All Chapters of Bilione Reasons Not To Date My Billionaire Ex: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
152 Chapters
Chapter 60 - The ring
I got up early and went downstairs to the building's gym to run a bit on the treadmill, something I hadn't done in quite some time and I was obviously out of shape seeing how I got tired after only two songs worth of time running on this thing. I stepped down to drink some water when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder that startled me and I turned around almost dropping my water bottle. "Miss James, I apologize if I startled you," Miguel said as he helped me grab the bottle as I took off my earphones."It's alright Miguel, I should have probably lowered the volume on my earphones. What are you doing here?" I ask because I gave him a day off since Domenic said he would spend the whole day with me."I wanted to bring you this?" He said as he handed me a folder."What's this?" I ask. "Doring our severance of Miss Moore we saw her talking with this gentleman two times now, seeing how he doesn't look like her typical choice of companion we decided to investigate him a bit further." I open
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Chapter 61 - The Phantom
The most difficult part for me today was getting Domenic off my back, but it was as if he could feel I was up to something so he went with me everywhere. To the store, to Summer's place to show her the ring and also share the news about our engagement, we had lunch together on a beautiful terrace but I kept looking over at the car where Miguel was waiting to drive me to meet the man who could salve all my doughts and help me put a stop to Alice. I knew the danger but I had to do it. "Is everything alright baby, you seem distracted?" Domenic asked me as he took my hand from across the table."Oh yeah, I'm just feeling tired a lot lately." This was true, half of the time I just wanted to nap but at night I couldn't sleep because of all the anxiety I was having."I notice you had trouble sleeping, if you want I can cancel my therapy today and we can go see a doctor." No, I need you to leave. I have a chance I might not have again. "No, it's nothing. I'll just go home and rest you go, I'
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Chapter 62 - "if"
"I want to have dinner with you." He says and I turn to look at Miguel who shakes his head, letting me know well the thing I already know. It was a risk itself to come here now let alone at night, and what would I tell Domenic? I turn to look at him as I drop the phone on my lap and put my hands over the table."Why would you want to have dinner with me?" I asked while trying to remain calm and not let him know just how much this threw me off my tracks. "Why wouldn't I? You are a beautiful woman and not just that. You had the guts to come and face me, and I'd let you know I know a lot of men who are not capable of the same." How nice, I'm receiving compliments from a criminal."May I remind you that you are the one who helped that woman to try and kill me, excuse me if I don't trust your motives enough to join you for dinner?" I wasn't trying to aggravate him, but the words just ran by my tongue and there was no stopping them. "Not a lot of people have what it takes to impress me and
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Chapter 63 - Question my life decisions
We had a falling out. Alice actually managed to make him doubt me, even with everything she has done he still has faith in her and now I doubt that they will ever change. What's worse is that now that I am so close to discovering the truth I have to do it all alone."Miss James." Miguel said as he looked surprised to see me walk out of the building so quickly."Miguel I'm gonna go walk for a bit, please don't follow me." Right now I don't want to see or hear anyone, if Alice wants to come and get me then so be it. "Miss James you know I can't do that, especially not in a time like this. Did you talk with Mr.Davis?" I rub the bridge of my nose and then look up at the building before looking at Miguel again."I did, and he doesn't believe me. Apparently, he talked with Alice's mother and she told him Alice donated that money to charity. What's worse he chose to believe it." Miguel looked surprised, maybe even a bit shocked as was I."Did you show him the pictures? What did he say about
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Chapter 64 - My Autumn
Domenic's POV I was pacing around the apartment while waiting for Summer to call me back, I figured Autumn would answer the phone to her rather than me since we had a fight. The fact that she told Miguel to stay behind and she ditched him to go God knows where when she knew it was dangerous for her had me worried sick. Autumn probably left him behind because of my little jealous moment and now if something were to happen to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I was about to pour myself a drink when I heard a knock on the door and I rushed to open it. "Alice." What are you doing here?" I ask surprised. "My mother told me you came to see her, I wanted to talk with you." She says in a very calm way, her voice still and her face lacked her usual smile, "Look right now is not a good time Alice, why don't we talk some other time?" The last thing I need is for Autumn to come back and see her here. "Please Nick, it's only gonna take a minute." I look at her for a moment then move
