All Chapters of You're Mine, Ex-wife!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 118
118 Chapters
Opened Wounds
I needed to speak to Charlotte, to address the heartache that was so clearly etched on her face. Allison's voice escalated, slicing through the hum of the supermarket with a sharpness that made me flinch. "How can you leave us here for a barren woman!" she exclaimed, her words loaded with an accusation that reverberated down the aisles.Her declaration stopped me cold. I spun around, facing her, my shock mirrored in the eyes of the onlookers who had overheard. "What's your problem, Allison? How could you say that?" I demanded, my voice a cocktail of disbelief and anger.The air between us crackled with tension, shoppers pausing in their tracks to witness the drama. Allison's face was set, her eyes unyielding as she spat back, "That's what she is."But I couldn't stand there, couldn't digest the cruelty in her words or the scene we were causing. I muttered to myself, "I don't have time for this," my mind racing with the need to find Charlotte, to apologize, to make things right.Witho
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I Really love her
Returning home after a prolonged absence, I sank into the comforting embrace of the living room couch, the familiar surroundings enveloping me. Memories flooded my mind as I reflected on the life I once shared with Charlotte, a time filled with joy and love. Yet, amidst the reminiscing, a pang of regret pierced my heart as I acknowledged a rift that had torn us apart. "It's all my fault," I admitted to myself in a hushed tone, my confession hanging heavy in the air.As I gazed into the empty space before me, a bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of my lips, memories of our days together playing like a movie in my mind. The laughter, the shared dreams, the moments of intimacy - all now tinged with loss and longing. "I still love her," I whispered to the silent room, the words echoing softly in the stillness.The flickering light of the setting sun cast a warm glow through the window, painting the room in hues of gold and amber. Shadows danced across the walls, mirroring the turbule
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How unlucky can one man be
The air crackled with tension as my anger simmered just beneath the surface, a volatile mix of emotions threatening to erupt at any moment. "Why am I wasting my words with you, huh?" I seethed, my voice edged with frustration as I snatched the car key from Allison's hand, my resolve firm and unwavering. "I need to go get the woman I want," I declared to Allison, my gaze steely as I turned away, determined to follow the path my heart yearned for.Allison's desperate plea echoed in the room, a final attempt to hold onto a love slipping through her fingers. "Dylan, you can't do this to me," her voice carried a note of desperation, a plea tinged with fear and uncertainty. But my mind was set, my steps resolute as I pushed forward, the pull of destiny drawing me towards a future I dared to grasp.As I neared the door, a sudden weight bore down on my arms, a force pulling me back with unexpected strength. "What are you doing?" I demanded, my voice tinged with anger as I turned to face Allis
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Karma is such a bitch
Allison POVAs I slowly blinked my eyes open, the world around me came into focus, the sterile white walls of the hospital room closing in around me. disorientation gripped me as I realized I was alone, the silence of the room echoing with my confusion.Memories flooded back in a rush, the events leading up to this moment playing out like a fragmented movie in my mind. I remembered the sharp pain, the sickening thud as I fell and struck my baby bump on the unforgiving edge of the table in the living room. Dylan's panicked face swam before me, his urgent actions to get me to safety etched in my memory.A surge of panic shot through me as I instinctively reached for my swollen belly, only to be met with a hollow emptiness that made my heart skip a beat. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I stared down at my once-prominent baby bump, now reduced to a flat expanse that betrayed the absence of the life that had once thrived within me."Huh?!" I gasped, the realization hitting me like a physi
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Break down
Dylan POV As the days stretched on in the somber confines of the hospital room, Allison's heart-wrenching cries seemed to echo endlessly, a haunting soundtrack to the anguish that enveloped us all. Her mother, Sonia, and my steadfast grandma Adaline stood vigil by her side, their presence a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume her fragile spirit. They watched over her with unchanging devotion, their eyes filled with sorrow and determination.Yet amid the hushed whispers and heavy silences, a singular obsession gnawed at me—a relentless need to reach Charlotte, to bridge the chasm that had widened between us. Ignoring the pleas and protests of those around me, I made a fateful decision to seek her out, to confront the tumultuous emotions that churned within me.The drive to Charlotte's house was a blur of frenzied determination, each passing mile fueling the fire of my resolve. Pulling up to the imposing gates that guarded her sanctuary, I braced myself for the confr
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As the darkness enveloped me like a shroud, a lone beacon of light in the distance beckoned to me, a promise of respite amid the encroaching night. With a surge of determination, I quickened my pace, each step fueled by the dwindling reserves of strength that I clung to desperately.Finally, I reached the welcoming glow of the house, my heart pounding with relief and exhaustion. I rapped urgently on the door, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night until it swung open to reveal a middle-aged woman peering out at me with curiosity and concern."Good day, ma'am. I need your help," I managed to gasp out, my voice strained from the exertion of the long and arduous journey. The words spilled forth in a rush, a plea for aid from a weary traveler who had stumbled upon a rare sanctuary in the darkness.With a weary sigh, I relayed my tale of misfortune—the broken-down car, the dead phone, the endless stretch of desolate road that had led me to her doorstep. exhaustion hung heavy
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Davidson POV Stepping into the grand hotel, the air thick with the hum of chatter and laughter, I heard my name being called by my group of friends. "Davidson, Davidson!" their voices rang out in jovial tones, and I turned to acknowledge them with a wave and a smile. Yet, amidst the friendly banter and familiar faces, my thoughts were consumed by one name alone - Charlotte.With a heavy heart, burdened by the memory of Charlotte's rejection and the ache of unrequited love, I sought solace by the serene waters of the hotel's swimming pool. Each step towards the pool felt like a journey into the depths of my own turmoil, a desperate attempt to quell the storm of emotions raging within me.Standing at the edge of the pool, lost in contemplation, I was startled by the sound of my name whispered behind me. "Davidson," a voice called out, and a delicate hand brushed against my bare skin, sending a shiver down my spine. The touch was both cold and warm, a paradoxical sensation that jolted m
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A Stranger Who Saved My Life
Charlotte POVMy heart still racing with anger and hurt, I was abruptly jolted from my thoughts as Allison, like a whirlwind of fury, swung the car door open and shoved me out onto the gravel driveway. The shock of the sudden push left me stumbling, my hands reaching out instinctively to steady myself. As I regained my footing, I was greeted by a scene that left me utterly bewildered.Before me stood a gathering of people - everyone, Dylan's relatives. Allison, her face contorted with rage, advanced towards me with clenched fists, her eyes blazing with anger. I braced myself for the blow, closing my eyes tightly and bowing my head in anticipation. But to my surprise, the blow never came I wasn't hit . Instead, I heard a voice beside me, a voice I didn't recognize. "Charlotte, are you okay?" the stranger asked, his tone filled with concern. Slowly, I opened my eyes to find a young man standing in front of me, his gaze fixed on mine with worry and determination. The guy had held Allis
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