All Chapters of Outracing Demons (The Streets Series): Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
192 Chapters
Letting Him Claime Me
CharlieThe warm wet press of his tongue upon my clit sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. I braced myself with my hands behind me on the table. My wrists ached but I didn’t give a damn as I hung my head back and closed my eyes.Benji worked his tongue in slow circles around my swollen and very sensitive clit. I tried to keep my legs apart for him, but when his slow strokes turned into quick flicks my legs trembled and I lost control of muscles I was not accustomed to letting take over for themselves. My legs tried to close and Benji pushed them apart and left one hand on the inside of each of my thighs to keep them there.His fingers dug into the flesh of my legs while his tongue plunged low to trace my opening.Whimpering, I looked back down at him. I couldn’t look away. He worked with determined ease that had me biting down on my bottom lip as soft moans escaped me and I inched closer and closer to the first climax a man had given me in years.I reached down and ran my fingers t
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Ready To Race
BenjiRick nodded down the long narrow road that was illuminated by his Jeep headlights. “You sure this is the right place, man? It looks pretty—deserted.”“This is where the GPS says to go,” I said, glancing down at the map on my phone. I’d plugged in the address Harley sent me earlier that afternoon for tonight’s race. “Go on. I’m sure it’s just around a corner at the end or something.”Mason leaned forward in the backseat to grip the sides of mine and Rick’s seats. “Don’t be a pussy, Rick. It’s just a long dark road. The scariest thing that’s down there is Harley herself.”I chuckled. “He’s right.”Rick scowled but drove ahead anyway. “I just figured there’d be more cars around is all. Are we late? Or early?”“Maybe a bit early,” I said.Our early arrival was intentional. I wanted to meet up with Kevin before the race and get a feel for his Hellcat. Hopefully he’d arrived as punctually as we did in order to make that happen.The road had to be a good three miles long. It was flanke
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BenjiHarley dropped down into her seat and signed off on my name while shaking her head and muttering to herself. Charlie sat smiling up at me with her arms crossed under her breasts. She looked hot as hell, but then that wasn’t a surprise. The girl always had my cock twitching every time I saw her and after the show I got last night I knew exactly what was under those tight blue jeans and the red tank top she had on; a wonderland of curves and milky soft skin.I hooked my thumb over my shoulder. “Alright. I’m out of here. Wish me luck.”“You don’t need it,” Harley said.“Good luck,” Charlie said. Her voice was sweeter than honey and the inflections of her tone were filled with desire.I swallowed my own lust, turned around, and marched back to the car with Rick hot on my heels. He grabbed my elbow but I didn’t slow. “Did you and Charlie fuck last night?”“None of your business.”“So that’s a yes. Unbelievable. How is it that you get an in with a girl that hot practically the minute
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At the Finish Line
CharlieWaiting at the finish line for this race was a much different feeling than last week.Last week there was no personal tie to the outcome. But this week, as I stood at the finish line leaning as far forward as I could over the line to peer down the length of the long dark road into nothingness, I couldn’t help but be aware of the tight knot in my gut and the fluttering of nerves in my chest.“Are you alright, Charlie?” Harley asked beside me.I glanced over at her. Although she’d sounded concerned she didn’t look it. In fact she looked a little smug with her arms crossed over her chest and her weight resting on her right foot.I nodded. “Yes. Why?”“You look a little worried. That’s all.”“Oh no, not at all. I’m fine.”“You’re sure you’re not worried that someone might not make it back in one piece?”I scowled at her. “What are you trying to say?”Harley laughed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t play coy with me, Charlie. You’re my girl. I know you better than I know myself, and that
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CharlieRick had one hand cupped to his mouth and was yelling for Benji to punch it. Mason was more reserved with both hands in his pockets and a cool expression on his face like he already knew the first place spot was going to the Lancer.Which maybe it was.I knew more about bikes than I knew about cars, but as I turned back to watch Benji and the Lancer close the last quarter mile I knew it would take a miracle for him to take first place.The cars were seconds away. I held my breath as they came in hot and Harley’s grip on my shoulders tightened. They screamed past us, and it was obvious that the Lancer crossed the line a good hood length ahead of Benji’s Hellcat.I exhaled with disappointment and felt all the tension leave my body with that breath.Harley patted my shoulders. “Second is still a brilliant place to be. He’ll be placed in front for the next race. And this was his first go at anything of this capacity since last year, babe. He did good. Great even.”We watched as th
