All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
1038 Chapters
Chapter 601
"No! It won't happen anymore!" Sean hugged Angeline tightly. "I won't be seeing Melissa unless it's something urgent!"Angeline sank her face into Sean's embrace and grabbed his shirt while remaining silent.Noticing Angeline's action, Sean kissed the top of her head.As Angeline didn't resist him, Sean couldn't suppress his desire for her and lifted her face with one hand. He gulped while slowly lowering his face toward hers.Angeline noticed Sean's intent to kiss her and clenched his shirt. Her eyelashes fluttered as she held her breath and leaned back slightly.However, Sean pulled Angeline in forcefully by her waist, stopping her from backing off.Angeline felt her heart palpitating when Sean's burning lips met hers.Although they had done way intimate acts before, Sean's wet kiss could always arouse her.Angeline subconsciously tried pushing Sean away, but he quickly grabbed her hands and hooked them around his neck. He wrestled his tongue in Angeline's mouth while pushing
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Chapter 602
"Angie, don't ever mention breaking up again! I don't like those words!" Sean said. Sean was mad about this. "Y-Yes…" Angeline replied vacantly. "Good girl, Angie." Sean chuckled. He stared Angeline in the eyes before moving closer to kiss his lips. He leaned in, touching Angeline's burning face with his face, and whispered, "Tell your honey if you want it." Angeline's mind exploded in excitement. Although Angeline and Sean were a legal couple, she had never called Sean "honey." Sean's words were like sirens dragging the sailors down into the abyss. Even though it was just a simple word, it was enough to melt Angeline, who was lost in desire from Sean's kiss. Embarrassment boiled Angeline's cheeks and quickly spread down her neck. The words struck Angeline awake, and her body turned bright red like a ripe tomato. Sean kissed Angeline on the lips again, wrestling her tongue aggressively. He carried Angeline into the bedroom and didn't stop kissing her. Sean tossed
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Chapter 603
Sean's kiss woke Angeline up. She was still in a daze when she felt a burning tongue nimbly enter her mouth, slowly and softly kissing her. Angeline moaned. She weakly opened her eyes to see Sean's handsome face before her. When she was about to push him away, Sean pinned her arms to her sides. Noticing Angeline had woken up, Sean didn't hold back and aggressively sucked on her mouth. The only memory Angeline could recall on that day was that she was pinned down on the bed by Sean while their phone screen kept flickering until their battery ran out. When the two woke up, Angeline was dizzy due to lack of sleep as she tried to work her way through the accumulated documents. In contrast, Sean was energized, possibly due to satisfaction. He even considerately helped with Angeline's work. "Please control yourself next time!" Angeline wanted to scold Sean, but her ears and cheeks flushed red when she spoke. Her words didn't sound convincing at all. "Look at how much work we've
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Chapter 604
"Our search engine saw it as one of the trending topics on social media," Jamie said. "The PR department immediately suppressed the news after seeing it and is currently in discussion with DramaTrauma Press' editor-in-chief. "The PR department called the secretariat earlier, asking what to do. They'll issue a cease and desist letter if it's fake news. But if there's some misunderstanding, we should explain." To speak bluntly, the PR department was worried that Angeline might reconcile with Ned. After all, Ingrid was an international star with a large number of fans all around the globe. Some of them were even shippers for Ned and Ingrid. Especially after Fletcher Corporation went bankrupt, Ingrid never left Ned. Some fans even found out that Ingrid had given her savings to Ned. Adding to Ned entering the entertainment industry, some shippers said he had done this for Ingrid. Thus, the fans shipped their relationship even harder. Ned and Ingrid's heartwrenching love stories
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Chapter 605
"If we can't suppress the news and they really want to publish the scandal, ask the PR department to tell DramaTrauma Press not to publish fake news. Otherwise, we reserve the right to pursue legal action," Angeline said. "Okay, Ms. Lawson!" Jamie replied before hanging up. Angeline looked toward Sean, who just returned from the phone call at the balcony, and asked, "Is it about Ned, too?" "Yup. I've asked the PR department to suppress it as much as they could. And if they can't, share a post on Twitter to thank Ingrid and Ned for saving Yasmine," Sean replied. "Also, urge the police to crack the case as soon as possible. After all, the police have the strongest credibility." Angeline put her phone by the side and massaged her temples. "And here I thought I could stop getting involved with Ned. I guess I'll have to give him a well-publicized thank now." Sean sat beside Angeline and put down his phone. He looked at her with his deep-set eyes before pulling and placing her on h
