All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
343 Chapters
Chapter 31
"What am I going to find if I head up there?" Frederick asked curiously."Just come along and see for yourself," Jasmine said with a wink. "It's a request from Ms. York, so you can't really say no!" she added with a smirk.Frederick raised an eyebrow. They'd just had a disagreement, and now Jennifer was sending her assistant to fetch him. It seemed strange.Despite this, he didn't dwell on it for long. After all, Jasmine had helped him out before. He hopped into the car.To his surprise, Jasmine drove straight to a bar."Did Ms. York tell you to bring me here?" Frederick asked, surprised.Jasmine laughed. "You'll understand soon enough."Despite his reluctance, Frederick followed her inside, where they found seats. Jasmine tossed her hair back. "Actually, there was no instruction from Ms. York,” she revealed abruptly. “It was my idea to bring you here."Frederick was puzzled. "Ms. Smith, I'm not sure I follow...""Don't call me Ms. Smith; we're not at the office. Just call m
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Chapter 32
Sebastian's temper flared instantly. "So you think you're something, huh?” he jeered cuttingly. “What company are you with, and what's your monthly paycheck?""I'm a salesman at Prospera Corporation, recently made permanent, earning four thousand dollars a month," Frederick replied evenly.Sebastian's friends' faces shifted dramatically at this revelation."Four grand?"Had they heard correctly? In their social circle, where the average net worth soared above a hundred million, someone making a mere 4,000 dollars a month had slipped into their midst.Mockery rippled through the group."Seriously? Four grand? That's barely a fraction of what I spend on a single outfit!" scoffed one."I drop eight grand just on my dog's food! How do you even survive on that?" chimed in another.Frederick was an oddity among these rich kids.Sebastian sneered. "Well, since you're Jasmine's friend, I'll let you stay. Consider yourself lucky! Without us, you'd never get invited to such fancy gather
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Chapter 33
The room fell silent as Frederick effortlessly spoke Faelorian—a silence so profound, you could hear a pin drop. Every face displayed disbelief as they exchanged glances.Seriously? This guy, who makes a mere four grand, could speak fluent Faelorian?Even the pastry chef stood frozen.Sebastian couldn't resist a jab. "Maybe consider dropping the act if you can't speak Faelorian? The pastry chef can't understand you. No need to fake it!"Then, the Faplean chef surprised everyone, giving Frederick a thumbs-up. He praised him with a poor Aetherian accent, "Sir, if not for your appearance, I'd swear you were one of us. Your Faelorian is spot-on, like a native!"The crowd was stunned into silence.Sebastian's expression shifted dramatically.Once the chef left, Jasmine couldn't contain her amusement. She teased, "Frederick, you always seemed adorkable! Who knew you spoke Faelorian so well?"Frederick shrugged and said, "It's nothing, just something I picked up."His years in th
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Chapter 34
Jasmine trembled in terror, her face drained of color as she begged, "Please, don't touch me! I'll give you money—lots of it!""Money's good, but I'm taking you too." The burly man sneered sinisterly.Despair gripped Jasmine. She recognized him as a lawless wanderer who feared nothing. They roamed from town to town and had no place to call home.Out of nowhere, a slender finger gripped the brute's arm tightly.Frederick asked calmly, "Hey, I just have a question. That tattoo on your chest—where'd you get it?"The brute paused, eyeing the "V" tattoo on his chest. Then he spat at Frederick and growled, "Beat it! Don't ruin my fun!"In a flash, Frederick sent the brute crashing headfirst into a wall, blood spurting everywhere. It was a horrific sight.Jasmine stood dazed, eyes wide with disbelief, and looked at Frederick.Frederick withdrew his smoking finger, his expression stern as he said, "I tried to keep my temper in check, but some people are just rude and deserve a lesson i
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Chapter 35
Jennifer faced her family's relentless criticism with a blank expression. These people were kicking her when she was down."Is that all? As the Executive Vice President, overseeing nine major departments, I'll take full responsibility for this incident," she declared calmly.Zeke exploded in rage and roared, "Responsible? Can you really handle the responsibility? The losses are huge!" Xavier gestured with his hand and stated firmly, "The board can only give you two weeks to handle this. If the situation isn't resolved by then, Jennifer, you'll have to resign.""Very well." Jennifer left the boardroom with an icy demeanor.It wasn't until she was far from the boardroom that her hands began to shake uncontrollably.She hadn't anticipated the fierce reaction from the Tiger Faction due to Hugh's disability, which had driven them to go all out to suppress Prospera Corporation.The board had always coveted the shares her mother left her. If she couldn't resolve the crisis, she stoo
