Semua Bab The Chosen: Bab 11 - Bab 20
41 Bab
Chapter Ten
Running through the woods, I welcomed the adrenaline that coursed through my veins. Gritting my teeth, I fought the tears that kept falling from my eyes. My mother had left us. She had left my father and me. I knew something was wrong with her the past couple of days. Whenever I tried to play with her, she would look at me with disgust.Ever since she had returned from selling her gowns at a nearby village, she had acted weird. She had not unpacked her gear or taken me to the village like she usually did. She was cold. No longer was the loving feeling I once got from her received with open arms.Pushing my legs faster, I fought to find her. An elderly man told me she went into the woods after fighting with my father. Sobbing, I screamed out for her but was greeted with silence.Coming to a stop in a small clearing, I gazed up at the night sky. Rain pelted down from the dark clouds, soaking my white nightdress. Crying into my hands, I started to shake."Mummy!" Sniffing, I turned aroun
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Chapter Eleven
I stared wide-eyed as Gabriel advanced towards me. He looked angry, no he looked beyond angry, and with every step Gabriel took, I couldn't help but feel he was going to turn into a beast. I wasn't sure why I had yelled at him, and at this moment I honestly couldn't care. I had to remember why I was even in the Choosing, to begin with. I had to find Sharlee and if I had to use Gabriel, then so be it. He and I hadn't seen each other for a long time, and considering I didn't know anything about this whole Chosen thing, I wasn't about to let myself fall for him again. Long gone were the days we were kids and I would fantasise about being his. Right now, we were adults, and I knew what I wanted from my life. I needed to help my father and if marrying Matthew was the only way, I would swallow my pride for my father. Right now though, I needed to keep with my plan of finding Sharlee. I had seen Sharlee's family mourn the loss of their daughter for months, and I wouldn't let my father go
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Chapter Twelve
Since the night the young girl was found, all women and children were to be home before dark and to not travel alone. This meant Matthew stuck to me like a bad smell. Although I promised my father I would go on with this marriage to appease him, I still found myself longing to run into Gabriel's arms. I hadn't been able to see him for five days now, and those five days felt like hell.My body would always heat-up of a night time and with the new moon approaching it felt like it was getting worse. Five days, that's all it took for my body to crave his presence and five days we were in peace. At least that's what we all thought.When I woke that morning, I found my father seated beside my bed. He looked like he was deep in thought, and the longer I gazed at him the more I noticed he seemed tired. "Father?"The sound of my voice caught him off guard, causing him to jump slightly but he masked his surprise with a bright smile. "Good morning, Annabelle. Did you sleep well?"Nodding, I just
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Chapter Thirteen
So many voices could be heard inside my head, but every time I tried to decipher what they were saying, they faded. It was as if something in me didn't want me to know what was being said. Frowning as the voices faded from my mind, I felt someone gently place a kiss on my forehead. Groaning at the sudden feeling, I slowly opened my eyes.Everything around me was bright, and as I continued to blink away the sleep that had taken me, I noticed a blurred face in my vision. Continuing to blink, the person's face cleared. As I stared at the person in front of me, I felt my stomach churn.Smiling down at me with relieved eyes was Matthew. I had hoped to see the one person I had seen last night before I welcomed the darkness. Frowning, I gazed around the room. "Where am I?" This wasn't an area I knew.With a long sigh, Matthew handed me a glass of water. "You're in my room."Chocking on the water I had about to swallow, I stared at him with wide frantic eyes. Why was I here? Why could Father
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Chapter Fourteen
"Anna!" Turning around at the sound of my name, I spotted my father running towards me. Pulling me into his arms, I felt his body shaking slightly, as I wrapped my arms around his waist."Father, you're shaking," I whispered.Nodding, I felt his head move into the crook of my neck. "I couldn't find you... I thought..." Father was unable to finish his sentence as his shoulders began to shake uncontrollably. "Where were you, Anna?"Pulling back, I turned to where Gabriel was once standing, only to see he was nowhere to be seen. He had vanished without saying goodbye. Frowning I turned back to look at Father, placing a smile on my face, I whispered. "I was with... Gabriel."As soon as the words left my lips, my father frowned down at me. With a shake of his head, he looked towards Matthew. "I can't have you here anymore, Anna. I'm sending you and Matthew to the nearest town."I stared at my father for a few seconds as I tried to register the words coming out of his mouth. Surely I had he
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Chapter Fifteen