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Chapter 606
"Here's my advice, Ms. Angeline," Asher said. "Once the news gets out, I'm sure all the public's attention will be on whether Yasmine is Mr. Fletcher's daughter and if you two will reconcile because of her. "Plus, a highly topical actress like Ms. Dalton is also involved in this scandal. You'll be expecting gossip once the news gets out! People will probably try to guess who Yasmine's father is." Asher continued, "While our PR department can suppress the news, no one knows if it might get leaked one day. What if the public thinks you're trying to reconcile with Mr. Fletcher through Yasmine? After all, your relationship with Mr. Fletcher was one the talk of all Oceanford."So, I recommend that we be prepared for the worst. People would think twice about the scandal if you were dating Mr. Hooper. While Mr. Hooper is a divorcee, he's a better candidate for a groom than Mr. Fletcher. Plus, why would you reconcile with Mr. Fletcher when you're seeing Mr. Hooper?" Asher gave Angeline
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Chapter 607
"Granddad arranged for me to have dinner with Mr. Hooper tonight. They're worried people might gossip about me, Ned, and Ingrid if the PR department failed to suppress the news," Angeline explained, worrying that Sean might be uncomfortable. "After all, we have an international star, a bankrupted toff, and his ex-wife as the headliners. Think about the stories they could tell! Besides, I can't tell them you're Yasmine's father if they started talking about her parentage. So, Mr. Millstone wanted to use Mr. Hooper as a smokescreen," Angeline added. "I understand," Sean said before kissing Angeline deeply. Angeline moaned and tried pushing Sean away. But he grabbed her hand with one hand and cradled her head with another before leaning in for another deep kiss. The kiss was as aggressive as last night's as if he was trying to swallow her lips. Sean stopped and let go of Angeline before sucking hard on her lips just as Angeline was about to suffocate. "I have nothing to worry ab
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Chapter 608
"Help yourself with the drinks in the fridge. I'll go get changed," Angeline said. "I don't mean anything about the bouquet. Grandpa told me to bring it. He said someone would be filming us, so it was just for the act," Nathaniel explained. "Should I arrange the flowers for you? You can take your time. No rush." "Sure, thanks!" Angeline quickly got changed in the dressing room. Nathaniel took his coat off and unwrapped the bouquet. He trimmed the flowers and arranged them in the vase while humming a song. Women usually took a long time to get changed and put on make-up. Hence, Nathaniel thought it'd be better to arrange the flowers instead of foolishly waiting on the couch. At least he had something to do, and Angeline wouldn't feel pressured. Unexpectedly, Angeline got changed very quickly, as he had only arranged two flowers when Angeline came out of the dressing room. Angeline put her long hair down. She wore a champagne, pleated dress with a white silk jacket. She clu
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Chapter 609
Although Nathaniel was the same age as Sean, he behaved like a child and had always been curious. "Everyone has their secret, Mr. Hooper." Angeline walked toward Nathaniel's flamboyant, yellow sports car while holding onto his arm. Nathaniel smiled while opening the car door courteously for Angeline. "You're right. I shall stop asking, then." After Nathaniel entered the car, he thoughtfully helped Angeline buckle her seatbelt. "It's okay. I got this," Angeline said."My grandpa said if we act intimately, it's more unlikely for the paparazzi to say that you've intervened in your ex-husband's new relationship even when you two were divorced." Nathaniel put on his seat belt. With one hand on the steering wheel, he stepped on the gas pedal and drove off. On the way, Angeline asked, "Are you this collaborative because of Rachel?" Angeline supposed that Nathaniel had only agreed to put on this act for Rachel's sake. "Not necessarily. After all, I was the one who brought Rachel
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Chapter 610
Amidst the night lights of bustling cities and busy roads, Nathaniel looked extra childish while putting on a stoic expression. "I'm sorry, Mr. Hooper. How old are you?" Angeline raised a brow. "What? Are you trying to cheat even when you've won?" Nathaniel mocked. Angeline was speechless, but she still locked her pinky finger with Nathaniel's and sealed them with a thumb stamp. Nathaniel was finally satisfied."Alright! Rachel will be out of my life from now on!" Nathaniel said with a smile. Despite his love for Rachel, Nathaniel would tolerate anything about her except her stupidity. Nathaniel didn't tell Angeline that she was also one of the candidates for his bride in the future. This was because he didn't dislike Angeline and knew exactly how outstanding she was. Jeremy also had an eye on her, not only because of her ability but also because of her value of love and loyalty. Despite Angeline's past relationship with Ned, Angeline had protected Ned during the car a
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