All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
171 Chapters
Trouble Brewing
In forty five minutes as planned, Liam shows Ivy his phone, a smile on his face.He's on Tiara's page."What am I supposed to see here?" She asks, seeing nothing interesting on the page. She looks up at him curiously."That's it exactly. What you're supposed to see there is not there anymore, because of..." He scrolls down right into the CR Group's own post.She reads the whole thing, enamored, and then the video right underneath it.Their whole encounter at the restaurant. From the time the tiny camera was set to the time when Ivy left the room.Ivy reads it all with wide eyes. "She posted this?""Nope, well, yes, but an edited version. She removed all her own words and made you seem like a rude bitch who only cares about herself and still pours water on her as well.""That seemed oddly specific.""Do you know what's more? I don't think you have seen your account this morning. Ashton opened an Insta account and posted you. Do you even know what his handle is?"Genuinely interested in
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Icy Cold.
Ashton exits his car, looking around at the very large mansion in front of him.It would do the place justice if it's called a castle infact, because there is no other word that can be used to qualify such a large and well placed together housing.Maybe an Estate?The front door opens and out comes who he's learnt is Ivy's younger brother.Also a flaming red head.Liam bounds towards him, a slight smile on his face. "Good evening brother in law." He greets, expecting a comeback.Ashton, still leaning on the car, just smiles. "Hi Liam. What are you up to today?""I'm fine. I'm just curious after all that fiasco online. That picture you posted of her, looks pretty recent. Where did you take it?""The morning of her divorce." He replies passively, closing the car door and walking to meet Liam on the other side. "I took it at the courthouse after she submitted the document and it got finalized.""Wow. That's so cool and brave of you. I'm jealous of you two." He coos slightly, tilting his
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Wicked Smiles.
"This is my first and last warning to you. Watch yourself and watch your back. You've stabbed her back once but I won't let it happen again, physically or otherwise."Richard quickly intervenes and drags Arielle away from their front. "You can go now. Thanks for bailing me out.""I want my money back later." Ashton suddenly says, looking straight at Richard who forces himself to nod.Ashton removes Ivy's hand from his forearm and puts her warm palms in his. "Let's go dear." He smiles at her, his smile wide and taunting.Inside, she's a mess with laughter but she holds it in until they get to the car and drive away.Watching the red SUV drive away, Arielle seethes. "I get that he's a fine man who's rich and all that, who is he to talk to me like that?"Richard tuts. "I don't think you know the kind of person my brother really is. He keeps his friends close and his enemies closer as those wise words says."Arielle chuckles. "I would never have thought you're that smart. I have to say, h
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After getting out of her clothes, Ivy looks around at her options.There's a long tee shirt and a short casual top with a male short.She opts for that and puts it on.She looks at herself and smiles. The top manages to be shorter on her, showing her belly button, she twirls around, admiring how she manages to look so good after all she went through.She sniffs the air. "The food's here so soon? Smells so good." She opens the room door and rushes downstairs, following the nice aroma to the kitchen where the scene before her makes her stop short.Ashton is chopping spring onions on the cutting board, an apron tied on his narrow waist in a pretty perfect bow.She chuckles.He turns around from the sound. "Come in and have a seat over there." He points to a reclining chair in the corner.Wordless, she sits down. "So... You're the one cooking." She comments"Surprised? I'm guessing you don't see that often." He retorts, giving her a sidewards glance."No, I don't. We have chefs at home an
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...Your Scars
Ashton feels the warm liquid drop on his neck and he leans in to her, letting her hug him from behind comfortably.'I made a right choice. Late, yes but right? Completely.' He thinks in his head.He clutches her hand and squeezes it two times. "I promise to not betray you as well, ever."She soon let's go of him and returns to her own chair, trying to wipe her eyes without looking like she is doing so.Ashton passes her a paper towel and she smiles and takes it.He looks outside and sighs fakely. "Oh, it looks like time has really flown by. How about I drop you off tomorrow morning? If you don't mind staying over?"She coughs slightly and drinks a glass of water. "Yeah, I'll stay... Uhm... In my room. Yeah, I can stay over in my room."He notes her nervousness and raises his hands in surrender. "I promise to be a gentleman tonight."Tonight.And tonight alone.She nods, completely overlooking the underlying trouble that the whole statement brings with it."Fine then. I don't want to p
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No Warmth.
