All Chapters of Alpha's Regret; Hiring A Breeder For His Barren Luna : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Jake dismissed Lara and sat down with Williams."I can't believe all the things that happened in the pack," Williams said, shaking his head disappointedly."Yeah, even the pack Elders, half of them were betrayers and I was forced to arrest them after they had pulled the last straw. They were working hands in hands with May and stole some of the important documents from this pack and sold them to our enemy pack, though I'm still trying to track the exact pack it was sold to." Jake exclaimed."Oh my God, but how were you able to find out about their conspiracies?" Williams asked."I will tell you," Jake answered.**Flashback*Jake waited for May to return to the palace but she hadn't and it was late already.His mind couldn't have any peace of mind as he knows how mischievous May is and might be the one that Kidnapped Amby.So he went to her room and began searching, he searched all her cardboard, closest and everything but found nothing."Damn it!" He groaned and slammed his hands on
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Alpha Jake angrily stormed out of Williams chamber holding the laptop, and they ran after him, yelling his name, but he didn't stop.“Alpha Jake! Wait! Please!” Adams shouted after him, then paused and turned to Williams.“I'm sorry I can't go after Jake because I'm still under house arrest, please make sure he doesn't do something wrong.” Williams requested.“Don't worry.” Adams replied and followed Jake in another car because he had entered his car and drove off without the driver.Jake ran in a full speed, his mind rushing to how May had manipulated him with the pregnancy, despite not having any feelings for her, but he had let her go away with numerous things due to her pregnancy.He recalled how she would force him to spent time with her, in the process ignoring Amby and even not being there for her through her health issues.Angry tears fell from his eyes as he wiped the tears with one eyes while lashing his anger with the other hand on the steering wheel.He only wished to see
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Knowing it's impossible to convince her Dad, May wiped her tears and left the room, just like he ordered, in other to avoid getting him more angry.“Guards!” The Alpha called and they rushed in.“It's time to start finding another lady. My daughter has disappointed me.” He ordered and they bowed.“I regret having you as my daughter, May.” The Alpha muttered, with so much anger.*Amby slowly opened her eyes and found herself in an unidentified place.Her heart pounded, and her body was weak.She tried to move, but she couldn't, that's when she realized that she was chained to a chair.“Who is here! Help me!” Amby screamed, shaking the chair vigorously.“Help me!” Amby cried."Jake! Jake! Please help me.” She pleaded, as her heart raced.She recalled how the nurse injected her with something before she blanked out.Furthermore, she stopped shaking when she heard a voice from outside.It seems like a phone call, and she tried to listen, but she couldn't hear anything. Soon, the call end
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Lara was out of ideas on how to reach out to May, as all efforts she put were proved abortive.May weren't picking her calls, and sometimes the calls won't even go through.She knew meeting Williams was not the right thing to do, but she still feels he is the only one that can understand her.Arriving at the house arrest palace, the guard let her in, and she saw Williams staring at the surface.She awkwardly knocked, getting his attention.He raised his head and saw her.“What brought you here?” Williams asked.“Um, I know you would rather not see me, but...”“Go straight to the point, Lara.” He cut her off with a cold face.“I had been trying to reach out to May, but I couldn't. It's either she isn't answering or the call not reaching through. I don't know what to do.” Lara lamented.“I think she is suspecting that you will betray her. May is smart, I'm sure she finds out something.” Williams replied."What should I do now? The ultimatum Jake had given to me is ending and nothing is
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May's brother's expression was a mixture of anger and sadness."Killing my sister is never the solution! Why can't you see that May had been living under your rules and surviving under your laws just so you could love her? Why do you have to love her because she failed just one mission? Have you ever realized how badly you had affected May's life?" Her brother Caleb yelled and the Alpha Sandres just stood, watching him."You know what? You are just a coward who cannot face his battle, rather using his poor daughter to face it instead." He added and left the place angrily.However, his words didn't soften the Alpha's mind and his anger only increased.He stared at May's struggling mother on the ground and bent on his one knee closer to her.He pushed the hair that fell over her face cold and grabbed her ears."Until May returns, you will be the one serving all her punishments, because it was your fault for giving birth to a loser!" The Alpha said and she only cried loudly.He let her g
