All Chapters of My Demon Ex Lover: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
46 Chapters
21 ~ Hell’s Hotel or the Surface Slammer
Rell had become a shut-in since the last time Blood had visited and it tickled his demon brain to witness such an audacious man finally displaying just how meek he’d always been. His bloodlust was absolutely appeased to witness the man had fell asleep in a fetal position and had held it even when he crossed over into the unconscious dreamlands. It was comforting to see him cowering in a similar way in which he chastised Asha for. Anybody who’d truly known her, knew her affinity for sucking her thumb in comfort. It was a tick she’d picked up as a child, and unbeknownst to her family, a manifestation of her neurodivergent tendencies she’d find out about soon enough. Rell jumped on that information and made her pay for it, just like most people did sooner or later. However in Rell’s case, he relished in doing everything he could to push that trigger in order to make her feel even worse than she already did in that moment. Young had been the only man she’d been with to just write it off
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22 ~ Yearn For Me
Meanwhile Asha was waking up drenched in a sweat for an entirely different reason. Young had not stopped teasing Asha with her desires, only allowing her a few steps closer to what she wanted each time she had met him in her subconscious. The last time she woke up from the dream she had just touched the doorknob, leaning against the door to keep from falling forward from the near orgasm Young had produced from just his assault on her neck. That man did always know how to drive her wild with just that fucking mouth. It sickened her how easily he had her gushing and ready to give into his every whim.It was making Asha restless to keep having such real dreams about him, constantly waking almost dehydrated with only him on her mind to quench her thirst. She was trying to put her love for him behind her and this sudden reappearance of his face in her dreams was making her anxious, beyond anxious actually. It felt too real and she didn’t want to make herself insane by giving into her secret
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23 ~ Over The Precipice
The last conversation Rell had with Blood had indeed pushed him to do exactly what he was told, giving Young a week to bring the first phase of his plans to fruition.He’d taken the demon’s words seriously, needing no further convincing that following the instructions given were vital to him continuing to draw breath untouched, at least for now. He’d foregone his morning routine, omitting his shower to quickly got dressed in the easiest thing he could find, some basketball shorts and slides, before rushing out his door at the crack of dawn. The songs of the birds were the only thing to indicate to him that it was in fact morning with the sky still painted black-blue. That’s how he found himself in the closest police precinct begging the officers to help him.“Please! Arrest me!” Rell screamed as he practically fell into the doors constantly looking back to see if the demon would follow behind him from his apartment, convinced he’d seen his horns in his rearview mirror.“Sir, please, c
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24 ~ Like Dominoes, They Fall
“So what will it be?”Those words combined with the fresh feeling of near death had finally instilled the fear he’d been working so tirelessly to curate in the management team. All of them had agreed with a snotty-nosed “I’ll confess!”Somehow that last snapshot of what was waiting for them in the afterlife was always the last straw for the toughest of human minds to comply to giving the reparations demanded of them. Having those who used their power no matter how it came, be subjected to the same type of mental and physical torture they inflicted on Earth always broke even the ones considered most evil on Earth. It was an extremely rare soul that stood arrogantly in their wrongs, refusing to cower in the atrocities that made them who they were. Thankfully none of these particular men were cut from that particular cloth.Blood was pleased that each member of the management team was primed for their falls, ready and willing to take that leap into the truth. He was clearing out the enti
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25 ~ All Dreams Must End
On the day before All Hallows Eve, on Asha’s day off while she was napping, Young returned to the garden of his love’s dreams, and this time he would not be leaving her until he was absolutely sure that she was on the verge of the first of many orgasms he’d be giving to her. Instead of starting at the entrance of the villa, like he’d been doing for the last few months, he sat on the couch, manspreading. He hoped the sudden and very apparent change to what had been the custom start to this particular dream would clue her subconscious into understanding that he was really there and had been for quite some time. Even though he needed her body strung as tight as a guitar string just waiting to sing its tune, he also wanted to ease her into the truth. He knew she believed in the other side and was still searching for the best practices in order to be able to connect to her spirit, ancestors, and the creator, but it was one thing to believe something like this was possible, a whole nother to
