All Chapters of Shadow In The Night: Secrets Of The Howling Heart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
Three days after the seminar, everything seemed back to normal. Zoe and I were walking across campus, sharing a laugh over some silly joke, when the bright sky suddenly turned grey and rain started pouring down. We panicked and hurried to find shelter. I found refuge in a small alcove, my heart was racing as rain soaked through my hair and clothes. My heart did a flip when I found Izan Dejanovic standing there, his hair tousled by the rain, holding his glasses in hand. If I thought he was good-looking before, in that moment, he looked downright mesmerizing. The way he was looking could leave anyone speechless and on their knees.Our eyes met, and his beautiful hazels widened with surprise, he swiftly turned away, looking elsewhere. A rosy hue tinged his cheeks as he cleared his throat. Frowning slightly, I tried to act normal and greet him, hoping he would not notice how nervous I was. “Hello, Professor Dejanovic.” But he merely nodded in response.‘Okay,’ confusion clouded me and I
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Panic, that’s all I felt as I rushed down the stairs of my building. Izan’s voice, and the address he gave me repeating itself in my head over and over again. My nerves were everywhere as I started running down the street. He was hurt, and he needed help. All I could think was that he was hurt and every rational thinking escaped me. All I knew was that I had to get to him, as fast as possible. I was scared, I was afraid that something really bad might have happened to me. My heart was wrenching in my chest, tears building in my eyes as I ran to the end of the street and stopped in front of the road sign, he had told me about. I frantically looked around, it was dark, empty, only a few people passing by at that late hour of the night.I needed to find him, as soon as possible or it might get too late. I felt utterly helpless, I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t find him. Just as tears was about to fall from my eyes, a sudden movement at a distant dark ally caught my attention. I could
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That Smile (Izan)
I was awe struck, baffled and absolutely bewildered as I stared at the woman nuzzled into my neck, sleeping so soundly. She lay nestled against me, fast asleep, her grip on my arms firm as if she dreaded my vanishing act. Glancing around, I noticed the sun already casting its golden light into the room, illuminating every corner. Her fragrance permeated the air, wrapping me in its comforting embrace with every breath I took. My gaze drifted downward, revealing the bandages covering my body. I wrapped my arms around her a little too tight, holding a little too close, indulging in how she felt against me. We fit perfectly. I had given up hope, never daring to dream that I would one day experience the warmth of holding my soulmate in my arms.I had given up hope of ever finding her. I had stopped looking for her. Then, fate decided to play its hand, and she crashed into my world, quite literally. That day’s mostly a blur, I forgot most of what happened that day but every detail of when I
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Feels (Izan)
She laughed, smiled and glowed right before my very eyes. At that moment, without even lifting a finger, she made me feel things I didn’t think I was capable of feeling. Jealousy being one of them. I was so overcome with jealousy that before I could think of something better, I bumped into her, the mug of coffee flew out of her grip and I was quick to make sure it fell on him, that guy.The level of satisfaction and comfort I got seeing him running to the washroom later made me question everything but I got to talk to her. And for that, I will bump into anyone, drench anyone in burning hot coffee. Needless to say, after getting her coffee, I slept a lot better.But my peaceful days were short-numbered. I heard them talk and what I heard made my blood boil.“Invested? In what” Mira asked. And her obnoxious friend spoke again.“Come on, don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed how he was eyeing you,”I guess someone needs a little eye plucking! I barely kept myself from growling aloud
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Things Left Unsaid (Izan)
My heart leapt as her eyes fluttered open. Those beautiful honey-coloured orbs widened in surprise as she realized she was nestled against me. She began to pull away, but I winced, pretending it hurt, and she halted.“Sorry,” she whispered, her voice groggy. “Are you in pain?” she asked, concern evident in her eyes. I sighed softly.“Not anymore,” I whispered, tightening my grip around her. I could feel her cheeks flushing as my fingers held her close.“I should make something for you to eat,” she murmured, and I knew our moment couldn’t last forever. She had to leave, and I had to let her go. Mira slowly got up and hurriedly left the room, never lifting her eyes to look at anything but the door. I chuckled and laid back down.My world was a dangerous place, and I never wanted to drag someone from the outside into my mess. I didn’t want her to be tangled up in my complicated life. But just the thought of not seeing her for a few hours sent a stabbing pain through me. That's why I foun