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At the penthouse, Amby's body is slowly giving up on her.Her eyes were pale and her lips dried.She kept on vomiting as May continued feeding her the wolf's bane.All she prayed for was for the Moon Goddess to send Jake to her because she had full faith that he was trying everything to save her.May entered the room with a grin on her face."So sweetie, you are still alive?" She said and grabbed Amby's chin with her fingers, plucking her sharp claws in Amby's face giving her an injury.Amby groaned and cried but May wasn't moved at all by it."I want to use the restroom," Amby mumbled.May laughed."Oh, you think here is your pretty Palace where you can get a restroom? Sorry darling, but you have to do your business right where you are seated, like the dog that you are." May spat her saliva on her.Amby closed her eyes as the saliva landed on her face."Have you forgotten that it's just me and you here and there isn't any maid to help clean up the mess? So it's either you let me use
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Jerome heed to June's advice and decided to confront Jerome. He came to the hospital and found a nurse just finished giving him an injection. Jake walked inside and Jerome was angry when he saw him standing next to him. "Are you here to finally kill me? Don't worry, you can do that easily since I'm weak now, but that will only make you a coward." Jerome exclaimed. "And what will make you think I'm here to kill you when I was the one that brought you to the hospital?" Jake asked. Jerome looked at him with one eye, while maintaining a rigid expression. "You are not here to kill me?" Jerome answered. Jake pulled a chair and sat down. "I'm here to talk calmly with you, and if you cooperate with me, I won't kill you, but if you try to be stubborn and act otherwise, then I can shoot your brain and that will be the end for you." Jake stated. "And you think your empty threats will get to me?" Jerome asked and Jake laughed a bit. "I'm the Alpha, I don't give empty threat's. I can kill
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Jake left Jerome's after giving her all the necessary information he required from him.He decided to speak with Williams as speaking with him always sparks up his hope.He arrived at the house arrest palace and was welcomed by the guards who lined up to greet him. Jake accepted their greetings before entering inside to meet Williams reading a book."Williams! Hey!" Jake said with a happy face, but Williams just glanced at him and back to his book, which left Jake surprised, but he decided to shrugged it up.He went and sat on a chair next to Williams, but Williams did not spare him a look."Um, Williams. How are you doing?" Jake asked, trying to start a conversation."I'm good, as you see." Williams answered."Yooh dude, you are not fine. Tell me, have i done something to you?" Jake asked."What have you not done! Huh!" Williams spat."I don't understand this attitude. Where are all of these coming from?" Jake asked, standing up."It came from wherever you think it came from. I canno
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Williams gained his freedom and Adams came to take him out of the house arrest.The Alpha had given the instructions for all the guards to respectfully welcome him back to the palace and his position as the beta of the pack.Songs and flutes were blown in the spirit of the celebration."Congratulations my dude, you are finally inhaling the air of freedom." Adams teased."Of course, you are not happy, right?" Williams replied."I am happy, of course. To be honest, I also had believed you had an affair with Amby because of how much you used to adore her and stuffs like that." Adams exclaimed.Williams glared at him."The only reason why I adored Amby was because of Andrew." Williams said and the smile on Adams face faded."Andrew was my best friend and after his death, I was just trying to be an elder brother to Amby, so Andrew's soul will rest in peace knowing that his sister is safe and in good hands." Williams exclaimed."It's all my fault that Andrew died. If only I didn't force him
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Jake is pissed at Elder Cyril's stubbornness, so he ordered the entire household of Cyril to either confess or of any crime or face expulsion and be stripped of all they had accumulated within their year.The entire Pack is in turmoils, rumors begin to fly around that May and Elder Cyril, in collaboration with some dethroned Elders, were in on everything together.The people were living in fright as Jake had utterly lost his temper and deal with everyone mercilessly regardless of how small or big someone's crime is.Williams thought of it and decided to converse with Jake and think about a possible solution to bring back the happiness in his pack.Arriving there, he met Jake yelling at a servant who served Jake's coffee too hot as he claimed he asked for a cold one.He ranted and insulted the maid angrily before emptying the whole cup of hot coffee on her."What is wrong with you Jake! Look what you have done to that innocent maid!" Williams yelled, coming to her rescue.The maid crie
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