All Chapters of Louisa Unchained: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
262 Chapters
Chapter 251
  Louisa's POV  In despair, I pressed his chest and started to do CPR on him.  I saw Uma do it once when one of the soldiers drowned. I didn't know how to do it correctly, but I knew I had to try my best to save him.  "Do you need me to take you back to the land? It's a bit tiring to float like this with two human beings on top of me," the catfish said.  "Yes, sure. Sorry," I said. I almost forgot that we were actually staying on the back of a giant catfish.  While the catfish was swimming to the shore, I still didn't want to give up on Alex.  His face became deadly white and I couldn't see any sign of life.  As we approached the land, I struggled to drag him out of the water and kept doing CPR on him.  "Is he going to make it?" the catfish asked.  He was floating around the shore and didn't want to go away.  "I don't know, but I have to try my best," I said.  "Are those two fishheads looking for you?" the catfish ask
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Chapter 252
  Louisa's POV  "The snails are amazing," the catfish smacked his mouth and said. "It has been a really long time since I ate so many snails in one take."  "Can we go now?" I asked.  "Sure," he said. "You and that white-headed can climb on my back. The two fishheads can swim with me."  I carried Alex up and said, "Let's go."  Alex looked intimidated.  "Can we trust it?" he asked. "It's a catfish."  "Wow, he lied to you and now he calls me a liar. That's interesting," the catfish grunted.  "Animals don't lie," I said to Alex.  "But they're animals. They're beasts. They don't have any reasons," Alex said worriedly.  "Oh, yeah. You've got reasons and everything. That's why you lied to your friends," the catfish argued.  Even though I was the only one who could hear him, he still kept talking to Alex.  I found that a lot of animals did that. They never stopped talking to human beings even though they knew they could
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Chapter 253
  Louisa's POV  I kneeled on the shore and cried my heart out.  I couldn't deal with the sudden departure of anyone in my life.  Mana and Mata walked around me anxiously. They wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say. They wanted to hug me, but they didn't know if it was appropriate.  Eventually, they gave up and sat next to me, pressing their bodies against mine.  "Miss, well, you know... When a whale falls to the bottom of the sea after it dies, its body becomes the food of millions of creatures in the sea..."  I cried even harder.  "Well, what dickhead wants to say is that... It's a life cycle, Miss. There's nothing sad about it. It's a solemn thing and it's worth celebrating."  "Look at those fish in the lake. They are all his legacies."  "Fish have a short memory, miss. But they never forget about their parents."  I nodded and wept, holding both of them in my arms.  Alex wiped off the water and t
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Chapter 254
  Louisa's POV  The smirk on Derek's face was gone and replaced by ferocious malice.  "Let me correct you, Miss Louisa Reeds. Nobody is supposed to be dead. We were born into this world to live our lives and hug our beloved ones, not to destroy and manipulate other people's lives."  He looked exasperated for a brief moment, but then he regained his cool.  "I used to serve Lucas when I was young and vulnerable. He's such a hypocrite and he used my innocence and love for him to take control of me. He came into my life without notice. When he was gone, he took everything away from me, including my life... and he told me it was for my own good! He locked me up in a cave and let those monsters torture me to death! And is this for my own good?!" Derek pulled off his shirt and let me see his naked chest. I could see there was a hole in his left chest.  The place where his heart used to be.  I was horrified and stepped backward.  At that time, I rea
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Chapter 255
  Louisa's POV  The fire spreading all over my body dimmed.  I stared at Derek and walked closer to him.  He looked panicked and desperate at the same time.  "What's the matter with you?! Where's the fire?! I have just killed your friend! Why don't you kill me with that fire of yours?!" He barked at me like a mad dog.  I didn't say anything but kept stepping closer to him.  "Come on! Hit me with a fireball or something! Hit here!" Derek pointed at the empty void in his left chest and said. "Don't you want revenge on behalf of your friend?"  I stood right in front of him. Still, I didn't say anything.  In despair, he grabbed my arm and said, "Come on! Hit me!"  "Where is Darren," I said. "Take me to see him."  "You'll never see my brother again..." He said with a sadistic grin.  Before he could finish his sentence, I strangled his neck.  He didn't protest or struggle. Instead, he kept smirking at me.  I did
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Chapter 256