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Chapter 65 - A big deal
Autumns POV After Domenic left with Alice, Summer helped gather my clothes from the floor while Miguel guarded the door."We have to get you to a hospital Autumn, they need to do blood work and..." I knew what she was implying but just like me, she didn't have the strength to say it out loud."I can't believe he didn't believe me, Summer, he left with her." My mind was still stuck on the image of the two of them leaving."He's going to regret it, Autumn, I know he will. He loves you, Alice is just praying on him now. She reenacted his biggest fear, which is also the dead giveaway that what happened here was all staged." Summer was right, this is exactly what happened with their mother, and that's why he reacted so badly. But still, I also had reason from the past not to trust him when Alice played her little games on me but I chose to trust him. He should of had trusted me as well."Let's get you up now, we also need to look at the bruise on your back." The bruise I got when he pushe
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Chapter 65 - I can't make myself a target
"Oh my God, I'm going to be an aunt!" Summer said excited while I was still processing the news."Are you sure? I haven't had any symptoms or anything." Yet I couldn't really think of the last date I had my period. I was so street that it just flowed over my head."Not all women experience symptoms in the early stages, I suggest you go to your gynecologist and he will be able to give you more information on how far along you are." A baby, I'm going to be a mother. "As far as the situation you came in and the result we have I have a duty to involve the police." The doctor said and I shook my head. If I do that I will have to say what I know of Alice and right now I can't make myself a target of hers. Now I have a baby to protect."Please can you just give me the test results and I'll handle it from there, I want to do this on my own time." Summer seemed to agree with me as she nodded her head to. "Fine, but don't wait long." He said as he handed me the folder."I'm sorry I have to lea
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Chapter 66 - Rage
It feels like just because my brain caught up with the pregnancy it activates the morning sickness, one that lasted through the entire day. Keeping food down became a challenge for me, if only one wrong smell hit my nostrils it was end game for my stomach. Now that I think about it lately I was feeling tired all the time witch from what I've read is also a symptom.At least snacking on almonds helped a bit, the lack of coffee was noticeable but I hope that seeing how it was almost the end of the first trimester hopefully that will go away soon. Now I have other things in mind that need to be taken care of. I have to go into town and see why am I still not able to open my cafe, I need to start making a profit again. Our future depends on it."I'm ready Miguel, we can go." I say as I come down the stairs and he gets up in a hurry leaving his coffee on the table and rushes to stand by the door."You don't have to act like that Miguel, I don't expect you to keep this ridiculous behavior a
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Chapter 67 - Happy memories
"So this is the cafe. Nice location." Miguel commented as we stood in front of the door."Yes, that's why he wanted to buy it from me in the first place." I say as I unlock the door ripping open the tape that was glued to the door."I'll run upstairs and grab a few things then we can go, it won't take long. Id offer you something to drink but..." I point around to the mess that was still left behind after the vandalism. "Dont worry about it, I'm fine." He said and I left to go upstairs. The first thing I noticed was the amount of dust that had settled on every surface of the apartment. The glass of wine was still on the coffee table from that night. I took the pillow from the floor and threw it onto the couch spreading dust all over and making me cough as I waved my hand in the air. I went to my room and took out an empty box from underneath my bed and started walking around the room collecting things I wanted to take with me. Mostly stuff I had that was once my mother's and a few th
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Chapter 68 - This night just keeps on bringing gifts
Seeing how Domenic left things with Summer, she thought he wouldn't show up, even less that he would bring Alice whom he knew Summer wasn't exactly fond of. I however did hope I would see him, somehow I wanted to look at him in the eyes and try to find that loving caring man who swore that would watch over me as a drop of water on his palm. But one look into his now cold eyes was enough for me to understand that man is nowhere to be found."Do you mind? We are having a private conversation." Adam said as he protectively stood in front of me sensing Domenic's negative attitude towards me. "I told you she wouldn't waste time, seems like she found her new victim." Alice said as she clung to Domenic's arms, he might as well had a devil sitting on his shoulder.Domenic stepped aside so he could look at me without having to look over Adam's shoulder and throw me a nasty look."And you said you didn't know who he was, one more of your lies. What more are you hiding?" His cold voice was actua
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