All Chapters of My Luna Hates Me: Winning Back His Luna's Heart: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
131 Chapters
The Snoop
Ember's POV"Why don't you just kill him so that I can just rest from the noise that you delight in making. What's your deal with always threatening to kill each other? If it's not for the minute things you don't have peace. Isn't it always shameful to you? If it isn't to you, I get pissed a lot." I replied.With this, the power struggle ended and Greg removed his hand from Anthony's neck. "What would happen if a visitor was coming in at the same time seeing you as a nuisance? I don't think you reason at all." I fired at them. They were pissing me off. It was always one issue or the other."Don't speak to us like toddlers. We aren't the cause of the fight between you and Trent." I sighed. I understood what they were trying to do but I wouldn't fall for it one bit. " You are trying to get me riled up but you can try again. I'm stating the truth unapologetically. If you're offended, why don't you pierce yourself with a spear or bang your head against the wall." Greg's face turned red
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Ember's POVI swiveled at Trent's words. His eyes bulged out as he stared at me, intense anger shining in his eyes as the poor guard was being dragged away. There were certain things that made me a bit tiring to watch or even handle. His anger was one of them."Tell me, what are you snooping around for?" He asked me and I shrugged, stalling to find a plausible excuse that wouldn't reveal what exactly was going on. If he wanted me to actually explain what was going on, he would do more than threaten me because it wouldn't work at all. "You're blowing it out of proportion. It's not what you think.""I heard what he said from the beginning. In what area am I wrong?" He raised his brows in a questioning manner laced with disbelief. He knew that I was lying but sadly there was nothing that he could do to get the information out of me."Are you telling me that I'm crazy? Is that what this is? You should know that it won't work. Tap on a clip to paste it in the text box. You will see what y
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Calling Truce
Ember's POVAnd guys, that was how the deal was struck. I helped him through the past week with getting his financial records right. But that wasn't all that happened. I was also prepping by the side for the celebratory dinner that was scheduled to be held soon. Trent mandated that I didn't lift a finger but that was not going to work because I wanted everything to be perfect."Sonia, are you sure that the orders have been settled?" I asked her when she walked into my room later in the evening. I was not allowed to go out no matter how much I wanted because I was swamped with work It was not easy to find Trent around these days, the construction for the academy that he planned on running had begun. I guess that was part of the reason he was having the celebratory dinner too. To rub it in the faces of those who refused to yield to his words. The greedy lots who didn't want to do any work, yet enjoyed the fruit of someone else's labor. "That's a relief. I would be needing your help wi
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Dispelling The Truth
Ember's povThat was my next line of action, making sure that I got the names of all the people who were supposed to be present here without fail. Apparently, their law here was so that the Luna would have time to welcome the Alpha's visitors. It was a sign of respect that had to be followed to the T I didn't have time to differentiate between their faces and names. it would have been better for me to be left alone than to be involved in stuff like this but I guess I had no choice.My eyes wandered to the door. I was still waiting for the next line of action, especially from the event planner. She was supposed to come into the house and tell us how far she had gone. It was almost like a ball and I felt very weak and tired to even make a move.Sonia knocked and I sighed softly. "Are you with the papers? I hear that it's been a little hard for them to be able to reinstate what they were supposed to do. Isn't that abnormal?" I inquired again and she giggled. I could say that Sonia was
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Ember's POVI made sure that I shot him a confused look. I was the epitome of confusion, " What do you mean?" I replied, applauding myself internally for maintaining a calm composure when I was indeed trembling inside. It was a lot to process, seeing that he might have some information and was just waiting for confirmation. I'd be damned if there was a problem from my angle. Of course, I'll wait to be able to stop him from fostering the idea. Trent stared at me for the longest before shaking his head silently. I didn't know what he was thinking and honestly, I didn't care because I wouldn't allow him to know what I was up to." I don't know, you tell me." He replied cryptically and I raised a brow again to stare at him. Was he kidding me right now? I was sure that he must have been kidding because this was just an entire child's play if he thought that I was going to admit to knowing anything about him. " I don't know what you're expecting but I don't know what you mean or want to h
