All Chapters of My Baby Daddy is a Mafia Boss: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Chapter 61
ISABELLA —" Congratulations on being Enzo's wife to be." A middle age woman said while Enzo was being congratulated."Thank you," I said a bit confused on what she was referring to."You stole another woman's fiance, I hope you enjoy it." She added, making me stare at her in surprise."What are you insinuating!!" I asked."You stole Miss Aurora's rightful position, how slutty of you." The woman said before stomping off."Haaaa, what guts she had." I said to myself before turning around to walk when I looked at myself In the mirror. It was true, I was too used to disguising myself that I look nothing like my real self, I now dye my hair and wear fake lenses all the time even Enzo doesn't know what I really look like.I entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me. My hands trembled slightly as I reached up to the mirror, staring at my reflection. It was time to reveal my true self, to let go of the disguise I had worn for so long.Taking a deep breath, I began the process of remov
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Chapter 62
ISABELLA —I took a deep breath, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. But when I looked into Enzo's eyes, I saw the unwavering love and support that he had always shown me. It gave me the strength I needed to face the challenges ahead."I'm ready, Enzo," I said, my voice steady despite the fear bubbling within me. "I'm ready to confront Aurora and my father, to stand up for our love. Let's do this together."Enzo smiled, relief washing over his face. He pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around me protectively. In that moment, I felt safe and secure, knowing that no matter what happened, we would face it together.We spent the next few days preparing for the conference meeting. Enzo made phone calls, setting up a time and place for everyone to gather. He reached out to his friends, explaining the situation and his intentions. It wasn't an easy conversation, but Enzo was determined to make his voice heard.As the day of the conference meeting approached, the tension
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Chapter 63
Irene —-"Please don't go Benjamin, I plead with you not to go. I have a bad feeling about everything and your traveling." I said to Benjamin but instead he pulled me closer to his chest."If I don't go they would disturb my family and I am not ready to put Sofia's life at risk in any way and most especially you." Benjamin assured me.Tears streamed down my face as I listened to Benjamin explain the dangerous situation he was facing. He had always shielded me from his involvement in the mafia world, but now, I couldn't escape the reality of the danger that surrounded us.Benjamin cupped my face, his eyes filled with both determination and love. "Irene, I need to protect you and Sofia. If I don't face these threats head-on, they will continue to come after us. I can't let that happen."I nodded, my voice choked with emotion. "I understand, Benjamin. I just... I can't bear the thought of losing you."Benjamin pressed his forehead against mine, his grip on me tightening. "I won't let any
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chapter 64
Irene —"What!!!!?!!" I yelled unexpectedly." What? You scared me." Benjamin said, acting like he was frightened."You can't do that." I said to Benjamin but he chuckled, signaling everyone to leave the office. After they all excused themselves, Benjamin pulled me up and hugged me before planting a quick kiss on my lips.."I know you would refuse, that's why I made it more like a surprise."I stared at Benjamin, my mind reeling from his announcement. Becoming the CEO of Galiano Corporation was not something I had ever expected or even considering, and the thought of taking on such a big responsibility was overwhelming."Benjamin, I can't..." I began, my voice filled with uncertainty.He held my hands firmly, his eyes pleading with mine. "Irene, please. I know it's a lot to ask, but I trust you more than anyone else to take care of this company. Miguel will be there to support you, and I believe in your abilities."Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at Benjamin, realizing how much
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Chapter 65
AURORA —-"Ahhhh!!! That bitch….she got everything that belonged to me!!!!" I exclaimed, throwing down anything that came my way in anger while my ex boyfriend sat down smoking as he laughed out loud."I thought you would never come back to me because you had Benjamin, so what happened this time? You're Not the one I see in magazines but your sister and her child." Hugh said."You better shut the fuck up!!! I am not here because I want you to rub it on my face that I failed. I need you to help me!!" I yelled throwing the vase in his direction but it didn't get to him."So you want me to kill her or what?" Hugh asked with his same devilish smirk plastered on his face."You can't kill her so stop staring at me like that." I hissed before taking a seat in frustration."You do know you can't kidnap her because she is heavily guarded and even if you do Benjamin would not still love you." Hugh mocked."Just shut up and let me think!!"As I sat there, racking my brain for a way to separate B