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Bad Memories
BenjiI was still brooding over my loss to the Lancer when I got to the shelter on Tuesday morning. Most of the kids were out, and those who had stayed in for the day were in their rooms, the library or were watching TV in the common area to avoid the shitty weather. Rain had been coming down since late last night and hadn’t let up once. The sewers would start spilling over if it kept going at this rate and the taxis and cars would be wading through a couple inches of water.New York City drivers were bad enough in perfect driving conditions. This would make it a nightmare. And could potentially jeopardize the race coming up this Saturday.I forced myself to think of other things. Things I had control over unlike the weather and my loss to the Lancer.Things like Charlie.Seeing her at the race on Saturday had made my night. Her warm welcome assured me that our time alone at Ascension had been as good for her as it had been for me—and maybe she wanted to do it again. It had certainly
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BenjiThe conversation was still loud in my memory to this day. I’d never heard her sound so scared and after that night I never let her stay late again on her own. There were repercussions for starting a shelter like the one I had in a not so glamorous part of the city. The kids I watched over tended to have unsavory friends, and those friends weren’t the sort to come to a place like my shelter for help. They would rather take what they wanted and damn the consequences and the people they hurt in the process.I showed up at the shelter after the cops. Heather was standing out in the yard with a blanket over her shoulders giving her statement when I parked and got out of my truck. I ran to her but was blocked by two officers. After telling them who I was and being waved over by the cop talking to Heather, I rushed to her side and found myself being nearly squeezed to death in her arms. She had a tighter grip than I would have expected.I still felt guilty even now over how scared she
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Rainy Day Winnings
CharlieThe rain bouncing off the windows off my top floor apartment had been a soothing sound to wake up to that Wednesday morning, but by the time noon rolled around I was over it and wishing for a break in the clouds and the gloom.At least it wasn’t cold out. Just wet. Very wet.I called Harley in the afternoon hoping for some company before I had to head the club later tonight for my eight o’clock opening shift. She didn’t answer her phone when I tried her just after noon, and it went to voicemail on my second attempt half an hour later.Feeling trapped and bored in my home I donned my raincoat and boots and struck out looking for companionship from someone else—one Benjamin Harris.I’d been unable to think of anything but him for the last few days. Well, since our night together after the fundraiser on Friday. I’d wished all weekend and for the past two days that I had an excuse to call him up and talk to him. Why I didn’t have the nerve to just call him anyway I had no idea.I
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Sore Loser
CharlieThe first open archway off the hall opened up into what looked like a library of mismatching bookshelves holding paperbacks in varying stages of disrepair. Some were missing covers and others were torn or stained or both. Area rugs of all different materials and color were scattered across the floor, as were a variety of bean bags. There were four kids reading and none of them looked up at me when I poked my head in.I kept walking.The second room I came to was more of a living space- like a TV room. There were several sofas, all packed full of teenagers. On the one wall was a massive fireplace that was presently turned off. Above it hung a massive flat screen TV playing a movie of some sort that looked vaguely familiar.On the floor in the middle of the room was Benji.He was sitting cross legged. Across from him were a couple boys, probably around fourteen or so, and the three of them were playing cards while the other kids half watched the movie and half watched the game.
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A Real Date
BenjiThe rain stopped by Thursday afternoon and the whole city seemed grateful for it. Everyone was out and about later that night when I left my place to go pick up Charlie from her apartment.She was waiting for me outside at the curb.The girl had no idea how absolutely stunning she was. She was immune to the looks that men passing by on the sidewalk gave her. Hell, women checked her out, too. Some of those looks were envious of course, but some were appreciative, and I couldn’t blame them for looking.And I was the lucky bastard who got to take her out tonight.After parking the truck, I got out and walked around to greet her on the sidewalk. She had on a tight black dress that went down to the middle of her thighs. Beneath the dress were sheer black nylons that disappeared in the black sky-high ankle boots she had on. Her calves, sheer muscle, stood out and dared a man to keep his eyes and his hands to himself. Charlie was a strong woman. I’d seen and felt first hand just how st
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