  Louisa's POV  Derek put his hand into his pocket.  Colt thought he was about to take out a weapon or something, so he stepped forward, trying to stop him.  "This..." Derek took out an amber-colored stone from his pocket and said. "This is Amber of Star. I want to give this... to your friend. I got it from... Underground City. With this stone, people can communicate with the soul... of their beloved deceased ones... I'm sorry that..."  "I don't want anything from you." Mata cried out. "You took away my brother's life and there's nothing you can do to make up for it! He's dead! You killed him! You took him away from me! I have been staying with my brother ever since I first opened my eyes, and now his eyes will never open again. He can never hold my hands when I'm scared! It's a big scary world out there and I'm always scared!"  "But you can talk to your brother... As if he's still alive..." Derek tried to explain.  "You just don't understand, do
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Chapter 257
  Lucas' POV  "What's on her fucking mind?" I said.  I was really fed up with women in my life. They were so fucking unpredictable.  Lucian said, "She's gone this morning after Louisa told her off in front of everyone. And we've lost contact with Kylo. He took away our best people and our soldiers in the camp were either killed or wounded. Louisa tried to treat some of the soldiers this morning, but it will still take a few days before they're fully recovered."  "Kylo's fucking with me! He sent his fucking sister to mess up with my soldiers. His father was with me and he still dares to fuck with me! Why does he do this to me?! Why did he betray me?!" I kicked the grass on the ground and said.  "I don't know. If you left that traveling druid alive, we could have asked him," Lucian said.  "Stop blaming me! That fucking asshole was blabbing about my fucking identity in front of Louisa!" I said.  "Why don't you just tell her who you really are?
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Chapter 258
 Lucas' POV  "How many secrets have you been hiding from me these years?" Lucian stared at me and asked.  "I'm sorry, brother. But my woman is missing. And she might be pregnant with my child. Can we just focus on looking for her?!" I said.  Lucian didn't say anything, he took the tuna head and got on horseback.  Then, he rode off without saying anything.  Oh, fuck.  Now Lucian's not talking to me. Like I haven't got enough on my plate.  "I have a good suggestion for you."  I heard Finn's voice in my head.  "What now?! Don't tell me shit like rubbing the back of his neck. It fucking didn't work," I said.  Torrent snorted his nose, urging me to catch up with Lucian.  "Fuck, Torrent. Sometimes I get the feeling that you're fucking riding me! You can get as fast as you can, I don't give a shit as long as my ass is still on the saddle. I'm busy having a conversation with my fucking wolf," I patted Torrent's neck and said.
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Chapter 259
  Lucas' POV  "Lucian, I really should have told you about this... I really should have told you about it long ago. But I get this kind of feeling... you know, if I don't talk about it, then it means this whole thing has never happened... And  Derek has never betrayed me." I said in a low voice.  Lucian was silent.  "Anyway," I said. "it wasn't very long until the Red Queen found out that Derek was just lying to get back to the Underground City. So the Red Queen was furious and wanted to kill him. You remember the time that I was summoned to King's Land. I was actually forced to go there to cast an imprint on Derek. I did it and I tortured him. But it was just for the Red Queen to know that I was her loyal subject. Then, I faked his death by sending a corpse back to his uncle. I was planning to hide him somewhere, but those fucking traveling druids took him away. I was enraged, so I took his brother Darren away from the brothel to replace him. I thought one da
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Chapter 260
  Louisa's POV  Vincent looked at me and didn't say anything. The look on his face was almost lamenting.  "Vincent, where is Darren?" I frowned and asked.  "He's inside," Vincent said. "But he's in a very bad condition. Miss Louisa, I have to brief you before letting you see him. You have to be prepared. The werewolves at the slave market tortured and humiliated him. His skin was badly burnt. His face was deformed. His head had concussions. He is completely shut down right now. He refuses to communicate with anyone and it seems that he has developed a certain mechanism to protect himself."  Vincent took a pause and said, "It seems that he has lost his memory, Louisa. I doubt he will recognize you."  "No... No!!!" I felt like I was struck by a bat or something. My vision was black and I fell to the ground.  Vincent caught me and held me in his arms.  The world was spinning in front of me. Something bitter was stuck in my throat. I curled up a
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