All Chapters of CREATED FOR RUIN: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
RICARDO I knew she was coming. The moment Ginevra rode her bike into this province, I monitored her through all the security cameras I had set up around every corner I could find. True that I had left the mafia behind, but I was still as security conscious as ever. I had prepared for Ginevra's arrival. Over a month and two weeks, that was all I could think of. What I'd say, how I'd run into her arms and bask in her warmth, how I'd scream at top my lungs and tell her how much I'd missed her, but now that she was so close, all I wanted, was to run as far away from her as possible. She was danger. A thing never to contend with. I hurried to the kitchen to make us dinner as that was the only reasonable thing I could think of at that moment. The door beeped a few times and I knew she was imputing the security code that'd allow her gain access into the house. And I fucking froze. My back was turned to her but I could tell how frozen she was when she saw me. Same baby, same. It wa
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RICARDO I stood there at the bottom of the stairs as I waited for Ginevra to walk down in all her glory. Her birthday suit. Fuck, that woman was so sexy I could melt at just one glance at her. It truly was hard keeping a straight face and unwavering demeanor whenever she was around. Less down twenty minutes and she appeared at the top of the stairs, flashing me her beautiful smile as she began walking down each step like a model on the runway. I had asked that she come down in her birthday suit but as stubborn as she was, she made the decision to defy me. She adorned herself in a lacy lingerie that left nothing to the imagination. She was almost naked but I'd have loved it better if she came as she was. I flashed her my own smile and my blue orbs softened but only a millisecond. "You don't do well with obeying orders." My voice was a rasp. . .so unsteady in a manner that gave away my desperation to be buried inside her. "I have a thing for defying you especially, Ricardo. I love
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RICARDO My grip tightened around her beautiful thighs that were wrapped around my torso as I gently lowered her onto my dick. I threw my head back and my hips bucked at the feeling of her warmth after a really long time. "Dio mio." My dick throbbed inside her and a tingling sensation captured my spine, causing me to halt every form of movement as my breath became extremely uneven. I moaned, my chest heaved, my heart pounding so hard against my chest, and my eyes rolling to the back of my head. "It's been too fucking long, baby," I muffled. "Just a month and two weeks." Ginevra moaned a hushed murmur. "Exactly forty four days, one thousand and fifty six hours, thirty minutes and ten seconds." I breathed, "why did you have to wait so long? I missed every part of you, of this, of your beautiful cunt." I whimpered. I stayed still, allowing myself feel every inch of her, miserable that she might leave me and run off if I let her go. At that moment, I wanted to beg her never to leave
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RICARDO "Do you know what this is?" Ginevra's eyes widened, not just because of my question, but because of what I had in my hand. The bullets that were extracted from my ribcage where she had shot me. "Do you know how long I stayed in surgery for? Seventy two fucking hours, Ginevra. When I woke up, Alex had told me that during the time when I was partially conscious, all I did was beg him not to sell you out. I begged that you were left alone even when I was dying from your bullets." A maniac, hysteria laughter bubbled out of me. "Do you know why I wanted you to be safe?" Ginevra's mouth hung open as her eyes stayed locked on the tattoo on my chest. "First, I believed you when you said that it was a mistake. I trusted that you'd never hurt me on purpose. Second, I wanted to pay the price for the sins I committed against you, for lying, for taking whatever game I thought I was playing too far. I needed to make it right." I bit my lip and a tear slipped down my cheek. "Third? I l
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GINEVRA My consciousness was awake but my eyes stayed closed and I took the opportunity to decipher what had happened the last time I was fully conscious. I felt disgusted at myself for what I'd become, I felt ashamed that I was slowly shutting down mentally, I felt aggravated that I still got scared whenever images of Julia flashed my eyes. That was exactly what happened before a panic attack dawned on me—Julia’s image flashed my eyes and that was all it took for every single breath to get knocked out of me. 'How am I still alive?' Was the question that plagued my mind, considering Ricardo was hell bent on making sure he ripped me apart yesterday. But if I was conscious that'd mean that he actually put his torture on hold after I'd passed out. I didn't need to be told even with my eyes closed that Ricardo was in the room with me. There was just something about him that made his presence known, still, I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. Not yet. I was afraid of what was awa
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GINEVRA I slipped out of my room, making sure my feet delivered featherlight contact to the floor as I made my way down the spiral stairs. All those hours I spent in my room, I took my time pondering over the life Ricardo was offering. It was a promising one, a peaceful life, a life that offered the quietness and gentility I sought, but it was not for me. I was too fucked up in the head for that life. I made a decision. I was leaving and I was leaving without letting Ricardo know. "Going somewhere?" That familiar thick voice echoed and halted my movement just when I was about twisting the door knob. I spun around and was met with Ricardo's piercing gaze. Those blue irises shone so bright and my knees almost gave out on me. "I asked you a question, Ginevra, are you headed somewhere?" Somewhere; the irony. "I'm leaving." I deadpanned as I straightened my back. "Leaving where?" Ricardo asked in amusement. "I'm leaving this house, I'm leaving Tuscany, I want out of this." "No."