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Chapter 36
Gavin guided Frederick to the top floor of Sullivan Group's headquarters, leading him through a special entrance into the chairman's office.Inside, reclining on a couch in a suit, was Derek, the wealthiest man in Mirage. Beside him, an elderly man was busy grinding herbs."Gavin, didn't you promise to bring a miracle doctor to cure my illness? Why is there just a kid?" Derek asked. Frederick stood behind Gavin. Derek looked at him, questioning him with a frown. "Are you trying to make a fool out of me?"Gavin chuckled and clarified, "Motherfucker, don't underestimate people. This is Dr. Lester. Many rich and influential individuals have sought his treatment but were unable to secure an appointment."Derek and the elderly man both burst into laughter, clearly not taking Gavin's words seriously."Gavin, you're an uncultured brute. You're easily deceived," Derek remarked. He scrutinized Frederick and added, "You may deceive others, but you can't fool a businessman. We're skilled i
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Chapter 37
Derek was caught off guard. Swiftly, he changed his attitude and apologized. “Sorry for my rudeness earlier, Dr. Lester. Please forgive me! My life is in your hands. You're the only one who can save me!"Frederick didn't harbor any ill feelings about the earlier incident. He replied calmly, "I'll save you this time, but only because of Gavin."After checking Derek's pulse, Frederick diagnosed, "You have a malignant brain tumor connected to your nerves. Surgery isn't an option, and neither traditional nor alternative medicine can offer much help. At best, alternative medicine might extend your life by a few years."Derek chuckled bitterly.Frederick continued, "However, I might have a method to eliminate the tumor instantly."Overjoyed, Derek pleaded, "Please tell me! I'll pay anything for the medicine, regardless of the cost. I'll do whatever it takes to obtain the medicine!""It won't cost you a dime," said Frederick, shaking his head.Unexpectedly, he slapped Derek across the
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Chapter 38
"Just passing through; it's just a coincidence," Frederick replied vaguely, not wanting Donovan to catch on to his involvement with Derek. Jennifer was taken aback. "Are you kidding me?” she complained. “You're butting in without knowing what's going on. Leave now! This isn't something a junior staff member like you should be interfering in!" Sullivan Group was a giant corporation. Taking down a small-time employee like Frederick would be as simple as squashing an ant. "Ms. York, it's part of an employee's responsibility to defend their superior," Frederick replied calmly. "And our relationship goes beyond that." Jennifer's cheeks flushed slightly. She widened her eyes and scolded, "Stop talking! Just leave!" Frederick felt a mix of emotions. "You scold me whether I help you or not. What kind of boss is this? So harsh on your employees!" he complained. Jennifer was left speechless. Richard's expression turned hostile. "Damn it! Even your boss doesn't dare to threaten me.
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Chapter 39
And what was that weird feeling earlier—like an electric shock to the heart? Why would she feel anything for a mere office worker? Jennifer took a deep breath, dismissing it as a trick of the mind.Quickly, she composed herself and returned to her usual icy demeanor."Are you both here to see me?” Derek asked with a smile. “Well, you're in luck; I have some time now. Please, come in."Since Frederick seemed to care about Jennifer a lot, he thought he'd do him a favor. It was all about give and take.Jennifer felt honored and replied, "Thank you, Mr. Sullivan."She glanced back to call out for Frederick, but he had already walked away.After all, he was on his way home and had simply helped Jennifer get through.However, Jennifer couldn't shake off the thought. If Frederick truly knew Derek, why didn't he join them? Was she overthinking this? Was Frederick simply passing by?Donovan was elated and exclaimed, "Jennifer, Mr. Sullivan is giving us the red carpet treatment! Forget
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Chapter 40
Stephen spoke hesitatingly. "Ms. Jasmine, accessing these military files is risky. They contain state secrets, and even with our family's influence, there could be consequences." It might result in a reprimand from one of the prominent figures in their family. Jasmine waved off his concerns, stating firmly, "I'm willing to pay any price. I just need to uncover his true identity." Seeing her determination, Stephen relented with a sigh and said, "All right." He used his computer to access the Horus dark web, which housed Drakonia's military archives. Only a select few with significant influence, including the Smiths, had access to this. After logging in, Stephen handed the computer to Jasmine. "Ms. Jasmine, I’m a low-ranking servant, and I lack the authority to access these files. It's best if you navigate this yourself." Horus closely monitored all user activity. Unauthorized access could lead to swift action from the national security agency to eliminate the users, posin
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