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Things Left Untouched
I watched as the words slipped from my lips, and carried on a fragile breath of hope. “But I’m glad you did. I’m glad you thought of me,” I murmured, my voice barely louder than the whisper of the wind through the trees.His eyes, deep and endless like the night sky, widened ever so slightly. I saw the subtle shift in his expression, the flicker of something stirring within him. His breath, once steady and calm, now quickened, each inhale heavy with unspoken emotion.And then it hit me like a sudden gust of wind, the weight of my confession crashing down upon me like a wave against the shore. “Oh my God. Forget I said anything,” I blurted out, my words tumbling over each other in a desperate attempt to backtrack.Scrambling to my feet, I gathered my things, trying to escape. But as I turned to leave, I felt his touch, warm and gentle against my skin, wrapping around my wrist like a lifeline.Electricity coursed through my veins at his touch, sending sparks flying in every direction. I
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The feeling was suffocating, like the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving me gasping for breath. Every moment without him felt like an eternity, his absence a gaping hole in my chest. I clung to the hope that he would show up for our class, that his familiar presence would ease the ache in my heart. But as the minutes ticked by and he remained nowhere to be seen, dread began to pool in the pit of my stomach.Class after class passed, each one cancelled without warning or explanation. Panic set in, gnawing at the edges of my mind. Had I done something to drive him away? Was he hurt, lost, or worse?I reached for my phone, fingers trembling as I dialled his number. But each call went unanswered, his voice nowhere to be heard on the other end of the line.The uncertainty was like a weight pressing down on me, threatening to crush me under its unbearable heaviness. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I paced back and forth, my mind consumed by thoughts of him and him alone
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A Pause
At the last minute, I hesitated, cold feet creeping in as doubts flooded my mind. Was using him as a distraction really a good idea? But before I could think of an escape, my phone rang, and Luca’s name flashed across the screen. With a shaky firmness, I answered and agreed to meet him by the campus in ten minutes.As I hung up, nerves fluttered in my stomach. What had I gotten myself into? But I had said yes, and now there was no turning back.With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped outside into the crisp afternoon air. The cool breeze offered little comfort as I made my way toward our meeting spot.Conversation flowed around me, students laughing and chatting as they made their way home. But my mind was elsewhere, consumed by thoughts of distraction and rebellion against my own heartache.With each step, my resolve wavered, but I pushed on, determined to prove to myself that I could do better, that I wasn’t going to wallow in self-pity over a guy who had left me behin
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Relief washed over me in waves, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The turmoil that had been keeping me awake at night finally settled, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. But then, as I basked in the warmth of his embrace, reality came crashing back with a vengeance. He had shown up out of nowhere, as if he hadn’t left after promising he would never leave. Anger bubbled up inside me, hot and fierce, and before I could stop myself, I pulled away from his arms.With a surge of adrenaline, I stomped on his foot with all the force I could muster, my heeled boots making contact with a satisfying thud. He winced in pain, clutching his foot, and I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me, tempered with a hint of regret at my own outburst. “Okay, I deserved that,” Izan admitted, wincing in pain as he nursed his foot.“You’re such a jerk! You know that!” I couldn’t hold back the anger in my voice, but he just kept his gaze do
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A Date
“I thought I might find you here,” his voice caught me off guard, causing me to jump. I turned around, book in hand, to see him leaning against another bookshelf, hands casually tucked into his pockets.“Don’t startle me like that,” I sighed, but couldn’t help smiling at the sight of him. How could someone look so effortlessly good? As he straightened up and began to stroll towards me, instinctively, I backed up.“Don’t look at me like that,” he murmured, his hands coming to rest on either side of my head, effectively trapping me. I glanced away, but he chuckled softly, his thumb gently tracing along my jawline.“What are you doing? We’re in the library, Izan. Someone might see us!” I whispered, my heart pounding with excitement and nervousness.“I don’t care. Let them see,” he replied, his voice low and filled with determination.“I think you might have forgotten that you can’t be seen with one of your students. And I happen to be just that,” I reminded him, pushing him away gently.
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