All Chapters of Divorce That Scumbag And Take The Lead: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
241 Chapters
If You Care about Her, Leave
Percival's eyes were dark as night. He reached out to touch Eulalia's cheek, his lips curling into a smirk. "Once you're better, I'll make sure you get pregnant again."Eulalia looked pale as a sheet. After a brief shiver, her mind cleared a bit. "Sure," she said.Percival paused, surprised. Was Eulalia actually being agreeable for once?Just like that, Eulalia’s eyes changed, going all dark and intense. She looked at him like he was something she wanted to squash. “So what? One baby gone, two babies gone. Same difference.”“You!” He lifted his hand, but Eulalia just glared back, unflinching.“Go on, hit me. Make sure you aim for the baby maker!”"You think I can't handle you, Eulalia? If I want you to have children, there are plenty of ways. I could break your legs and chain you to the bed. You'll be helpless, forced to watch as your belly grows and you give birth to one child after another."Percival always made it disgustingly clear: she was less than a pet to him, kept around only
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Are You His Mistress
Sarah’s personality isn’t so much cold as it is disinterested in everyone around her—a textbook workaholic. She’s the kind of person who never lets her emotions show; you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who’s seen her angry or laughing. She’s as bland as tap water.As it turns out, it’s not that Sarah never gets angry; it’s just that no one has ever crossed her line before.Sarah first headed to Eulalia’s hospital room. Eulalia had just been sedated, so Sarah didn’t dare disturb her. She stood outside the door, peering in to check on her condition.The nurse taking care of Eulalia noticed her and whispered, “Dr. Sarah.”Sarah gestured for her to come out. Once the nurse did, she asked, “How is she doing now?”“She’s asleep after the sedative.”Sarah pondered for a moment, “Take good care of her. Let me know if anything changes.”The nurse nodded, “Alright.”“You can go back in.”After the nurse went back inside, Sarah’s gaze suddenly shifted to a room diagonally across from her. Her
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The Dark Side of Evadne Revealed
"Eulalia, why don't you just be a good little baby-making machine? Don't worry, I'll take good care of your kids. They won't be missing any limbs or anything. They'll live just like you—worse than dead."Percival's face froze upon hearing the voice message, his eyes widening before they began to crack in tiny fissures.Evadne still held onto Percival's arm, but her grip had loosened. A chill emanated from the depths of her heart, spreading throughout her body, making even her toes curl up. Her calves trembled uncontrollably."It's not like that... Percy..."After what felt like an eternity, Percival finally looked down at her. His eyes were cold, his face devoid of any smile. The aura he exuded made Evadne shudder.In Evadne's mind, only two words surfaced: It's over."So what is it like then?" Percival's lips curled into a smile that didn't reach his eyes. He never thought that Evadne would say such things to Eulalia behind his back. Each word, each syllable, felt like needles pierci
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Percy, Forgive Me
Evadne's lips were trembling, "Percy, are you doubting me?"Percival's eyes were dark, his face so grim it looked like it could drip water. He swallowed hard before speaking, "Evadne, you know I like people who are obedient and honest. I despise deceit."He gripped Evadne's chin tightly, as if he wanted to crush her jawbone. Forced to tilt her head back, her face was utterly pale. Whether it was from fear or pain, she tried to remain calm. But under Percival's piercing gaze, she felt guilty and her eyes flickered.Percival saw every nuance of Evadne's expression and let out a cold laugh.That laugh sent chills down Evadne's spine, making her legs tremble uncontrollably.Percival was already starting to doubt her. It wouldn't be long before he found out she had intentionally fallen down the stairs to frame Eulalia.Evadne didn't know how to dispel Percival's suspicions. The more she spoke, the more mistakes she'd make. Percival hated being deceived the most. Evadne felt her face drain
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Your Ears Deceived You
"Packing your stuff when you get home. Call me when you're ready to move, I'll arrange a driver," Percival said, his voice devoid of any warmth. Evadne was stunned. She hadn't expected Percival to kick her out so abruptly. After a long pause, she finally managed to say, "Alright." Mabel, who was standing nearby, was equally shocked. Not only had Evadne been discharged from the hospital, but now Percival was kicking her out. Could it be because he found out that Evadne had deliberately fallen down the stairs to frame Eulalia? Mabel wanted to speak up for Evadne, but guilt held her tongue. She didn't say another word until they left the hospital. Oliver quickly obtained the day's security footage from the building and rushed home, not even stopping for dinner. He began searching for the specific clip Percival had mentioned in his text. Percival had only given a rough time frame, not specifying what had happened during that
