All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 1011 - Chapter 1020
1038 Chapters
Chapter 1011
Unsure if it was because of the fever, Sean couldn't control himself. His kiss was extremely assertive and aggressive. It was unlike before when he would kiss Angeline in different ways until she couldn't resist anymore and went weak before he became more aggressive. This time, his kiss was direct and aggressive. He was sucking all the air from her, almost causing her to suffocate and faint. Angeline had never experienced such an intense kiss since the last time she and Sean had separated. Amidst the chaotic breathing, Angeline raised her head to accept Sean's kiss. She no longer had the strength to handle his advances. She unconsciously sank her nails into her back. Angeline woke up the next day from shortness of breath. Sean, who was lying down and facing her, was slowly pecking on her lips while pinching her chin. Noticing that Angeline was awake, he slipped his tongue into her mouth without hesitation as he wrapped his sturdy arm around her waist and pulled her tightly in
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Chapter 1012
Sean walked to Angeline's side and pulled a chair before sitting down. Before he could say anything, Angeline asked, "Is everything over?" Sean nodded. "It's over. I can return to you and the kids without worries." "How about Melissa?" Angeline ate quietly with lowered eyes. "What's your plan for her?" Sean pulled Angeline's chair toward him, facing him. "Mr. Lane was sent to jail for the crimes he committed, according to the idea of your friend, Thomas. But Melissa needs someone to look after her." "Uh-huh, so?" Angeline asked. "Wayne was arrested in Menko already, and I've invited my aunt, Lori, back to Lonla," Sean said. "She doesn't want to stay in Keman and wishes to return here because she thinks Keman is dangerous."So, I returned this time with Aunt Lori and Melissa. Aunt Lori is staying at the manor my parents left me with at Oceanford. Melissa is there, too." Sean caressed Angeline's hair. "You know I've always treated Melissa like my younger sister. I can't just
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Chapter 1013
"Anyway, I'll find a way, so you don't need to worry."Sean didn't want to put Angeline in a difficult position."I'll persuade Mr. Lawson Senior. What I mean is… I'll divorce Melissa soon. Of course, we'll find an appropriate time to announce it publicly. Then, after things calm down for a while, we can be together again. We can keep a low profile until we get discovered. What do you think?""You handle things with Melissa first. Even if we have to remain in a secret marriage for the rest of our lives, I wouldn't mind. After all, life is for us to live, and everything else is just for others to see."Angeline wasn't just pretending to be magnanimous.When he had his car accident, she had persuaded him to take that opportunity to return as Shane, and she had already prepared herself for this outcome.He squeezed her hand and kissed it. Although he didn't say anything, he felt that the luckiest thing in his life was winning her love."But regarding Tom, I want you to be honest wi
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Chapter 1014
Angeline nodded and then spoke about her situation with Nathaniel."Nathaniel and I were only pretending to be engaged. We each had our own reasons. Hence, it doesn't matter if we never get married. Or… when he finds someone he wants to marry, we can find an appropriate way to announce the cancellation of our engagement."Just as she finished speaking, the doorbell rang.She glanced at Sean and said, "I'll get the door. You go hide in the bedroom."He didn't make things difficult at that moment. He stood just outside the dining room and watched as she checked the surveillance monitor and mouthed the question of who it was.She pointed downstairs and whispered, "It's Nathaniel."After he went into the bedroom, she opened the door. Nathaniel, like he was very familiar with the place, walked in and started changing his shoes.He asked, "What's going on? I heard you were sick and didn't go to work today?""I'm feeling a bit unwell," she answered, instinctively glancing toward the b
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Chapter 1015
"Mr. Millstone's handling Lucy's salary. If he finds out that you're eating at my place and paying her, he'll report it to my grandfather, and I'll be the one getting scolded," said Angeline as she sat down at the dining table too."If you want to eat the dishes made by Lucy, I can ask her to cook for you downstairs.""Sure! Then you can join me for meals downstairs. It's more lively with two people anyway," said Nathaniel with a smile.Then, he added, "By the way, Kieron is likely to announce his engagement to Lara soon.""I've heard rumors about their engagement, but it's been delayed for so long. Why the sudden decision?" she asked, surprised."They both got drunk. When they woke up, they found themselves in bed together, unclothed. Neither of them could explain what happened. Someone saw them and reported it to their families. This incident was likely the reason the engagement was pushed forward," he said with a smile."Kieron was quite frustrated when he called me. He was st
