All Chapters of The White Witch & The Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 Chapters
Chapter Eighty:
Alley POV: After we had our lunch the girls and I stayed in front of the house while the others went back to training, it seemed like we all had an amazing grasp on our elements but I wanted to test our elements. See what we could really do. "So how are we going to do this?" Charlotte asked. "I'm not sure but I figured we could some how combine them if needed, like a mega fire bomb or water infused flame? I've infused fire with earth before." I said, trying to figure out how we could. My hopes are that if we get separated or one gets separated then we can somehow aid them. "Do you remember how you did it?" Chloe asked. "Not really, I mean I didn't put much thought into it. Just pictured it and boom it happened." I replied. "Where the hell have Anahita and them been? It's been days since we last seen them." Diane asked. Now that is a good question, they left and we haven't heard anything from them. "I honestly have no clue. Maybe gifting other people?" I said, shrugging my shoulde
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Chapter Eighty One:
Stephens POV: I decided to hang back and let the others train while I observed everyone, Jeremy decided to hit the weights and then the punching bag, Alleys mom was training Cassandra on the mats again and I must admit for a human she is pretty good. She moved quickly and her bounce back is even quicker. Jeremy takes a glance over at them every few seconds, I couldn't imagine living the way that they did. To constantly look over my shoulder because of who I was and knowing I had no backup or no protection is a horrible way to live. Maybe after all of this is said and done they can stay here or leave and feel better knowing they made a lot of new friends. "So how is Jeremy doing?" Alex asked. "He's doing fine in my opinion, I think he is more protective than Collin is." I replied with a chuckle. "Yeah I couldn't imagine that, but his mate seems to be learning really fast." Alex said. "Yeah she is. She's a strong person she just needs to embrace it and let her instincts guide he
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Chapter Eighty Two:
Alley POV: We got back inside the house and wasted no time in coming up with a plan, we had to get to them before they came for us. We could train all day every day and still not be prepared for their attack if we don't have a plan. "Okay so the trackers will be back in the early morning and you all heard how many they saw, anyone have any suggestions?" Stephen asked, looking around the room, Pythia and Ambrosia came as soon as we sent out the word. "I think the dark witches need to take their own kind on, wolves and vampires can't fight back when magic is used." Devin said. He had a point. "True but with Stephens shield they could." Pythia retorted. "I don't know how many I will be able to cover when we are in an actual fight." Stephen replied. "I think Pythia should make a team of her own and we can be back up since we have elements." I said. "Or do you and Ambrosia think y'all can gain control of them?" Diane asked. "I don't want traitors living among me. They will die." Ambros
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Chapter Eighty Three:
Alley POV: How would we though? If she now has ill intentions then she can't come within the protection or her insides will burn. She would die. "She can stay with us, I can work on a removal spell." Pythia said. "You can do that?" I asked. She nodded her head, "It won't be an easy process but yes it can be done." Pythia replied. What process? I can't believe he would use her like that but then again it does not surprise me at all. This ruins the surprise attack. I mean not really but if she is glued to Bosch then that is going to cause a problem. We won't be able to get to her without him seeing. "How are we going to get her?" Jackson asked. "I don't know. We can't get to her without Bosch seeing." I said. "The longer she is under the spell the more she will lose herself." Pythia said. Well fuck. Okay so we need to think of something quickly. "When did she leave his side?" I asked "The only time she did was when he told her to go off and do something." Tyler replied. "Okay so we nee
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Chapter Eighty Four:
Alley POV: None of us slept hardly at all, we pulled our best fighters and filled them in on the plan. We have to find Leia after we set everything on fire. We decided to do it as early as possible to make sure most were inside sleeping. They won't be able to hide if the houses are burnt down, we were able to sneak in thanks to Pythias cloaking spell and check for kids. Thankfully no kids are around, if there were we would have to re plan things. We have ten of the best fighters from each pack plus us. "Are you staying here with Cassandra?" Stephen asked, looking at Jeremy, he was torn on what to do. "Yeah I'll stay here. I don't want them knowing about me just yet." Jeremy replied. "Hey, don't worry about it, you guys can hide out here until we get back, we don't want to push you to do something you don't want to do just yet." I said, trying to reassure him that it is okay to take the back seat every once in a while. He is scared for his mate and that is something we can all unde
