All Chapters of Outracing Demons (The Streets Series): Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
192 Chapters
Making It Through
RickThe fight was on as soon as we left the starting line.We didn’t have as long of a straightaway as we did in the last race, so a lot of the other drivers were right in the front with us as we came into our first corner. The road opened up into a short, straight shot and then a gentle bend that led us to busier streets.By the time we took the curve, there were only five cars left at the front of the pack. I decided to use them to my advantage.I created space between Torq and me by letting the other drivers ride up between us. I didn’t let them get ahead of me because I wasn’t interested in playing catch up in the last few miles of the race, but I did let them linger in between us for a few more corners until we were out on busier streets.Then I made a couple moves, swerved around some traffic, and pulled ahead to take the lead. Then the rain started.At first, it was nothing to worry about. Traction was still good, and it wasn’t raining enough to slow down the other civilian dr
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RickThe Saleen shot forward over the crosswalk as the other light turned green and cars started coming. Torq pulled away from me to get his car through the intersection, probably having just realized where I’d led him.I made it through to the other side. So did Torq.We were locked in another battle as we drove up onto an overpass over a set of train tracks and then back down to sweep around in the direction of the docks. The race was only halfway done, and my car was already fucked.I wasn’t able to hold the lead for very long.Torq was right back on my ass as we made our way down less busy streets. The closer we got to the end, the bolder he became. He drove into the back end of my car again, harder this time, sending my back end fishtailing all over the place. He geared down and pinned it, racing up on my driver’s side as I fought to maintain control of the car.I knew it was my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard him laughing.We came around the final bend in the road. T
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HarleyI held my breath as I watched the crash unfold.Rick and Torq bounced off each other as they came racing down the road toward the finish line. It was all I could do not to scream as Torq drove into the side of Rick’s Saleen over and over, pushing him toward the outside lane, forcing him over, and nearly sending him veering into the cement median.“Oh God,” Laina breathed beside me.Oh God was right. It was going to get worse before it got better. I could feel it in my bones.Mason stepped up beside me. I spared a glance up at him. His jaw was clenched, and every muscle in his body was strained. “Come on, little brother. Come on!”“He’s got him,” Benji said, trying to sound confident.From where I was standing, it looked like things could go either way. Torq pulled away, creating a decent gap between the two cars. I exhaled as I realized I was growing dizzy and bit down on my tongue.“Keep her straight,” Mason said. It almost sounded like he was pleading. He knew how dangerous t
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HarleyBenji and Mason took off for the registration table. I swung my attention toward Rick’s car. The whole passenger side was busted up. The damage looked pretty bad, and I had no idea what sort of injuries he might have acquired. I leaned forward to look down the road.The last drivers were only twenty or so seconds away. Maybe less.“I think his door is jammed,” Laina said, nodding at Rick’s car.I narrowed my eyes. She was right. He couldn’t get out. His car was too crumpled and too fucked up for him to get the door open. I wondered if it would still run.If we had to leave it behind, it was a sure-fire way for the cops to trace the car back to Rick. Then all our dreams of starting a new life together would be over. He’d be in jail for a long time.Charlie shook my arm. “What do we do, Harley? Tell us what to do!”I swallowed and took a deep breath. “Okay. Okay. We need to clear the area. Rick can handle himself. Help me get people the hell out of here. Send them off in differen
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Leave Him
RickI landed heavily on the wet pavement after managing to climb out through the passenger window of the Saleen. My right leg was tender and bruised from Torq driving into me, and my chest ached from the seatbelt and being jostled around roughly as I’d lost control of the car.But I was alive, nothing was broken, and there was no blood. So, overall, things were pretty good.Aside from the approaching police.I used the car to push myself to my feet, slicking my wet hair off my forehead as I rose. Then I stood and waited for the dizziness to pass. I didn’t think I’d hit my head at any point, but it sure felt like I had. Maybe it was just severe vertigo from whiplash.It didn’t matter. I could figure that out later. I had to focus on getting the hell out of there and making sure Harley was safe, too.She had a lot to lose if this race got busted, and so did I. She was everything. If I lost her, I would lose my damn mind. After all this time, we were finally together, and there was noth
