All Chapters of Bilione Reasons Not To Date My Billionaire Ex: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
165 Chapters
Chapter 99 - Life only moves forward
"That's what we are traveling in?" Autumn asked as I pushed her in a wheelchair towards the helicopter. "Yes, it's the quickest way of traveling. You're not scared are you?" Truth be told traveling by helicopter wasn't one of my favorites either but I can manage. "It just looks so... I don't know...are you sure we can take the car?" She asks as we stop in front of it. "Baby, it's going to be ok. It's safe, trust me. And the view is not something you want to miss." I put my hand under her arm as she puts her hands around my neck while I lift her up to carry her in and strap her in the seat as Richard joins us. "Ready to go home?" He asks Autumn as he buckles his safety belt. "She is a bit nervous about flying." I say as I take her hand. "In that one movie I watched with Summer the helicopter lost one of his flying things and went crashing down, so excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical." She says as one of her hands grips the side of the chair. I knew I shouldn't have let them watch tha
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Chapter 100 - Some things never change
"Autumn dear, so good to finally have you back. I'm your aunt Eloise." Eloise greats Autumn with a big hug before taking a step back and Alex steps forward. "I'm your cousin Alex and this is my twin brother Sasha. We missed you around here." Alex said as Sasha stepped forward. "This is our Mrs.Hendrics, if you ever need anything she will get it for you. She makes sure this house runs perfectly." Sasha said as he put his arm around Mrs.Hendrics before she looked at him dead seriously and he took the arm away. "Anything you need, no matter the hour just call for me and I'll be there." Mrs.Hendrics looks like a tough lady, but when she talks you can sense from her voice just how caring she actually is. "Did you prepare the room for Mr.Davis?" Richard asked and Adam looked surprised by the news. "Of course, I prepared the one next to Miss Autumn. His suitcases are already in there and the maids are taking care of everything as we speak." Sharing a room is out of the question but at le
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Chapter 101 - Trouble coming our way
As Autumn falls asleep I gently move her over onto a pillow and cover her with a blanket before quietly slipping out of the room and bed downstairs to find Richard. "Mrs.Hendrics have you seen Richard?" I ask her as we meet by the stairs. "Mr.Cromwell is in his office, I believe you remember where it is." From the day of the party, yes. "Thank you, Autumn is asleep so make sure no one bothers her, please." I say before heading downstairs to the office. Just as I come near the door I hear Adam talking with Richard. "With all due respect Uncle Richard, I can't believe you let him move into your house." Of course, I was his problem. "I insist we should have put some distance between Autumn and him, they weren't together before the accident. She didn't want to be with him. He is clearly using her memory loss to get close to her." Adam is trying to put a wedge between her family and me. He can't stand losing, but I'll make him see he can't lose what he never had. "Autumn feels good aro
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Chapter 102 - An unknown number
"You have no business here, I thought I made it clear you're not welcomed around my family." Richard said but the woman didn't care for his words instead, she just laughed as she looked around. "May I remind you this was supposed to be my family as well but our father failed to give me his last name before he died." Wait, she was his sister? I thought he only had one sister, Eloise. "Yes, but you settled for the money instead. So I don't understand what is your business here now Rachel?" Richard asked her. "Well, I saw in the papers you now apparently have a daughter, spectacular party may I add. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail, lucky for you I don't hold on to grudges." Rachel said before her eyes settled on me. "Mr.Davis Jones, how lovely it is to meet you." She said as she extended her hand towards me but I didn't take it. From the looks of it she would be around forty, hard to say with all the work she appears to have done to her face. "I'm sorry and you are?" I ask
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Chapter 103 - As if I could live without you
"Alice." Her name leaves my lips as I hear her voice over the phone. "Did you miss me? Because I've missed you." Her cynical voice made my stomach twist as anger boiled inside of me."How dare you call me after everything you have done?" I ask her as I move away from the door so Autumn can't hear me."Where are you?" I asked her then heard her laugh on the other end of the line."You don't actually think I'm going to tell you where I am." No, I did not."Then what the hell do you want from me?" "I just wanted to ask how Autumn was, but I guess she didn't die since there was nothing in the papers. She really is God's favorite, all of my efforts were in vain. It seems she really is a woman of steel." Alice said with a mocking voice."You can't run forever, sooner or later the police are going to find you and I'll make sure you rot in hell." Not just her, but her mother as well."Such rough words, is that any way to talk to a friend, why don't I call you once you're more calm down." Ali