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26 ~ The Bitter Pill Called Truth
Asha took Young’s hand, accepting his help up off the floor. Something she almost immediately regretted by the way he held onto her hands and pulled her close to wrap an arm around her. His other hand softly waltzing up her skin to cup Asha’s face in the other. He was ecstatic that he finally had her in his arms in this physical realm. It had felt like ages since he’d had an opportunity, although he’d been visiting her damn near every night for the last few months.He gave Asha no choice but to rest her hands against his chest, forcing her to maintain eye contact as he deciphered every last bit of her soul that was in view. She’d tried more than once to pull away but he was not having it.Asha squeaked out, “What are you doing here?”“I’m here for you my angel.”“But. Young, how are you even here right now?”“I made a deal.” He said as he finally broke eye contact, suddenly nervous. She always knew how to sniff out when he was in some shenanigans and this time was no different. The on
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27 ~ You’re Slow to Wake When Ignoring the World
When Young woke up, he was relieved to find Asha still in his arms, resting as if she didn’t know she was in the arms of a devil. He missed this feeling of being and having someone in your arms, the intimacy that came with it. She was honestly the only person he got to have that with in life too. Going so long without it, he now had to acknowledge how ravenous he was for her and the comfort that came with being in her company again. It was dangerous territory getting soft around a human being now that he’d been turned to the hardest side any being could be. It was commonly punishable by death to let a human too close, especially one so close to being angelic. Somehow though, her name in particular and the nature of their relationship was exactly what earned him his get out of hell free card. In fact, the pure blood demons had urged him that his freedom was contingent upon him not only renewing the relationship, but convincing her to take steps that would land her in hell after death.
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28 ~ Speak on It
“Now you know I like it when you speak up.” Young said.To which she just whined in response. Logically she knew they needed to talk, but she wasn’t ready for the severity of the conversation. It was one thing to imagine the worse, a whole nother thing to have that reality become yours. Young wasn’t having it. The quicker he was able to explain how he got to where he was, the quicker he could get her mind to accepting the good bits that came with this upgrade, so to speak.“How are you gonna try and push this convo back again? We already took a nap.”Asha just shrugged her shoulders and looked away. Young really wasn’t the young man she’d grew to know, love, and lose. He wasn’t even the man she had left behind. She could tell he was doing everything he could to keep his new alter ego under wraps around her and it frightened her, more than a little. How was she to know that her dreams would create a living nightmare for him? And even without him saying it, she knew he had to crawl th
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29 ~ Not Just Another Day
Walking into work the next day, Asha was preemptively ecstatic and it kept her floating through the building. Her coworkers kept asking who dusted the cobwebs off her pussy cause that was the only reasonable explanation for why she could be coming in there like that, but she kept emphasizing that nobody had. That didn’t mean she wasn’t excited about the imminent sexcapades that she knew Young would keep her in as long as possible from the moment she walked in the front door. But her peers didn’t need to know all of that.When the local police, FBI, and Inspector General all showed up in a sea of alphabet jackets. Her favorite coworker, Kayla, had pinched her hard on the skin above her elbow and pointed an accusatory finger at her.“I don’t know how girl, but I know you knew this was going down.”Asha held the skin that had been squeezed and avoided eye contact with Kayla as she mumbled out, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”“Lies!”“Nah uh,” Asha said with a little more confid
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30 ~ More to Admire
Thankfully he was nowhere to be found when she walked in so Asha showed herself some love with a hot shower and an even hotter bath followed by a good long rubdown with her homemade shea butter. She put on her best negligee and her fuzziest socks. After making a healthy heaping of pasta and bringing along a large glass of wine, Asha plopped onto her comfy couch wrapped in her plush blankets, put on a familiar movie in her background and posted up with her latest steamy romance novel.Young was not pleased to see she was relying on fictional characters for gratification when he’d found her sleeping. It actually kind of pissed him off since she knew he was back and ready to give her exactly what she was looking for, what she’d been needing. So he sat in the shadows observing his little one as she fidgeted in her sleep. The longer she lay there moaning and grunting as she rested, the more Young was fuming. It couldn’t be him in that dream, she must be cheating on him with the character in
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