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Rick“Fuck me fucking sideways,” I said.I couldn’t afford to waste any time. Either I was getting his ass out of the car, or I was bailing.“You owe me, motherfucker,” I said as I leaned in through the driver’s window and reached up to unclip his seatbelt.Torq crumpled to the ceiling of the car, landing across my arm beneath him. Shattered glass from the windshield bit into my bicep and forearm, but I gritted my teeth against the burn and worked to drag Torq’s ass out of the car. He was a heavy motherfucker.He started groaning.I stumbled to my feet and hauled him backward. “Work with me you fat bastard. I’m getting you out of here. Your asshole buddies bailed on you.”He mumbled something incoherent.“Yeah, I know. They’re your friends, not mine. I guess that’s what you get for being a piece of shit.”I collapsed when I had him clear of the car. I struggled to catch my breath, and my side screamed with pain. I tucked my arms under his armpits, stumbled back to my feet, and kept dr
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Stop The Bleeding
HarleyIt was a wonder that the Saleen had even started back on the track, and it was even more mind blowing that it made it back to my house without losing several more pieces along the way.I parked at the back of my building in the private parking lot. I didn’t want to leave it on the curb in case any police drove by. It would be easy for them to link the Saleen to the scene down by the docks, and then we’d be done for.After parking the car, Rick had to climb out of the passenger window again. Every move he made was gentle and controlled. I knew he was hurting and hated that there was nothing I could do to take the pain away.Once he was out of the car, I climbed across the console and slipped out too. He offered me his hand, and I took it but didn’t lean on him for support. I was pretty sure he wasn’t in much of a position to be offering it in the first place.We walked soundlessly across the parking lot, our footsteps drowned out by the sound of rain pinging off the metal garbag
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Be Gentle
HarleyHe watched me like a hawk as I started going down to my knees, pulling his boxers down as I went.His cock sprang free, teasing and taunting me as I got comfortable below him. I gazed up at him and took his shaft in one hand, working him over softly and warming him up. His gaze was dark and heavy as I ran my tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip and then swirled it around his meaty head.I drew him into my mouth, suctioning my lips around his thickness. I worked him slowly at first, taking my time, easing him into it. I knew he was hurting, and I wanted to be gentle with him.If he’d let me.He had a way of taking over halfway through and showing me who was boss. Not that I’d be mad if that happened.I swirled my tongue around his length before taking him deep in my throat and holding him there as my mouth filled with saliva. Then I bobbed my head, sucking him off hard and fast and fitting as much of him in my throat as I could take.He let me suck his cock for a long ti
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Thinking Of Her
RickAll the aches and pains that had plagued me on Saturday night were still with me when I woke up on Monday morning. I was lying on my back, and Harley was tucked into my side. Her cheek was on my chest, and her left leg was draped over me. Her breathing was deep and slow and soft, and I didn’t open my eyes.I just lay there and listened to her. And felt her closeness.Yesterday had been dedicated to recovering and covering our tracks from Saturday’s race. I hired a tow-truck driver to come get the Saleen and bring it back to my place, where I got it in the garage so that if the cops came looking for it, the car wasn’t sitting out somewhere. It needed a lot of work, and the downside of street racing was obviously that it didn’t have insurance. I couldn’t claim a hit and run when the car was beat to shit on both sides and the rear end.Fucking Torq.But it was just a car, and I liked working on vehicles. The Saleen would be my project for the next year or so while I figured out what
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Get Away
RickThe corner of her mouth twitched, giving away the beginning of a smile. “A trip, huh?”I nodded. “We can narrow it down to some destinations and start mapping it out. There’s no better time than now, right? We can get out of the city, figure out what we want, and make up for lost time. Just you and me and beaches and sand and—”“Lots of sex?”I chuckled. “That’s not what I was going to say, but I assumed it was part of the package.”Harley nodded. “That sounds like a plan to me.”“Good,” I said. “Now stay still.”She opened her mouth to ask me why but promptly shut it when I ran my hands over her shoulders and then to her breasts, which I gently massaged, loving how they felt all lathered in slippery soap.“You’re such a guy,” she said playfully.I snickered. “I know.”She let me lather her entire body in the shower. Then we switched places, and she did the same for me. Having her run her hands all over me was heavenly, and it helped me forget about the tight pain in my bruised r
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