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Chapter 66
Irene —-"Aurora was here?" I asked my secretary who nodded positively, before handing me a file." We also have someone who submitted his application. He said he is really in need of your aid and would be happy if you could employ him here." She added while I went through the file slowly." Hugh Culkin." I whispered to myself as I read through his file, he looked really poor. I don't really have a choice but to help him."Schedule a time with him from tomorrow."I requested before walking into my office.After reviewing Hugh Culkin's file, I couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for him. He seemed to be in desperate need of a job, and despite my reservations about his connection to Aurora, I decided to give him a chance. I asked my secretary to schedule an interview with him for the following day, along with the other applicants.Once the interview schedule was set, I called my secretary into my office. "Could you please ask Aurora to come see me?" I requested, hoping to have a con
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chapter 67
Irene —-Something about the way Aurora looks at Hugh makes me think she fancies him."So why should I employ in my company? And as the news goes the company belongs to my husband who is now on a business trip so I won't want him rejecting you when he returns because you don't meet up with his expectations." I said to Hugh who gives Aurora the weird looks again, something is definitely between these two."Because I have really been in search of a good job and now that I have seen one I would make sure to put in all my best to show you my worth." He said with a confident smile while his gaze still continued to linger around Aurora.I would really need to investigate more about this guy before accepting him, I won't want to make any mistake while Benjamin Is away."Is that all the plans you have for this company? And which position do you have in mind?" I asked Hugh who smiled."The plans I have for this company can only be shown to you if I join your company, I don't words can describe
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chapter 68
AURORA —-As I walked away from Irene, my frustration grew. How could she accuse me of being flirtatious with Miguel? It was just a friendly conversation, nothing more. I know that Irene is always looking out for professionalism in the workplace, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of injustice.Angry tears filled my eyes as I stormed towards the restroom. I needed a moment alone to collect my thoughts and let out my frustration. Once inside, I slammed the door shut and turned on the faucet, trying to drown out the overwhelming emotions that were threatening to consume me.I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my face red with anger and hurt. As the water ran, I grabbed the nearest object, a small hand mirror, and threw it against the wall. It shattered into pieces, mirroring my own broken emotions. I released a scream of frustration, feeling the weight of everything crashing down on me.Suddenly, my phone buzzed, interrupting my angry tirade. I quickly wiped my tears and looked
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chapter 69
Irene —Aurora already labels me as a bad sister for taking her fiance from her and now I refuse to give her a job in a company she so badly wants and mostly when I am in charge of everything in the company.I should begin with making Hugh a clerk and Aurora my assistant till Benjamin returns and gives them a perfect job.I called for Miguel after informing Aurora that she should resume tomorrow and also called Hugh with the same news but not informing them of their main position.As I sat in my office, waiting for Miguel to arrive, my mind was filled with worry about Benjamin. He had been gone on this business trip for what felt like an eternity, and I couldn't help but fear for his safety. Miguel was Benjamin's best friend, and he always seemed to have insight into Benjamin's whereabouts, so I hoped he would have good news for me.Miguel finally walked into my office, his confident demeanor evident. "You called for me, Irene?" he asked, taking a seat across from me."Yes, I did," I
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chapter 70
Irene —-"Why are you suddenly here, I wasn't expecting you?" " Can't I come here?" I asked Aurora who just chuckled.As I addressed Aurora, I could sense her insecurities and apprehensions. It was clear that she was still unsure of her place in our family, and her guard was up. I didn't want to make her feel more uncomfortable, so I decided to keep my reason for coming to the house a simple one."I came to visit our father," I said, choosing my words carefully. "It has been a while since I last saw him, and I wanted to spend some quality time with him."Aurora's expression softened slightly, and she nodded. "I understand," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of relief. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. And Sofia, of course."I smiled at her, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Aurora," I said sincerely. "I appreciate your support in this. I want us to be able to have a peaceful coexistence for Sofia's sake."Aurora's eyes met mine, and I could see the genuine desire
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