Glaring at the older male in front of me, I felt a chill run down my spine. How did he know my name? More importantly, how did he know we were going to be here? Quickly glancing around the forest, I couldn't help but silently call for Gabriel. I was praying that he would somehow come out of the woods and help me. At least I hoped he would, but then again he probably thought I left him."I must say you are gorgeous." Licking his lips, the male took a step closer. Gripping my hand, Matthew held out his sword. "One more step and I will end your life."Laughing the intruder, raised his hands. "I wouldn't want that to happen... besides, I'm sure this lovely creature wouldn't like to see your end."Taking a step forward, the male stopped before his attention was taken by the sound of growls behind him. Following his gaze to the intruders, I spotted the black wolf with silver eyes I had grown to yearn for. Just at the sight of the wolf, I felt safe, as my body began to feel weak.A sudden mo
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Chapter Sixteen
The sound of skin breaking open filled my ears as my stomach began to ache. Even with my eyes closed and the red and black picture behind my closed eyelids, I could still see the scene play out. The look on Matthew's face as he noticed what he had done. The way he lay on the ground, unconscious from the blow to his head. The dream felt so real that even as I breathed, I could feel pain.Eyes wide, I gazed up at the ceiling as I tried to steady my breaths. Turning my head slightly, I felt the soft silk fabric move with my actions. Covered in what looked like expensive white silk blankets, I felt all my aches and pains slowly disappear. I was laid in a comfortable four-poster bed, with the gold silk curtains pulled around me, shielding me from whatever waited beyond its wake.Taking a deep breath, I felt a small twinge in my stomach, causing a little whimper to leave my lips. Pushing the silk away from my body, I gazed down at my naked chest. Although I had on my undergarments, the clot
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Chapter Seventeen
I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing in front of me was the one person I had wished to see for three years. She looked the same, almost as if time had not touched her. As she stood behind me, she looked happy. Sharlee smiled as if there was no care in the world. Standing in what looked like tight brown leather pants and a white top. A light sheen of sweat covered her forehead."Anna, I'm sure you remember Sharlee?" Came Gabriel's sudden voice.Nodding as I stared at Sharlee, I couldn't help but feel a mixed amount of feelings. I had never seen her this happy before. Back in the village, she had always seemed like she was missing something, but as I stood in front of her, she seemed more content."Anna, I want you to meet her chosen Tristan." Turning my head in the direction of Gabriel's outstretched arm, I couldn't help but frown. In one of the many training areas, Tristan seemed to be fighting someone of smaller stature. Swinging his fist towards the younger male, I watched as the yo
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Chapter Eighteen
Sitting on the bed, I placed my head in my hands. My mind felt like it was racing with so much information. Everything I had grown to know now meant nothing. The people back in the village I had grown to love and some hate, had all been hiding something. None of them was who I thought they were, and it made me question if Matthew was one of them too. I knew Matthew had been taken back to the village, and I could only pray he wasn't planning to come to find me. If he did, I was worried my childhood friend would turn out to be like the rest of the people who filled this place.Thinking back to Gabriel's words, I wondered if my father knew my mother was or could be a werewolf. Just at the mere thought of my father, I felt my heart yearn to see him. I wondered if he knew I was safe or if he too was safe back at the village.As I continued to sit on the bed in Gabriel's room, I knew what I had to do. I needed to see my father and find out what he knew about my mother. I wasn't sure if he w
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Chapter Nineteen
Dipping the white cloth into the warm bucket of water, I watched as the water rippled as I squeezed the fabric. After one of Gabriel's men had gotten the fire started, I did work of trying to lower father's temperature. I wasn't sure how he could've gotten sick from being drunk, and it scared me. I had never seen my father like this before. If I lost him, I'd lose a piece of myself too.Laying the damp cloth over his forehead, I watched as Father stirred in his sleep. A soft tap at the door had my attention moved to the warrior. "I have informed the Alpha on what is happening. If your father worsens, he has requested he be moved to the safety of the compound where we can watch over him."I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. Even with Gabriel far away from me, he was still trying to do his best for my family and me. I was grateful for that. Gabriel always had a soft spot in my heart, and the more I was around him, the more I felt the pull. Even when I first met him at the
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