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Seeds of Doubt
Ember's POV"Help her do what?" "I don't know what's wrong with that girl. Everyone just keeps telling me that she's still with that godforsaken man, I don't think I've ever seen anyone so nonchalant and careless as my sister. I feel ashamed to call her that because she makes it hard to speak to the pack when she's doing the worst.`` I hummed instead and sipped my glass of margarita. I was told that it was safe for me to drink as long as it was in moderate proportion. "Is that all you're going to say?" I nodded. " She wished me death, what do you want me to say? That I would talk to her when I won't? No, that's impossible. And after, have you tell me that I'm the one enabling her. I guess you've finally seen the reason she fell pregnant the first time." He tickled me causing my drink to spill over on my dress. " See what you did now. What do you gain from this now?" I reached for the serviette and used it to dab at the front of my dress while he tightened his grip on my shoulder
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I spy with my little eye
Ember's POV"What do you mean for his ex-wife?!" I replied, causing the kids to jolt at the sound of my voice. This was totally rubbish. Why was he bringing her to the house? "Is Trent aware of this nonsense?"She shook her head, " No, I don't think so. I think it's intended to be a surprise to him too. She is basically coming to cause trouble which I wish can be prevented because I don't even know what to say." After searching her face and seeing that she was telling nothing but the truth I discovered that it was probably a very big issue and that it wouldn't be good if I wasn't in the know. One thing was still confusing though. " Why is she now trying to mend fences with me?" I asked her. She shrugged nonchalantly. " I don't know, but she says that she's sorry. I guess the former Luna doesn't have a place to stay anymore and he's kind of owing her. I don't understand that area because it's quite gray. All I know is that it's not that hard to understand. I was just thinking about
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Pleasant surprises (i)
Ember's POVBy the next morning, I was already out of the house feeling a bit tired with the current situations of things. My head was working at a million miles per minute. For some, it might be a bit cool but for me it wasn't because I was still trying to navigate a lot of things that was bound to make me a bit confused for a while. One of my major problems was getting the thought of the new woman showing up while I was around. Anyway, I had decided that I was going to make sure that nothing stopped or hindered me from doing what I should do on a normal day. I was in my room, attending to my kids and also drawing the board map for what I was going to do with my life and how to take my business to a bigger level. What better way could I have done this except making sure that I left the house for a few minutes and made sure that there was nothing hindering me from doing the best that I could do at least for now. I was a bit worried about everything that was going on. What if there
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Unpleasant surprises(ii)
Ember's POV"Oh? I don't know what is going on... Yeah... today is my birthday. I have totally forgotten about that."He kissed me and smiled. "Well I haven't. it's a good thing you dressed up pretty. I was scared that you wouldn't fall for my trucks. Alas, it ended up being good though. I don't think that anyone would be able to stop your shine at least not now."I smiled at him because this was a very sweet thing to do and I felt warm in my heart. It's almost as though there was something that was stuck in my throat. I couldn't believe that I was crying. "Thank you.""Are you crying, Ember?" The men began to clap and more tears streamed down my eyes. I was happy and at the same time sorrowful. Reason being that this man was a very good man and he was going to be heartbroken later on. I would have preferred to hurt a man if he was probably wicked to me but doing all of this and still betraying him? I didn't know how to navigate that."You are so overwhelmed." He muttered and I sta
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The Rival
Ember's POVI glared at the stupid woman that was ranting. I just knew who she was the moment she walked in."Let her go." I told the guards who unhandled her and was making her think about the next thing to do. "You shouldn't be here. Why are you a nuisance? There are better ways to make an entry. It's late already." I said and she glared at me but I didn't care at all. it was her business whatsoever she tried to do with or without my consent."Yo have some nerve to act like you're high and mighty because of what in fact? The fact that you don't need all the money in the world but you still end up with my husband looking deathly pale?"I raised a brow at her. She was sounding deranged and I was very sure that there was a problem somewhere that she needed to address then right after we could start doing something else that we should have from the beginning. "Are you sure that you're okay? I'm asking respectfully. I don't know what I should even tell you." I replied.She glared at me
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