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Chapter Eighty Five:
Alley POV: "I know I can but right now, no, I'm not trying too." I replied, He started swinging his arms around trying to ease the flames that were engulfing him. I tightened the roots around his legs, immobilizing him. As he laid on the ground I looked around, everyone started disappearing and I knew it was time to leave. "Sammie get Stephen and the others out of here!" I yelled through the link, Stephens eyes went wide and before he could say anything Sammie did as she was told and sent them back home. "You will die, Alley, it's just a matter of time." Bosch spat . I looked down on him before raising my hand forming a ball of water. "If you can survive this, then I will give you a fair shot at a fight with me." I sneered, dropping the water around his head. I watched as he struggled to get his head out to gain some air. I heightened the fire bringing it up to his chest. His screams were drowned out by the water. "Let's go home." I said to Jack, he grabbed onto my shoulders and tel
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Chapter Eighty Six:
Alley POV: When my eyes opened I didn't recognize where I was. A huge tree with large branches reached at least twenty yards, a large swing hung off one of the branches. I walked a little closer to see a woman sitting on the swing. Shit did I die!? No, no, no, no please tell me I didn't die! My heart started beating fast and hard in my chest and I could feel the panic rising. "Rose? ROSE?!" Why can't I feel her? "Alley calm down." The woman said, wait I know that voice, the closer I got to her I recognized her. Athea, the moon goddess herself. Wait what? "Athea?" I was confused. "Come have a seat with me, my great white witch, we need to talk." She said, Crap am I in trouble? Why am I here? "Stop asking yourself a million questions and come sit." She chuckled, patting the seat beside her. "Why can't I feel Rose?" I asked. As soon as I asked, a large colorful wolf came out from behind the tree. I've seen Rose before when she's shown me but never like this. "Rose?" I whispered, She
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Chapter Eighty Seven:
Alley POV: "Did I make it back home? I remember asking Jack to take us home." I asked, trying to piece the rest together. "Yes, you are resting peacefully beside Stephen, he has been up every few hours with the pack doctor to check you over." Athea said. "That makes me feel a little better but you said you had to talk to me? Am I in trouble?" I asked a little hesitantly, the last thing I want to do is upset her. "No, you are not in trouble. I wanted to talk to you about the upcoming battle. Bosch is furious but he is healing." Athea said. "Well I figured he would be mad but he shouldn't have called me and taunted me." I said chuckling. "You should know by now that you are much more powerful than he is. You can already tell the outcome of it. I'm proud of you, my daughter." She replied. "You did good Alley." Rose chimed in. "Thank you Rose, I'm sorry I didn't let you help." I replied. "Alley I need you to listen carefully, Bosch does have the one thing that can take your power, you
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Chapter Eighty Eight:
Alley POV: The second we got back to the grove I was amazed again, it was so beautiful, Stephen had the same look as I did when I first came here. Danny was bouncing around like he had been here his entire little life. "We need to find Athea!" Danny said, looking around. "I am over here little Danny." Athea said, smiling at Danny with her arms wide open. "AATTTHHHEAAAAA!" Danny squealed and ran straight to her jumping in her arms giggling. "How are you my little seer?" She asked, laughing as he wrapped her up in a hug. "I'm so happy! Stephen and Alley are the best." Danny replied. Stephen bowed his head slightly, "Always a pleasure Athea." Stephen said. "No need to bow my warrior, it is always good to see you in person." Athea replied. She turned her gaze towards me. "Alley, you look more relaxed than you were when we talked." She said, "I feel a lot better, thanks to you." I replied smiling at her because truthfully it was because of her and Rose. If she hadn't done what she did
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Chapter Eight Nine:
Alley POV: Denver started to slow down as we reached a clearing as we climbed a hill, the trees opened up. I leaned further up on Denver so I could see what was down there, my eyes widened at the sight. Wolves everywhere! Babies, and adult ones, I'm sure I looked like a fish out of water. Eyes wide and it seemed like I couldn't keep my mouth closed. I felt Denver rumble under me. "It's not nice to laugh." I said earning a snort from Denver. "Wait before we go, are they going to be mad that we are there?" I asked, feeling a little nervous. If they don't know us they could get mad, wolves are territorial animals. "They know all about you and Stephen, they've been wondering when they would meet you both." Rose replied. Wait what? How do they know about us? Why? "How do they know about us? They've never met us." Stephen asked. Alright I need to stop thinking since everyone seems to know my thoughts. "Athea came to us and told us what was going on and what needed to be done. This is our
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