All Chapters of The Perfect Retribution : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
133 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One
Justin's POVMy heart raced as I laid eyes on Ayva, disbelief and confusion washing over me. How could it be? Ayva passed away five years ago, and I vividly remember attending her funeral. Yet, here she was, standing before me. My brows furrowed as I carefully examined her face, searching for any subtle clues that might indicate that she wasn't Ayva but someone who looked like her. The thoughts were interrupted by her voice when she asked, "How do you know my name?" The voice was unmistakably Ayva's. A chill went down my spine as realized that it was really her. Confusion clouded my mind. I had so many questions I wanted to ask. Why doesn't she remember me? And why was she confined to a wheelchair? I was concerned and curious, desperately trying to figure out the mystery that was before me.Interrupting my thoughts, a lady's voice called out from behind me, "Ms. Ayva, we need to leave." The lady reached for the handle of Ayva's wheelchair, ready to whisk her away."Wait!" Ayva
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Chapter Twenty Two
Ayva’s POVTwo months flew by in the blink of an eye, and now it was my final day of physical therapy. I had made remarkable progress—I could walk flawlessly and even run as fast as I pleased. Though my memory hadn't returned, I was overjoyed to regain my independence, no longer confined to a wheelchair.Earlier, I had texted Justin to let him know that the doctor had discharged me. He replied, saying he was in a meeting. As much as I hated to admit it, his message made me a little sad. Justin had been there for me throughout the past two months, accompanying me to the hospital and even arranging for his secretary to be by my side on the days he couldn't make it. But today, for the first time, I had come to the hospital all by myself.After bidding farewell to the nurses, I stepped out of the hospital, taking a deep breath. I felt liberated, happy, and capable of going anywhere I desired. Normally, I would head back to Amanda's house after therapy, but today, I wanted to go somewhere
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Chapter Twenty Three
Justin’s POVI could tell exactly when Ayva's feelings for me changed. It was about five weeks ago. The way she looked at me, the effort she put into her appearance, and the way she smiled at me, it all became different from what I was used to. I noticed every little detail but never said a word. Instead, I became more distant and standoffish towards her.Ayva anxiously waited for my response to her question, her eyes glued to my lips."Can I kiss you?"Those words would have made 18-year-old me jump for joy. It would have made 23-year-old me feel like I could conquer the world. Yet, 28-year-old me couldn't find any happiness in it.Lord knows the number of times I had imagined this moment, Ayva finally seeing me the way I had always seen her since we first met ten years ago.Although I was only 18, I knew then that I wanted to spend my life with her. My feelings for her had been the same for as long as I could remember. And now that there was a chance she might feel the same, I could
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Chapter Twenty Four
Ayva’s POVMy heart sank to the pit of my stomach as I tried to process what Justin had just said. I couldn't tell if I had misheard him or if he had truly uttered the words that stung my heart. "W-what did you... I'm not sure I heard you correctly," I stammered, my voice trembling with disbelief and hope. I kept my eyes fixed on his side profile, waiting anxiously for his response, my palms growing clammy with each passing second.He let out a heavy sigh before delivering the words that felt like a bucket of icy water thrown in my face. "I'm getting married, Ayva. The wedding is in a month.""Why?" I blurted out, realizing immediately that I had asked the wrong question. "I mean, how? Since when? And why are you only telling me now?" Despite our past relationship, I believed Justin and I were close enough to talk about important matters like getting married. Did this mean that none of the time we spent together meant anything to him? Were the meals we shared and the laughter we enj
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Chapter Twenty Five
Ayva’s POV"Zion," I began, my voice trembling as I struggled to find the right words. The bitter taste of what I was about to say lingered in my mouth. "Did I... love you?"He nodded, tears streaming down his face. "You did. You loved me with all your heart, and I... I took it for granted," he choked out. "I took your love for granted. When Amanda found out, she was furious and..."His voice trailed off, his grip on my legs weakening."And what, Zion?" I almost screamed, desperation and confusion consuming me.No response.I knelt beside him, my heart pounding in my chest, only to discover that he had passed out His tears staining his face.I felt like the most despicable person in the world. Disgust washed over me as I realized the extent of my betrayal towards Amanda, an affair with her husband. Yet, despite my actions, Amanda had shown me forgiveness and cared for me all these years, even when I nearly destroyed her relationship with Zion.I started to question everything I had