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Do You Regret It
Eulalia was in a daze, Percival’s words echoing in her ears.—“You can have as many kids as you want in the future.”She was reminded of the nauseating words Percival had said earlier in the day when he brought Evadne to her hospital room.Eulalia shook her head, her reddened eyes staring blankly out the window. She mumbled to herself, her throat choked with sobs.Percival felt a sudden jolt in his heart. Before he could react, Eulalia let out a piercing scream and burst into tears.People break in an instant. Furious, Eulalia threw her head back, catching Percival off guard. He almost bit his tongue as his chin collided with her head.Quickly, Percival wrapped one arm tightly around Eulalia’s upper body while his other hand frantically pressed the call button on the wall.Worried she might hurt herself again, he swiftly grabbed both her wrists, restraining her in his arms.He had never really comforted anyone before; even his tenderness towards Evadne was half-hearted. Now, with Eula
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She Must Have Mistaken You for Someone Else
“People with mental issues should really go to a psych ward, you know? Saves everyone else from getting hurt.” The crowd chimed in, nodding in agreement. “These days, you can’t even press charges if someone with a mental illness hurts you.”“Yeah, and they’ve got specialized equipment for treating mental disorders over there,” someone added.“You guys should move. It’s for the greater good,” another voice chimed in.The crowd had gathered to suggest that Eulalia should be moved out. Percival’s face darkened with each passing second. His hawk-like eyes glared menacingly, making the once-aggressive family members of other patients step back.“Whether she moves or not is none of your damn business!” Percival snapped. With his family’s wealth, he could buy the entire hospital if they pissed him off. Then they’d see who’d be rolling out.Percival’
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He Is The Usurper
Percival had always been arrogant, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. They say all roads lead to Rome, but Percival was born in Rome—truly a golden child.With talent comes ego, and everyone around him bowed to his whims. Add to that his good looks, high status, and charisma, and he never lacked for admirers.But he was emotionally detached, never desiring anyone—until he met Eulalia. A woman he thought he’d loathe for a lifetime, yet she shattered all his preconceptions.He believed she loved him to death, especially after four years of a dutiful marriage where she put up with his every whim.But now, someone told him that all of Eulalia’s affection was misplaced. She had mistaken him for another man.He had been enjoying another man’s love; Eulalia was never meant to be his.The thought was a gut punch, veins popping on his forehead. Pressing his temples, Percival leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths to suppress the rage boiling within.“Don’t run your mouth around her a
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The Phone Call
Evadne stood under the sun, holding a thermal lunch box. Her face was flushed from the heat. When she saw Percival come out, her eyes couldn’t hide her joy, but she tried her best to suppress it.“Percy, I made some soup for you and Eulalia. It’s got your favorite veggies in it.”Percival looked her up and down before finally resting his gaze on the lunch box she was holding. It looked heavy.He took it from her. “You don’t have to bring this over anymore.”“I was worried you wouldn’t like takeout.”He’d been eating Eulalia’s cooking for a few days and had gotten used to it. Takeout just didn’t cut it anymore. But he couldn’t afford to be picky now. Besides, Evadne’s cooking wasn’t much better than takeout. It was a waste of time.Percival was a rational guy, good at time management and planning his day. To others, this made him seem cold and unlikable.“Do you want to come in for a bit?” Percival noticed the sweat on her forehead.Evadne forced a smile. “I’d better not. Eulalia might
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Mental Imprisonment
Eulalia had been in a bad mental state for the past few weeks, mostly lost in a foggy illusion. She saw her deceased father and the unborn child she lost. Every time she thought about it, the pain was unbearable, so much so that she even considered ending her life during her therapy sessions.All this agony was brought on by Percival. She had initially planned to use the remaining year of her life to get back at him, but the man was like a fortress—impenetrable. Even with her burning resolve, she couldn’t melt his icy heart.She had overestimated herself and underestimated Percival’s cold-heartedness. She foolishly thought she could warm his heart with her touch, only to find out that Percival had no heart to begin with.“Percival, I owe you nothing. Or rather, I’ve paid back whatever I owed you, with interest,” Eulalia said.Percival acted as if he hadn’t heard her. “I know you resent me. I’ll make it
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