlier, during dinner, I was unable to eat a single bite and Blake had pleaded with me to eat after assuring me that everything would be fine and I was just spiraling. Normally, I’d take Blake’s word as gospel, but a feeling tearing at me
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44: Insane Pleasure from her wicked stepbrother
SCARLETTWhen I felt his teeth graze my boobs, I didn’t know what I was expecting, but God did I welcome the insane thresholds I crossed when it happened.Logan didn’t stop at grazing, even though that was making me quiver already.No, he went the extra mile by sinking his fangs into the fleshy skin and pulling slowly until blood was subtly peeking out of the sensitive spot.“What are you doing to me?” I moaned out while obsessively rubbing my thighs together, feeling like the pleasure I felt could drown me and I wouldn’t mind it.An animalistic groan left his lips as he continued the torture, making me whimper and pull at my hair crazily, like it would do any good to help me control the rush of pleasure pulsing from my boobs to my needy, pooling pussy.Again and again, he repeated the same wickedly teasing motion, biting on my mounds and tracing each bite in a rugged line until both my tits were filled with slits and blood was seeping through each one.I was heaving breathlessly, tea
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45: Waves of Shame
SCARLETTLike a whirlwind, the memories of the night before spun into a violent ball and slammed into me as soon as I woke up.I didn’t even get a single breather before I felt an indescribable wave of shame enveloping me from head to toe. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to fight off the scenes replaying in my head, most especially the ones where I’d been begging and crying for more like an unhinged, desperate whore.I looked down at my ripped nightdress and the scars scattered across my body, and I ended up tumbling from the bed frantically.What horrible insatiable beast had I become!?My heart was suddenly beating like crazy and drums were going off in my head. I’d never seen shame turn into panic, but I was currently experiencing it and it felt like hell.As though I wasn’t in enough of a shit hole, my wolf started to frantically pull at my insides and throw me deeper into the spiral than I thought possible. I knew that my wolf’s erratic behavior could be calmed by a run, but my
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46: He's a Monster
SCARLETTThe obnoxious ringing tone I’d allotted to my mother specially rang out loudly just as I walked through the doors of CTO. I mentally prepared myself for whatever damage she was bound to do to my day before I swiped the answer button and pressed the phone to my ear.“Hi sweetie!” she sounded a little hazy, like she was floating on a wine induced high,”how’re you doing? good? great? fantastic?” a giggle punctuated her questions.“I’m doing fine, you?” I found a seat in the lobby because mom was bound to take up a good chunk of my time.“Never been better honey, we just arrived in our third country, the Netherlands! I wish I could show you the gorgeous honeymoon suite your dad got us,” I cringed at her referring to Mr.Vaughn as my dad so lightly.“We’re going to have magical nights in here,” she said in a suggestive tone when I didn’t answer.“Eww, mom, too much information,” I groaned.“Eww all you want honey, but I’m living my dreams now and I feel like I’m on top of the world
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47: A morning run?
SCARLETTAbsentmindedly, I took down a customer’s coffee and pastry order and passed it to the chef’s assistant before letting my mind drift back to the one thought that’d been on a loop in my head.It’s been a little over a week, yet, Ken’s death hasn’t stopped weighing on my fragile heart.No matter how much I thought of it, Ken’s punishment wasn’t worth his offense. In fact, no one should be that quick to kill anyone else, not even a powerful hybrid that thinks he can strut around with the world in his palms.It’s baffling and frankly unnerving that he would kill a man over gossip that died out in hours.But at the same time, it made sense that he’d be capable of doing something like that and seeing no wrong in it. Besides, he’d ruined hundreds of lives when he closed down countless businesses and didn’t feel a tad bit apologetic about it.That bastard ruined my life and acted like it was a normal day in the office and I’d overreacted about it.Well, good riddance to bad rubbish. N
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48: Must be so desperate to get fucked
SCARLETTThey shouldn’t be, but my eyes are glued to Alex’s body. Every enticing inch of him seems to be appealing to a side of me that’s much stronger than my sanity.He has the body of a god, every inch of him sculpted to perfection, jaw-dropping perfection to be exact.Any normal person, any person whose brain was screwed on correctly would turn around and leave before he notices, but apparently I’m abnormal. Because I don’t move, I just drool over how his muscles flex beautifully as he runs a strong hand through his luscious hair.Christ, he’s fucking hot. So hot that every part of my body has been set aflame.Suddenly, he turned around and my eyes traveled to his humongous dick first, and I felt a tingle in my core begging to feel every inch of it. I bet he’d stretch me wonderful lengths beyond my imagination if he was inside me.“You know, you must be really desperate in your gold digging ploy,” his voice made my eyes snap to his face, “seeing as you followed me outside just to
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49: Pangs of Guilt
SCARLETTShame flooded my entire being in an unforgiving way as I changed to fresh clothes in the cabin.I felt like there was a stench of the godforsaken act I’d just engaged in hovering and clinging to every inch of my skin as I hurried out of the cabin and into the house. I practically ran up the stairs as several voices in my head pointed accusing fingers at me.Immediately I was in the privacy of my room, I slammed the door shut, peeled my clothes off quickly and stormed into the bathroom.I turned on the shower to the hottest temperature and used all my might to scrub off the shame lingering all over me. No matter how much I tried, it seemed impossible to wash off the fact that I’d let my step-brother fuck the living daylight out of me at seven fucking a.m and I’d enjoyed every single moment of it.Again, I scrubbed and scrubbed until my skin was sore, but the memories were too fresh and I kept failing to get rid of the shame snowballing in my head.My alarm went off signifying
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50: Not a gamble I'm willing to indulge in
LOGANAll the questionable, merciless, and distasteful things I’d done over the years had never left me feeling guilty. Not one act had stirred guilt or pity in me, no matter how many people it’d affected because I saw the world through morally gray lenses that no one could clean up.Well, until over a week ago when I ravaged that whore’s body until my erection felt hard enough to poke a hole in my pants.Fucking hell.What on earth possessed me to touch her? All I’d gone there to do was feed on her—for my satisfaction, since she had mindlessly amazing blood—and make her scream in pain the entire time.You thought that was a good plan despite knowing she was a blood whore? the guilt gnawing at my insides mocked me.Of course, it was a foolish plan from the get-go, but I’d tried my hardest to cause her real pain when I realized that feeding from her neck wasn't enough. However, she seemed to be made from something the gods forged in the pits of doom because as the pain intensified, so
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