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Chapter Twenty Six
Justin's POVMy body tensed up the moment Ayva wrapped her arms around my torso. I couldn't quite explain why her touch had that effect on me, but it did. It was like an involuntary reaction that I couldn't control, no matter how many times she touched me."I'm sorry," I whispered to her as she sobbed into my chest. I had unintentionally scared her, and I felt terrible about it. Gradually, my body started to relax under her touch, and I gently patted her hair, hoping to convey a sense of safety."We should get out of this place," I suggested, pulling back slightly to look at her face. She nodded, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.Throughout the ride home, Ayva remained silent. As much as I appreciated moments of silence, I couldn't help but miss her chatty nature. The silence reminded me of who she used to be."What are you thinking about?" I suddenly asked, breaking the silence that had lasted for thirty minutes.She took a moment to gather her thoughts, then shrugged."I w
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Ayva's POVMy heart shattered the moment Bella's lips met Justin's. Our eyes locked, and as much as I tried, I couldn't tear my gaze away from him. But he only held my stare for a fleeting moment before closing his eyes. Suddenly, I felt like an intruder in that kitchen, as if I was witnessing something I wasn't meant to see."You're gonna miss your flight!" The man who entered with Bella exclaimed, causing her to break away from Justin."Oh my God! I got so carried away, I almost forgot about that," Bella said, hastily wiping off the lipstick that had stained Justin's lips. "Babe, can you help me grab a suitcase from the closet? You know I can't reach it.""Uh, sure," Justin replied, and I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look up from my cup. I felt a strange sense of embarrassment for some reason. Bella tugged him along, and they disappeared into another part of the house."Hey, you must be Ayva," the man suddenly spoke, drawing my attention away from my cup
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Chapter Twenty Eight
Justin’s POV"What do you think of tomorrow? Will you be free?" Jace asked Ayva, and I found myself feeling like a third wheel, my jaw clenching tightly as I watched their interaction."Yeah, I am," Ayva replied, flashing him a sheepish smile. "8 pm?""Perfect!" Jace grinned, and a huge scowl etched itself onto my face. "So... I should get your number, don't you think?" I hated that Justin was openly flirting with Ayva, even though he knew how I felt about her."Um, I don't have a phone," Ayva said at the same time I blurted out, "Don't you have a flight to catch?""Oh my God! Jace, I'll kill you if I miss my flight," Bella exclaimed, wrapping her arm around mine."Can't you just take a taxi?" Jace snapped."No way! You brought me here, so you're taking me back," she said defiantly, folding her arms across her chest."You're so annoying!" Jace exclaimed, clearly frustrated. He glanced down at Ayva, and I couldn't help but notice the way his anger melted away, replaced by a smile as he
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Chapter Twenty Nine
Ayva’s POVI didn't come out of the room until I was sure Justin had left for work. He had been standing in front of my door as early as 7 am, apologizing for his behavior last night and begging me to open the door. But I couldn't. I was too embarrassed to face him. I knew he had heard me crying last night, despite my attempts to be quiet. I despised how easily I became emotional, how the smallest thing could bring me to tears. I wondered if this was a result of the accident or if I had always been this way.A smile involuntarily spread across my face when I entered the kitchen and discovered that Justin had prepared breakfast for me before he left. On the tray, there was a cup of coffee and a plate with an omelet, beans, bacon, and toasted bread."There's more coffee in the machine, in case you need it. I'm sorry," read the little note he had attached to the tray.A rosy blush colored my cheeks as I found his gesture sweet.Bella was really a lucky woman.I spent more than half of my
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Chapter Thirty
Justin's POVI suppose Jace was right. I was a selfish asshole. I didn't want to be with Ayva, yet I couldn't bear the thought of someone else having her. I'd neglected her feelings for me these past few weeks, dismissing them as if they weren't real. It was easier for me to pretend they didn't exist rather than confront them. I pushed her away when she tried to get close, making it clear that I didn't want her, that we couldn't be together. But the moment Jace showed interest in her, I couldn't handle the thought of her being into someone else. I wanted to claim her as mine, even though I had no right to.It was stupid of me to want her thinking of me while on a date with another man. But I didn't care. I was selfish enough to want her to keep wanting me and only me until she got her memory back. Maybe deep down, I knew that once she remembered everything, she'd see me as just a friend from school. Maybe that's why I wanted to hold onto those feelings she had for me for as long as ne
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