Tiara wakes up with red rimmed eyes from crying so much the day before.She screams again, remembering the events of the previous day. "I would have paid that much for fucking damages when I didn't even target them?"Her stylist and assistant barges in, hearing her scream. "Tiara? What is wrong? Why did you scream so loud?"Tiara eyes the pretty lady with disgust.Her hair ruffled in every direction and her composure faltering, it's quite obvious her assistant did not sleep all night. "I'm sorry for barging in like that. I was worried when I heard the scream.""I called for a glass of water around three am and nobody answered me. What the fuck am I paying you all for if you can't do simple things like bringing me water?"Yale sighs. "Sorry. I was working on reviewing all your offers all night so I slept off around two am and then woke up four am again to continue. You might have called while I was asleep.""Again, am I paying you to sleep here? I kay you so well and handsomely so you
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New Resolve
Ivy walks to the glass table in the room and gently drops the bento box in her hands.Very calmly and showing no expression whatsoever, she strides to where Arielle stands and slaps her.Arielle, shocked by the impact. "What..." She starts.Another slap.Her hands fly to her face, hoping to block her from hitting her again."Stop." Arielle shrieksIvy raises her hand and slaps her on her exposed cheek. "Is this enough yet for you to come your senses?"Arielle gasps. "You witch."Ivy slaps her again, the sounds of the slaps making mighty resonstuons.Ashton just reclines on his swivel chair, watching Ivy deal with Arielle."Is that enough yet?" Ivy asks again, her eyes bearing murderous intent.Arielle is too much in a daze and in pain to respond to her question. Arielle bends down to retrieve her leather coat but Ivy steps on it."No." Ivy picks up the coat, opens the window on the fifteenth floor and throws the coat downstairs, fifteen floors down into the road."No!" Arielle scream
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Birds of same feathers.
Black coat draped on her left hand and bag on the right, Arielle saunters into Blue Ridge and looks around.She walks to the reception. "Is Tiara here yet?""Tiara... Oh yeah. The influencer? Yes ma'am, she's here. Please go up the stairs to room thirty. She's waiting in there."Arielle nods and takes the staircase up to the row of halls where the VVIP rooms are.Behind her, the receptionists snicker. "Of course, birds of the same feathers. I don't think that one has any idea what she looks like.""What won't these kind of women do for the sake of fashion? Sick."Upstairs, Arielle locates room thirty and opens the door."Hi, are you Tiara?" She asks as she closes the door behind her."I am. Have a seat." Tiara says, trying to be polite while very impolitely staring at what Arielle has on. "I hope I didn't take you from an important plan?""No, you didn't. I just went somewhere before receiving your call."Arielle is not about to tell Tiara that she just came back from seducing the man
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Cafe Vanilla
Ivy rests her head on her car's wheel.A feeling of fear and doubt clouding her reasoning.She had been on top of the world when Richard proposed to her, so happy and had felt it was right and felt completely and utterly fulfilled.Now, she's going it again. She feels fine with Ashton, like she's getting the cream of the crop, like he's very right for her and that she'll feel fulfilled but the same feelings are the same ones she felt when she was getting married to Richard as well.It's like deja vu to an extent.She sighs, again and again, wondering to do.Should she call off the wedding?Should she just run away and come back when the scandal would have been forgotten?Should she...Her train of thoughts is interrupted by a knock on her car's glass.Startled, she looks up, right into Ashton's eyes."What..." She starts as she wounds down the window of the car. "What are you doing here? You should be in your office.""I can't concentrate anyway. Wanna go out and grab a cup of tea wit
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YES, Again.
The waiter nods and leaves."You were staring." Ivy comments."Was I? I didn't notice until now but you have this aura around you."What aura?""I would rather keep it to myself for now. As I was saying, I and Richard are different. I would never, never treat you the way he did, which of course, he's still going to pay for." His eyes stray down slowly to her hand where the burn has faded but it's still a little splotchy around where the burn once was."I know. But... I can't help but feel scared. The same way I feel around you now is the same way I felt around Richard when we got married. It felt so right...""No, that marriage was never right. Your family wasn't involved nor invited and neither was ours." Ashton states plainly. Ivy looks down, realizing he is right. How did she miss all those red flags? He always had an excuse, an answer for every question, every probe, which means that Richard had always thought of them before she even asked.Ashton watches her, noticing the confli
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