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Chapter 104 - Baby topics
"Did you feel that, it did it again? It's the first time I felt it kick." Autumn said as amaised as I was."Yes, he or she is definitely playing football in there." I can't even begin to explain the mix of feeling within me right now. The happiness and joy of my child kicking inside of the woman who I love more than life itself. And that baby is not even in my arms yet but I already know I would kill anyone who would ever try to hurt it."Wait, do you think the baby can feel when we...? Autumn lifts her eyebrows and points between us. How would I know, this is the first time I was going to be a father. It just down on me that there is a shit ton of stuff that I don't know."No, I don't think so. Do you?" She is the mother, she should feel it."I don't know that. I never thought about it." Apparently, we are both undereducated in baby topics. "You know what, I'm gonna go out and buy us all the best books about babies and we can read them together. We"ll learn together." I say as I gent
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Chapter 105 - This time my eyes are wide open
I hold the note in my hands as I look around myself trying to see if anyone was there. But this had to be Alice. And before in the parking lot in New York, that had to be her too. There was no trace of her leaving the country because she never left. She was still here, lurking. And now she knows about the baby which makes her so much more dangerous. But she can't come close to Autumn, there is no way for her to enter the Cromwell mansion. It doesn't mean she's not going to try. "Where are you? Come out and face me!" I yell and an old woman comes out of her car looking at me like I was crazy. "Sorry." I say before getting in the car and driving away. The whole ride back to the Cromwells I spent looking into my rearview mirror trying to see if anyone was following me, I even took a few wrong turns before getting to the entrance where security opened the door for me. I got out of the car and saw Miguel coming from the back of the house. "Just who I needed to see, do you know where
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Chapter 106 - Mr.Davis
"Oh my God, what did you do?" Autumn asked existed as she saw all the bags on her bed while I helped her with her pillows so she could lean back. "I told you I had a surprise for you." I said as I first handed her the flowers. "Thank you, they are lovely." Autumn smelled the flowers while I started taking out books from the bag. "How many did you get?" She asked as the pile in front of her only grew. "Apparently these are only the essentials, there's a lot of things to know about babies." And a little time to get prepared to welcome one. Autumn is already twenty-two weeks pregnant which if I'm right is almost half the way there. "And what is in these other bags?" She wanted to get up to look at it herself but I stopped her. "This is the surprise, I was walking by and I couldn't help myself and I got these..." I say as I take out a yellow onesie and the baby rattle as Autumn's face lights up and she takes it out of my hands. "This is so adorable, oh my God look at how small it is
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Chapter 107 - Responsable
A part of me tells me to enjoy it now and worry about it later, but I know Richard isn't going to like this wedding idea and I'd rather say it to him now in private than later when Autumn says it to everyone. So as I left the room as Autumn stayed reading while I went downstairs in hopes of finding him but Mrs.Hendrics told me he left. I'll just have to get him before dinner. I have to admit I also wasn't used to having this much free time on my hands. I've spent years working for my father and my clubs and it felt unnatural for me not to be immersed in numbers and contract deals. But being with Autumn is more fulfilling for sure, and learning about her pregnancy and the baby has really opened my eyes as to the changes she is experiencing. The hormones that were developing inside of her as if the amnesia wasn't enough. Nothing I do will ever compare to what she is doing in a day. I could do a page in Excel while she was out here forming arms and legs inside of her. And the amount o
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Chapter 108 - Baby names
"Are you sure you dont want to join me?" Autumn asked as I massaged her feet while she lay in the bathtub. "I have a hard time controlling myself as it is, besides I don't think your father would approve. He would rather have Mrs.Hendrics help you with your bath." The last thing I want is to disrespect him in his own house, especially not with Adam breathing down his neck for allowing me to stay here in the first place. "But that is ridiculous, it's not like you haven't seen me naked already, you had to put this baby inside of me somehow." Yes but that was before things went to hell, the things you don't remember. That is why all of this is hard for them to accept but they do it for Autumn's sake. And that is why I am scared to tell him about the wedding, they all see this as temporarily expecting her to remember and kick me out like she did last time before the accident. "I know, but we never did it under his roof." It's the best excuse I could find at this moment. "Ohh, and wher
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