All Chapters of Divorce That Scumbag And Take The Lead: Chapter 251 - Chapter 255
255 Chapters
"Bad" Luck
Mr. Dee wasn't in the mood to coddle these actors. He'd said before that he didn't want crybabies on his show."If you want to stay, draw lots. If you think it's unfair, feel free to leave!"As soon as he said that, the actors who had been whining just a moment ago suddenly went quiet. They all hung their heads like quails, waiting for the staff to bring the lots. They drew them obediently, praying to get B or A level, anything but the S level boss. Otherwise, they'd be sent home after the first round.Eulalia was last in line, so she didn't even need to draw. She opened hers to see "S level: Jacob Stone" - a theater actor who had won many awards, a real veteran.Eulalia's eyes lit up with excitement. She loved a challenge like this.Stone was holding a script for The Years. It was set in the WW2 and had been made into a movie before. Stone had won awards for playing the lead role in that film.While Eulalia was desperately trying to recall info about the script, she overheard a conve
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Do My Best
Eulalia finished the script in one go and let out a long breath. Her script was from Pinky's perspective. To bring this character to life, she'd have to really put herself in Pinky's shoes.To be honest, Pinky was both a vicious antagonist and the final boss. She's the kind of character that really draws in today's audiences, but her morality is seriously messed up.Looking at it from another angle, the story of "Steele" and "Romi" is actually a tragic, large-scale melodrama.The role of "Pinky" is super challenging. If Eulalia's acting isn't up to par, she'll get totally overshadowed by Stone and Barry.After all, she doesn't have the chemistry that those two have as friends. Plus, her character is the bad guy who breaks up the lovebirds, so the audience won't like her.For the first time since her rebirth, Eulalia felt a headache coming on. She absolutely couldn't lose in the first round!That evening, Reid called to check in about the script she got."Actor's Arrival has started fi
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Why are You So Shy
"Why are you explaining so much to her? Someone with such poor acting skills won't understand even if you explain the techniques. It's a total waste of time," Barry said, pulling on Stone's arm. She looked down her nose at Eulalia with contempt, like she was looking at trash.Stone glanced at Barry, somewhat disagreeing, but didn't contradict her. He just tapped her forehead affectionately.Eulalia could actually see the "Steele" and "Romi" vibe between these two. Too bad she wasn't Pinky - she couldn't act out that obsessive possessiveness and intense emotion towards the male lead.Barry didn't want to waste time rehearsing with Eulalia. After going through the motions halfheartedly, she forcefully dragged Stone away.Her intentions were as clear as day.Eulalia didn't want to let Barry have her way and get a chance to step all over her.So far, having difficulties was normal. What she faced wasn't just a simple step, but a wall towering over her head. But without this wall, she'd ne
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He is Here for Eulalia
Victor was originally just rehearsing lines normally, but now it felt like they were having an affair. He was stiff all over, stammering through his lines.Any sense of professionalism or composure had long been thrown out the window.However, as he continued acting with Eulalia, he gradually got into character. Eulalia was impressed by his acting skills and couldn't help but admire him.Even with minimal preparation, Victor's performance could rival Stone's. Such innate talent was truly enviable.During the rehearsal, Eulalia gradually sensed the gap between their skills.---After rehearsing for several hours during the day, Victor had a dream that night. In the dream, Eulalia clutched his sleeve, coyly calling him "honey," making his heart race.When he woke up, Victor was still lost in the dream. His whole body felt tingly and weak. Embarrassed, he buried himself under the covers, covering his face with his back hunched, his ears twitching violently.---On Wednesday morning, Eula
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Eulalia Shines
After finishing her makeup, Eulalia received her costume from the crew. She changed into a tight dress with her hair loosely pinned up with a wooden hairpin. Under the bright lights of the makeup room, she looked flawless - delicate skin, red lips, and eyes like mesmerizing jewels.Eulalia's beauty was so striking that the room fell silent when she appeared. Even without makeup, she outshone everyone else.The other performers had mostly looked down on Eulalia at first. Their initial impression was of a seductive vixen with average looks. Later they realized she wasn't as plain as rumored, but still didn't think much of her - just upgrading their opinion from "plain-looking" to "useless pretty face."But who wouldn't want to be a beautiful ornament?The dress really showed off Eulalia's figure. Her body was shapely and graceful.Eulalia seemed oblivious to the strange looks she was getting. She stood in front of the mirror fixing her hair when she saw Barry's reflection appear. She tu
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