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Chapter 1016
"Alright then…" Nathaniel said and nodded. "I'll head to the office now. Can I come by for dinner later this evening?""I have things to do later. Send me your house password, and I'll have Lucy cook at your place. Do you have ingredients in the fridge?" Angeline asked."The fridge is restocked daily. I use the same service as you do, so just let Lucy know to come over," he replied.After sending the house password to her, he grabbed his suit jacket and said, "If you feel unwell, don't hesitate to call me. I'll take you to the hospital.""Okay!"As soon as the door closed behind Nathaniel, Sean came out of the bedroom."Canceling the engagement without affecting Hooper Group isn't difficult. Announce the cancellation while simultaneously revealing a new collaboration project with Lawson Global. The stock price will dip but will stabilize and rise again," he said with a frown."There's no rush. I was just giving Nathaniel a heads-up to prepare him," she replied, standing up to cl
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Chapter 1017
Seeing Sean was about to speak, Angeline interrupted, "Before you confirm the truth, don't reveal our relationship to Melissa or your aunt. I don't mind, but I'm concerned about the children's safety."It had only been less than a year since Monica's accident. Lara, the eldest daughter of the Scotts, had also withdrawn from the succession battle because of that car crash. She had been having a difficult time since then, being suspected by her whole family.Regardless of the situation, Angeline believed that Melissa had a touch of madness. Since Sean was protecting her and she couldn't be touched, it was best not to let her know."Okay," Sean agreed. "I'll settle Melissa down and then make a trip to Keman. I'll be back soon.""Are you planning to shift the focus of Kingston Empire back to the country?" she asked."Yes," he replied with a smile. "You and the kids won't follow me abroad, so I have to find a way to return."Besides, Sean felt a sense of duty to Robert, who had rais
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Chapter 1018
Lori even knew that Sean hadn't told her before everything ended about his wife back home or the fake marriage with Melissa because he feared it would affect the person he cherished in his homeland."She understands me very well. She knows that I see Melissa only as a sister and that I must take care of her."She shook her head and said, "Shane, you've always been smart, but you don't understand women enough. If your wife says she understands you, either she doesn't love you and doesn't care at all, or she's in the process of giving up on you."Sean pursed his lips, unable to deny the fact out loud.He raised his eyes gently and said, "She loves me, and I'm sure of it. Besides me, she won't be with anyone else. There's no other men around her too.""In one's life, there's more than just love. There are so many other things!" Lori said as she picked up her teacup from the corner of the table."Even if there's no other man around her, she still has work and family to take care of.
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Chapter 1019
Melissa was curled up in the hanging chair on the balcony like a ball, looking wilted and drained, likely due to not eating since last night until now.The nanny specifically assigned to care for her squatted nearby, softly coaxing her to eat something. When Sean pushed open the door and entered, she quickly stood up."Mr. Kingston…"Upon hearing this, Melissa immediately turned her head toward the door. When she saw him, her large eyes filled with tears, and she choked up, "Shane!"Sean walked up to her, looked at the oatmeal brought by the nanny, and asked, "Why aren't you eating?""If you don't come, I won't eat! I'll starve myself!" she said, as willful as she was in her childhood. "You promised me that you'd always eat with me from now on, but you lied."If you go on a business trip, I'll go with you. If you don't take me, I'll starve!" Her voice carried a childish determination."Melissa," Sean sighed softly and watched tears roll down her cheeks. Eventually, he said, "L
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Chapter 1020
"But I want my dad to be free!" Melissa shouted.She couldn't stop crying when she thought about her elderly father suffering in prison."Can't we spend money to get him out? No matter how much it costs!"Sean said softly, "Melissa, Mr. Lane wants to atone for what he's done. He told me this himself. He wants to make amends while he's alive so that he can face your mom and my dad in the afterlife with dignity."He must have told you that your mom was a very kind and righteous person. He loved your mom his entire life. Despite his mistakes, he wants to meet her guilt-free."You're his daughter. You should understand him."Hearing this, Melissa stared at him with red and vulnerable eyes, tears streaming down her face. In her heart, she understood her father but still felt deeply pained. She knew how much he loved her mother.The love he gave her was an extension of his love for her mother. Since her mother was no longer there, he projected his love onto her. She believed that he l
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