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GINEVRA I was met by Ricardo's glorious presence the moment I walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom, causing me to puff out a confused breath. "What the hell do you think you're doing in here?" I questioned frustratedly. He stood up and motioned towards me as he murmured, "why's your backpack out? Are you going somewhere?" My mouth dropped open and I let out a confused scoff as my brows furrowed. "It was you who pointed out the door and asked that I leave. And I wonder what you were thinking coming in here when you've made it clear that I'm the danger; you know, the ticking bomb. . ." Ricardo massaged his temple with one hand while the other was shoved into the pocket of his jeans. "Ginevra. . . Baby," his eyes softened as he stared at me intently. "I'm sorry for the things I said to you earlier. It's true that I don't trust you enough just yet but I shouldn't have expressed my doubts in the way I did." He began taking calculated steps toward me but I mirrored him by taking
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GINEVRA A grumble escaped me when I awoke to the harsh attack of the morning’s sunlight against my eyes. Perhaps at the feel of something wet scattering across my skin. "I can feel your boner. I swear to God, Ricardo Sanchez." Ricardo chuckled through his not so subtle groan, "as much as I'd love to, that's not the reason I'm here. Breakfast is ready, go freshen up and come put something into that grumbling stomach of yours." My eyes immediately snapped open and I jumped down from the bed, hurriedly making my way into the washroom. Yes, I loved food and after that extremely eventful night I had with Ricardo, it was only right that I was famished. After I and Ricardo had finished with the amazingly cooked breakfast, we decided to snuggle up and watch a movie. Except, I was more interested in talking than I was in watching any movie. I mean, what movie would we have watched? "What would you like to do now that you've ruled out watching a movie?" Ricardo had asked as his tongue gl
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GINEVRA I woke up with no sign of Ricardo around the house, except the pretty white vintage dress and a pair of white thigh high boots that were perfectly placed on the cushion with a note that read—wear me. It had been a month. A month since I and Ricardo had the opportunity to have a proper conversation. A month since we began drifting apart. A month since he received that text that changed him completely. Most times, he'd leave the house without returning, and when he did return, he only had the energy for a quick fuck and nothing more. He became very frustrated, angry, absent, torn, and some days he'd come home with bruises. I'd ask about the bruises and he'd sometimes get angry at me for asking, and most times, he'd claim that things had gotten out of hand at the local gym. Lies after lies was all he told. But there was me who suffered emotionally and physically. I had been getting sick nonstop in the past month and I didn't know what to do for myself except wake up and
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RICARDO I married her. I married the love of my life! Made her mine in every way possible. Told her how much I loved her. Listened to her as she screamed how much she loved me at the top of her lungs. We signed those papers that joined both of us together until death did us part. She was my one and I finally had her all to myself. But my joy was incomplete, my joy was filled with fear of the unknown, there was uncertainty lurking and that was because. . .They found me. I made a fucking mistake and I was sniffed out. Putting it out exactly how it played out, my father— Luigi Sanchez— held Alex in his custody and tortured him until my best friend had no other option than to give up my location. That day, when my phone had vibrated, my heart dropped when I saw the content of the message. Pictures of Ginevra holding me in her arms, pictures of her straddling me, pictures of her head thrown back in pleasure as she rode my cock. Those were the images that flooded my phone. Anot
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