All Chapters of The Battle Of The Alpha’s: Chapter 61 - Chapter 66
66 Chapters
Sixty One
Upon her return to Amaris, Brielle had spent the last day with her loved ones, cherishing the moments as much as she could. Scarlett and Reid had even managed to put their bickering to the side for the day, instead focusing on being grateful for Brielle’s safety. David and Sophia had returned to Shadow with their warriors earlier this afternoon, after displaying significant reluctance to ever leave Brielle’s side again. David only agreed to leave once he gave the triplets a stern talking to, reiterating that if his little girl so much as lost a single hair from her head moving forward, he’d cut off their prized possessions and feed them to Gladdis’ pythons. The triplets didn’t often feel threatened, but the look on David’s face told them he’d go to the ends of the world to follow through on his promise. The King and Queen had been absent most of the day, working with Gladdis on the appropriate punishment for Nimue. Under usual circumstances, she would fall under Gladdis’ jurisdicti
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Sixty Two
Brielle hurried to her room to gather her belongings, she wasn’t sure where she was going thanks to River’s vagueness but he had told her to grab some clothes for the morning, apparently they wouldn’t be returning tonight.The excitement was pumping through her, her hands racing through her wardrobe and grabbing the first thing she saw. He’d told her she was fine in what she was wearing, although she had decided to throw a pair of leggings on anyway. She didn’t quite fancy strolling through the castle in nothing but a tee again.“Come in,” Brielle called out as she heard a knock on her door. Harlie glided into the room with Scarlett following closely behind, before they both took a seat on Brielle’s unmade bed.Scarlett perched her brow as she watched Brielle throw random items into a bag. “And where do you think you’re going?” She teased.Brielle grinned, side eyeing her gamma. “River is taking me somewhere for the night, although I’m not sure where.” She tried to hide her excitement
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Sixty Three
The next day, River and Brielle spent the morning fooling around in the sheets of their bed, neither being prepared to leave the loved-up cocoon they had engulfed themselves in. But finally, after what seemed to take every ounce of their inner strength, they managed to drag themselves out of bed and head back to Amaris in preparation of the celebratory ball being thrown in Brielle’s honour. Upon her return, and after squeezing in some time with Ryker and Reid, Brielle headed to her room to get ready for the evening with Harlie and Scarlett. “So.. how was it?!” Scarlett questioned as she wrapped her hair around the curling iron. “And do not spare any details, I'm living vicariously through you these days.” Brielle snorted, shaking her head at the gamma before setting down her lipstick and turning to meet two sets of eager eyes. She pressed her lips together, despite having just finished her makeup, and let a cheesy grin grow on her lips. "Do you remember when he told me I'd be begg
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Sixty Four
Brielle danced the night away, laughing and drinking with Harlie and Scarlett, not having a care in the world as since the day they first arrived at Amaris, they could finally relax. The girls secured their spot in the middle of the dance floor and moved like their life depended on it, spilling drinks as they joked with one another. Reid, to no surprise to Brielle, regularly joined in with their hysterics, twirling Brielle around and throwing her over his shoulder as he danced to the beat. River and Ryker made a few appearances by their side, but found themselves repeatedly being dragged away to discuss business with other Alpha’s. Many present were Alpha’s the triplets had already built contractual relationships with, so unfortunately they couldn’t be avoided. But Brielle didn’t mind, this was a celebration for Shadow. She would have plenty of time with the triplets as the night came to a close, the last few hours her sole focus was to have fun with Harlie and Scarlett. Brielle h
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Sixty Five
It had been an emotional morning for many as everyone shared their goodbyes. Brielle especially found leaving Amaris unexpectedly hard, so much had changed for her there and so many wonderful memories had been created, leaving was bittersweet. But as the saying goes; as one door closes, another door opens. Brielle and the triplets had been discussing over the last few days how to merge the packs, with as little disruption as possible. Luckily, as there wasn’t much distance between the two lands, a solution was found. Both Brielle and River had sent links to their pack members asking them to meet on common ground between the two, explaining they would be there shortly to make an announcement. River set his palm on Brielle’s thigh, whilst his other hand remained tight on the steering wheel. He noticed a disappointed expression written across her face, one that had him frowning. “What is it, Brie?” He wondered. Brielle turned to meet his gaze, before briefly shaking her head with a s
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It had been an intense year for the Alphas as they settled into their new roles. Merging the two packs had taken some serious work, it had taken a while for the natural rivalry between the two to die down and accept each other as one. Fortunately, the Blood Moon members immediately accepted Brielle as one of their own. Whether that was due to their own kindness or fear of being castrated by the triplets was unclear, but Brielle was grateful nevertheless. David had finally come to terms with his little girl being mated, not that he had been given much choice. Although, there had been a moment where Brielle feared David would be pushed over the edge when it came out Harlie was mated to the Blood Moon beta, Lucas. But just like the triplets, Lucas had managed to charm his way into David’s good graces, after Sophia threatened to have him sleeping on the couch if he didn’t give up his hostile persona. Harlie and Lucas were the perfect match, both incredibly loyal to one another and to
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